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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Happy Birthday to Nesher et al

    Many happy returns! is it just me or are there a lot of march birthdays? is it something about June....? All the coolest people have b-days in march (because I do! )
  2. Bowmarc... NOT MY FAVORTIE SAM!!!! IT WAS THE REPLACEMENT FOR THE ARROW!!!! Dief bough a whole bunch of the nuke armed ones and said that they were so much better than the Arrow that they made it obsolete. and yes, I'm still sore about that.
  3. Why don't we make themes for screenshot of the month? This way we'd have some idea what to enter, and I don't think it'd stunt anybody's creativity. It also might make it a bit easier for the admins to choose the winner. For example, one month could be "Bombers", then the next month "fighters", then "Helicopters" and so on. Or even more specific themes like "F-4 and variants" or "Custom pait jobs" or "action shots". Just throwing this out there...
  4. that thing kinda looks like a C-119, which reminds me. It'd be cool to have a C-119 Flying Boxcar, so i could re-enact some scenes from "Flight of the Phoenix"!

    (*grumble grumble grumble*) Now it's gonna be dark and cold and miserable again when I'm biking to school...
  6. Gamecam got corrupted and I can't pay for the new version, and fraps still causes CTD. No more videos from me. :cray:
  7. The release of the Mirage Factory's Kurnass got me wondering, what is the best variant or version of the F-4 Phantom II for dogfighting? The Kurnass? The E? The ICE? The J? I don't want what you THINK is the best, I want to know which one's the best by numbers for things like cimb rate, power:weight, manuverability, range, etc. Also, it must be a real F-4 variant avaliable for SFP1.
  8. Best F-4

    ok, 3 of those kills were AIM-9Ls, but the others were earlier 'winders, AIM-7E-3s and -4s and guns(!). I don't usually load out my planes with the best avaliable missiles, that's boring. The biggest change, though, is that my wingies are not getting blown up. Today one took down a MiG-29!!!
  9. I'm still waiting for: CF-100 CF-105 Convair 5800 (transport or possibly maritime patrol? It DOES fit the bill.) and, of course, the XB-70
  10. Best F-4

    to put it bluntly, that's one of the few planes that I probably wouldn't have known existed untill somebody points out how good it is. Somehow, I'm not suprised it's not modeled. Maybe I'll make one out of the ICE once I finally get it. I'm still having lots of fun with the F-4S, btw. EDIT: I got the ICE, finally. It's REALLY good too. I'm not sure why, but my wingmen, who usually have trouble getting any kills at all, are really kicking butt with the F-4S and ICE. In two missions, my wingies have taken down 7 MiG-23s, whereas with other planes, they always get blown up. I think the allied AI in SFP1 is optimised for F-4s, or something like that. Also, these F-4s are the only planes I can run flights of eight of without getting unbearable lag. Crud, I think I'm falling for Big Ugly!
  11. Best F-4

    where does the F-4S come in? it's got the slatted wings, and I think it's the most manuverable one I've flown. i still haven't got the ICE yet, though. The Kurnass was pretty good, but it wasn't as useful in a dogfight as the -S. And I can't seem to find that Greek one anywhere.
  12. Best F-4

    There's nothing I'd like more than to just go nuts and download ALL the F-4s avaliable. However, I don't have nearly enough HD space (2GB- SF takes up one and a half GB of that), and if I start to add without taking anything away, the lag becomes unbearable. I tried the F-4S late model, and I like it a lot. I'll also check out the ICE from Column5, and I'll see if I can clear some psace for the Kurnass.
  13. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    have you tried the KB? I'm sure there's no help in there, but I find that as soon as I start reading one of those threads looking for a valuable morsel of information, I begin to nod off...
  14. I just was wondering if there was a kirnass for SF, you guys read my mind!
  15. What Did You Have For Dinner

    man, you're making me hungry!
  16. EA-18G Growler Avionics

    prowler replaced by growler? Those NAVY guys aren't very original, are they? I'm part amazed, part horrified at the way the WHOLE NAVY air arm is becoming hornets. I suppose it shows the basic versatillity of the design.
  17. What Did You Have For Dinner

    I had classic BBQ clicken and rice. With a bunch of frank's red. 'MTL, how often do you take pictures of your dinner?
  18. wow, this is good. It makes me wish i didn't delete all my super planes... well, I'm off to release my series of low-res skins!
  19. M*A*S*H Bloopers

    I just found M*A*S*H seasons 1 and 2 on DVD at our local video store for $5 apice! I now have 48 episodes of the 4077! YEAH!
  20. Wings over...

    no, the enemies in WOC would be either the soviets trying to get our northeren oil reserves, or the Quebec Liberation Party Air Force.
  21. How Was Your Day....

    It's things like that that make you thankful for what you DO have. Now homework doesn't seem that bad.
  22. Wings over...

    wings over Kosovo or wings over Morridor WINGS OVER CANADA!! come on! I'd even settle for "wings Over Quebec"!
  23. Birthday

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! "VIGGY"!!!! jus' kidding, although it is kinda funny to see somebody aside from me taking flak.

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