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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. CA song

    "I'd mow 'em down like a weed eater..." Dos Gringos, "I wish I had a gun just like the A-10"
  2. How Was Your Day....

    that's really sad. my day was lousy too, we got a double assignment of math on top of everything else. :(
  3. actually, that was my wingie in the pic. I was in an F-8. 'winders proved useless, so I dumped them all and used guns. After wayy too many overshoots, I put some flap out and took to using the vertical. I got 8 and my wingie got 2. It's amazing how they just fell apart after taking a single round of 20mm!
  4. Inline VS Radial

    My flight lead is convinced that inline engines (Including Vs, Is and HOs) are better than radial engines (including dual, tri and quad banks). I like radials better.I'd like to settle this once and for all. No stupid "Piston-engines-are-crap-go-use-a-PT6" comments.
  5. okay, I don't think this is a tough one, but I'ts become a tripping stone for development of my custom planes. I'm trying to add a new missile to the stock F-4E Phantom. I did all the ini stuff and I know the missile will work on the plane, but I can't get it to show up in the avaliable inventory for the Phantom on any mission. I tried putting the new missile on with the loadout file, but to no avail. Any help is appreciated, and badly needed. Thanks!
  6. did it already, but then a bunch of my other planes have phoenixes too, and it was meant to be an exclusive weapon. I'll just modify the F-4J instead and go find a cool skin for it. problem solved- sorta. I donno about stormtroopers' hellmavs.
  7. aiee, it sounds like cargo has gotten serious about something... BREAKTHROUGH!!! I GOT THE PHOENIXES TO WORK ON THE F-4J!!! It must be a nations thing, then, despite the fact that I made all the loadout points able to use USN weapons.
  8. Wings over...

    STILL waiting for WoC... maybe they'll be a 1500AD sim, with Da Vinci's Ornithoptors, heliocopters and such, called "apendages of various flying machines over Italy" (AoVFMoI)
  9. Inline VS Radial

    remember, I'm not asking if the radial or inline were better in WW2, just in general. I knew Majorlee would be a big asset for the radial side
  10. Yes, Viggen, that is the arctic camo, or as we refer to it, "monochrome splinter". AmokFloo- I'll try that. EDIT- It didn't work. I can now load EVERY A2A MISSILE IN THE GAME on this sucker exept for the Phoenix. Even the AIR-2 Genie. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?
  11. if you really want a recording program that won't slow down your frame rates, go gamecam lite. it's just an essential recording system, but it works the best for dogfight recording.
  12. don't laugh, but I'm adding the Phoenix to an F-4E. I've got the .inis all worked out so it'll work (see pic), but the missile won't show up in the inventory/master list. I was gonna try to avoid mentioning that i was adding a phoenix to a phantom, 'cause I knew that would attract a lot of flak, but it seems I have no choice.
  13. Nope. Niet. Nein. Nothing. Tried that, The avaliability was set to 2 and base quantity was 40. Even worse, now it's not showing up in the master list at all, that seemed to be nothing more than a flash in the pan. I went over everything again, but it seems like it should all work.
  14. Using the WHOLE runway...

    Putin's lead brick collection? A shipment of depleted uranium doorstops? I believe that is an Ilyushin IL-76. I always thought, out of ALL the planes in the world, those suckers are the ones that should have burners.
  15. B-2 Crashes in Guam on take-off

    I'll bet the pilot sneezed at V2. wait... I know why all these planes are going kaputski... THE SOVIETS HAVE PUT SNEEZING POWDER IN ALL THE OXYGEN MASKS IN THE USAF! PILOTS ARE SNEEZING AT CRITICAL TIMES DURING FLIGHTS AND CAUSING CRASHES! boy, jumping to conclusions is tiring...
  16. Oh! Rignt! That french attacker/bomber/intercepter(huh?) from the 50's.
  17. Lamani- I know the missiles will fit and work on the plane, because I have loaded a mission as another plane that uses that missile and then switched planes on the loadout screen. This way I was able to fly with the new missiles on there, so I know I did the ini stuff right. FastCargo- I've checked all of these things many times already, and like I said, I CAN get the plane to fly with the missiles, but they just won't show up in the master list. REVISION- The missile DOES show up in the master list, but it says that there's 0 avaliable. Now how the heck do I change that?
  18. is this damage modeling gonna be in the next pack for SF? I can't run WoI, so if not, BUMMMER!!!! Hey bounder, what kind of plane is that? looks like Hawker Hunter/Yak-28 cross.
  19. I had this problem back when i had a bunch of WWII planes on here. A picture says a thousand words... remind you of a movie?
  20. Today, 49 years ago...

    that pic is my desktop background. I have a cassette copy of "supersonic sentinel", the official Avro Arrow promotion video. It has some nice flight scenes.
  21. Air Zoo pics

    just don't pull that black and yellow striped one. I'd give ANYTHING to see an F-14, let alone sit in one. Nice P-40, too!
  22. Winter driving goodies

    I don't like the embedded videos, I can't load them while surfing the forums.
  23. Winter driving goodies

    we had some crazy old bat ram into out '91 ford explorer with an '89 chevy cavalier. Roads were clear, no ice, we were just sitting at a stop light and she rams into us doing 90km/h (about 55 mph). Then she backed up and rammed us again. Then she backed up again, but my mom floored it and we got out of there just as she passed where we were a second ago. Then the messed up old fart proceeded to try to drive away, but cavalier VS explorer, and her car was totalled. All we had was a bent bumper and a cracked windshield! the old tart told police that somebody had hit her from behind and drove away, but there was no damage to the back of her car and we were the only two cars on the street. However, she did get a new car out of this. We got a new back bumper. Moral of the story: sure, big, heavy guzzlers make the earth warmer and empty your pocket, but in a crash, you're better off driving something built like a brick sh*t house than a little, anorexic smart car.
  24. skyhawks for sale? how much? with that latex coating, I'll bet that if they are bought or re-comissioned, they'll be called the Trojans!
  25. On this day...

    On this day 49 years ago, at 9:15 in the morning, the Avro Arrow and the Orenda Iroquois programs were canceled by the conservative government of John Diefenbaker for political reasons. According to diefenbaker, "By the time the Arrow program is complete (in 1961), manned intercepters will be obsolete." The Arrow was replaced by the Boeing Bomarc Missile system, known for being inacurate (about 5-10 miles from target) and only effective because of a nuclear warhead. After the Bowmarc proved completely incapable of destroying anything, diefenbaker approved an order for McDonnell F-101 Voodoos (manned intercepters!) for replacement. Oops, perhaps? The cancelation of the Arrow caused thousands of lost jobs and crippled the Canadian aircraft industry. The Arrow was the first aircraft in the world to use fly-by-wire controlls. This made it as manuverable as many smaller fighters, despite it's size (77 feet long, 50 foot wingspan, 49,000 pound empty weight). It was intended to be powered by two Orenda Iroquois engines of 30,000 pounds thrust each with burner, but only ever flew with two PW J-75s of 12,000 pounds thrust each. Despite this, it still managed to reach mach 2 in level flight and it cruised at mach 0.91. The Iroquois could never be run up to full power in flight tests because it was tested attatched to the fuselage of a B-47, and even with all the other engines off, the Iroquois alone would push the '47 past max airframe speed. The Arrow should have been a great plane, but it's demise was the result of a series of very unforunate events. Nobody will ever know what it could have been. All airframes were destroyed, along with all blueprints, notes, manufacturing equipment and models, as if diefenbaker wanted to deny that the aircraft ever existed. All that remains is the nose section of one of the prototypes and some wing and landing gear pieces. However, you can't kill a dream, and in this way, the Arrow lives on.

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