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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. On this day...

    yeah, but we're talking Canada here. We still have our Snowbirds from the 50's, and out "top of the line" fighters are second-hand US navy F-18's that had finished with their carrier landing days.
  2. Today, 49 years ago...

    I can't help but realise that some high speed planes built later on had things that look like they were yoinked from the Arrow, such as the dogtooth wing, the big, flat body, the intakes... The Arrow was suprisingly manuverable, according to chief test pilot Jan Zurakowski, because of it's fly-by-wire controll system. Apparently he thought it could out-manuver an CF-100 in a fast dogfight.
  3. man, that looks good! do the MiGs still twirl and spin like mad when they get hit?
  4. On this day...

    we'd probably still be flying Arrows today, but they'd have a bunch of upgrades and they'd be taking some heavy flak for their age. I only wish we could see the true performance.
  5. Errant Satellite

    you mean I missed it? apparently it was visible from here. I'd have liked to have seen that. report from NASA: "OH CR@P! THAT WASN'T THE SATELLITE! THAT WAS THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE!"
  6. Wings over...

    still waiting for WoC.
  7. Errant Satellite

    I heard that it was delayed because of high seas. They couldn't launch the missile.
  8. On this day...

    I did hear that dief gave the arrow the chop and bought the voodoo to strengthen ties with the americans, but I wasn't sure about that, so i didn't mention it.
  9. can't wait to get my hands on this, but I'm dead broke (had to buy a new chain and sproket for my dirtbike). Anybody know if this is gonna come out on a disk for those of us with "high speed light" (DSL) internet and no credit card?
  10. WAHOOOO!!!! IT"S HERE! IT"S HERE!! I think I'm gonna nix SFP1 and replace it with WOI, 'cause this HD ain't big enough for the two of them... Oh well. It'll be worth it! I REALLY hope my comp can run this, even if I have to bump resolution down to 800 by 600 and put everything on "low". Maybe i'll try to find a 20MB external drive. Or for that matter, a new computer.
  11. Bad Day!

    brings the term "augered in" to a WHOLE new level. I've got a whole bunch of "bad day" pictures. May I hijack this thread? there's some like this: and some of these: and plenty of these: too bad I lost all the captions.
  12. Inline VS Radial

    I know very well that it depends on what engines you're talking/thinking about, but in general, would a plane with a radial or an inline be a better weapon? I though of the question when i considered that the last sucessful piston planes were mostly radials, then I remembered the Mustang and how great it was. Viggen- the zero has an itty-bitty twin bank of low displacement, but it was very advanced in it's construction, and it could operate at crazy-high RPMs. It's a pufter radial. May i remind all of you that the grumman bearcat and tigercat were radials? And those rivaled the early jets. oh, and THE CORSAIR WAS A FANTASTIC DOGFIGHTER!
  13. Cool Russian Navy video

    catapults? we don't need no stinkin' catapults!
  14. Inline VS Radial

    I thought radials were better for dogfighters because they have better mass centeralization and usually less overall weight, which means better manuverability. Also, the Jug and the Corsair were both pretty fast, and they had radials.
  15. Here We Go Again.....

    been speed-reading 20th century history books again, I see.
  16. KC-10 at Ascension Island

    back in the 80's a DC-10 "landed" (read- "fell") at our itty-bitty little 7300 foot airport. It left 3 footprints where It "touched" (read- "stomped") down and it almost overran. Luckily, It was able to get off again the next week, after repairs were executed.
  17. EA-6B down off Guam

    they were old the day they came out. Are they not the same age as the B-52?
  18. Here We Go Again.....

    are you saying that archduke Ferdinand was really assasinated by a Phalanx? Or that Hitler shouldn't have crossed the US fleet?
  19. The ‘Greatest Generation’

    this same thing happened in a city close to us, but three teens jumped a vietnam vet. He broke the arm of the kid who grabbed him, then pulled a knife on the other two, who then took off. However, It was him who was charged for assult. The court case is pending. way to go, Canadian Justice System.
  20. oops! sorry guys... I kinda took off for a couple of days there. However, i see Viggen gave you the link though. Maybe I'll try posting one of my videos on here. Once I get rid of all this lag and finish my current one.
  21. Here We Go Again.....

    yeah, but I couldn't remember which was which, and i was too lazy to look it up.
  22. EA-6B down off Guam

    at least they don't us A3-Ds anymore!
  23. Here We Go Again.....

    OH CRUD! now that the F-14s are gone, the soviets see that they can now get in closer to the US NAVY's ships! This was just a test run, obviously. But I think the soviets see that the F-18, no matter how upgraded, is no match for a backfire or a blackjack with cruisers. Or at least not as much of a match as an F-14D. maybe they were just checking to make sure the amaericans REALLY took out all the tomcats.
  24. 1. F-14 (A,D) 2. F-4 3. F-8 the kings of the navy!
  25. Doghouse! Good buddy! You wouldn't mind sending a copy of that terrain to me too, would ya? I had the original (with Doghouse's mountian thaw tileset), but I deleted it when my HD allowance hit zero. I went to re-install later, and- D'OH! ANW AWOL! -btw- I used that map in a video, too. It was my favourite.

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