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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. ALL RIGHT! NEW MiG MASTERS! they look soooooooo good that I'm gonna skip studying for exams tonight just to test these out! I've had a really good day today, with the news of the F-20 and now this!
  2. WHOA! THERE'S AN F-20 INBOUND?!?!?! THANK YOU, FLYING TOASTER! boy, it looks good, too. Especially with the Leanding edge extensions that mase it as manuverable as the F-16. It's kinda funny to think that it's got the same powerplant as the SAAB Draken, but it's so much smaller. Can't wait for this one!
  3. I'd like to see how it would swing in SF. Ace Combat was a bit too far-fetched for me, but it sure was fun!
  4. Exhaust

    Sounds like it's worth a try. It'll check it out and either complain when it doesn't work or be quiet and happy when it does.
  5. Membership

    spam, spam, spam, spam, spamidy spam, SPAMIDY SPAM! let's see, I'd be... uhh... well I still kinda fell like the newbie, despite the fact that I'm "valued". I'm probably the "eternal n00b" EDIT: I just realised that I have broken 200 posts. YEAH!
  6. At 27 years old, my Cockatiel, Igor, finally died

    S! sounds like he had a good life.
  7. Area 51

    on what? Bond's Aston-Martin?
  8. Exhaust

    This is SFP1. I updated my driver last month, and no, there isn't a new one out there that I know of. I tried putting the graphics setting to x32, and the smoke looks good, but I can't dogfight because my frame rate drops as soon as I get close to an enemy and then everything goes all choppy. There's gotta be another smoke effect out there.... somewhere.... please?
  9. WHOA! the top two I MUST HAVE. it's like an Su-27/33 with F-15 engines, F-105 exhaust nozzles, and XB-70 wings! however, how am I gonna fly I plane that I can't pronounce the name of?
  10. New assault rifle

    wow, somebody lost a bet.
  11. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    just a shot in the dark from a know-nothing, but sounds like it ran out of gas, generators went offline, not enough time to get the EPU going. Or maybe generator was on one engine, that engine sucked in a bird. Or a LSA. Good thing everybody got off, and I agree, the pilot should get a medal as big as a frying pan.
  12. Exhaust

    so does this mean that as long as I have special effects set on "low", I'll have purple exhaust?
  13. Happy Birthday To....

    holy cr@p! 100?!?!? many happy returns!
  14. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    worst for me was Tourist Trophy: The Real Riding Sumulator. I thought it's be great, because it's my favorite racing game (gran tourismo 4 a-spec), with my favorite (road going) vehicles, motorcycles. I was even more pleased to see that MY VERY DIRTBIKE (Honda XR-250R) was on the game. However, I was horribly dissapointed to see that not only were the bikes not nearly as fast as they should be for acceleration, but you COULD NOT TURN. Your guy/bike would lean WAYYYYY over, but you would not go around the corner. Also, at low speeds, your guy/bike still leaned WAYYYY over into the corner, and then he'd just fall over. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THAT IS NOT A REAL RIDING SIMULATOR. I RIDE MYSELF AND THAT IS NOT HOW YOU RIDE A MOTORCYCLE. It's almost as if they're saying "motorcycles suck- go buy GT4!" Pa-thetic.
  15. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    may sound like stupid question, but.... what was the old URL?
  16. I'm looking for a good tropical island map for SFP1. I got the solomon islands map from the downloads section here, but It doesn't look very tropical. The map is great, but the water, forests and beaches are all much too dark to look tropical. Also, the ships sail across the land. My question is: is there a tropic (carribean or hawaiian) map out there, and if not, would it be possible to change the colour of the tiles in this map to lighter shades? Thx in advance.
  17. How many hours?

    well, I started simming when i was 5 with Janes ATF (running on my dad's state-of-the-art Windows 95 clunker), and I figure I clocked about 90 hours on that... then FS '98, which I clocked seven hours a week for 2 years.. that's 728 hours... the FS9, which I clocked about 9 hours a week for 4 or so years (up untill last year when I had to make room for more SFP1), and that's 1872 hours... then SFP1, which i spend about 1.5 hours on per day (average), and I've had it since '02, but there was about a year I didn't play it, so I'll say 4 years, and that's 2184 hours. total time=4874 hours (holy cr@p!) however, only about 2000 hours of that was real flying, with taking off and landing and that stuff. The rest was just fooling around. But still....
  18. let's see... donno if you've found this, but according to my four inch thick book of moderen military aircraft (c.2005) the canard foreplanes act as airbrakes when landing. Sorry, no pics. Everyhing else in here I think has been covered.
  19. I'm afraid it's not as easy as cleaning out all my por- I mean "Important School Documents". I've consolidated the small ammount of HD space I'm allowed on this shared computer, I freed up almost a gigabyte, but If I put in another install of SF I'm bound to take some flak from Honourable Grand High Ruler of Household and Master of Computer, and It'll make my current install run all chunky again. Once I get my own computer there will be no stopping me.... And before you ask, yes I have been running defrag and antivirus on a regular basis.
  20. GO AWAY.....

    man, I hate it when people steal my posts. you know what they say about 1000 monkeys and 1000 typewriters.... put 'em in a room and in five hours you'll have a better script than anything on TV right now.
  21. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    I thought it'd only be good if you have a big F-ing HD TV with surround sound. I'd watch, but I'd rather fly.
  22. One down and a tough one next.

    aw maaaannn..... I could only watch the seahawks/packers game 'cause of my low standing in our household hierarchy (slave). It was a good game, but I just knew the packers were gonna win. I'm suprised the Chargers knocked off the Colts, and I didn't even know about dallas/NY game untill five minutes ago. I'd REALLY like to see the Chargers knock off the pats in the superbowl, but I'm doubting that's gonna happen. It'll be a boring old partiots victory. But then again, the bigger the ego, the harder they fall. If the packers want to get any further, farve and company have to stop making little mistakes early in the game, like those fumbles. Eventually, the won't be able to come back. Luckily, the Seahawks' lackluster pass defence let the cheeseheads make the cut. No pun intended. Now then. Which team is gonna cut the cheese from the playoffs? (pun intended)
  23. Downloaded, installed, and it was perfect, aside from the water which is a bit of a monotone with my "low" detail setting. It's a shame to have to delete the rest, but there's no room on the HD for another install of SF. somebody should consider posting just the terrain on here, 'cause it's good!
  24. how'd I miss that? Many thanks, tank!
  25. okay, but where could I find Operation Tainted Cigar? I searched it and looked through all the missions/campaigns in the downlad section, to no avail. I'm considering the madagascar map as a last resort.

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