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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. GO AWAY.....

    exactly. The first couple were good, up to the pirate one, and it just went downhill from there.
  2. A Legend Dies.......

  3. whoa, that's definetly woth the wait! ain't that the truth.
  4. Best Job Ever?

    I think there was an F-22 at Abbotfford this year, but I didn't go down there to see it. I hope there's one next time. Noting compares to the SR-71 that was there one year.
  5. When the Boeing hits the fan...

    By the way, Another Airbus (A-319 again) had an accident. It was cruising at angels 35 and it banked 30 degrees left and then 60 degrees right, throwing passengers all over the cabin and losing 900 feet of altitude. At least Boeing isn't having basic flight problems with it's planes/pilots. If it's not boeing, I'm not going!
  6. Strike Fighter Pilot School

    WHOA! never saw that forum before! thanks!
  7. Strike Fighter Pilot School

    Ah, anither flappy flier! I got in a dogfight with a tight-turning MiG-17, so I took to using the vertical with my F-8. However, I'd always overshoot when I was coming down on him, and he was pulling 8G turns at 100 knots. I got fed up with chasing him around when he got behind me, so I put out flaps an kept climbing through a vertical scissors manuver while he stalled and dropped. Then I rolled over on my back, put the airbrakes out and stalled right behind him, and whith flaps still out, as he pulled up I cut inside, waited untill the last second and fired a burst of seven (rounds, not seconds). He blew up in my face, and luckily I got through the FOD cloud. I got some good pics, too! with the F-4 try using the vertical more to knock off those MiGs. Climb up really high, then pull over and dive down on them. Works (almost) every time!
  8. been watching Full Metal Jacket recently? I really should download that MV-22... but I have no time to fly it. Maybe once the new cockpit comes out. is there an ETA yet?
  9. The Best of 2007

    now that you mention flankers, is there an SU-33 out there? I LOVE the -27, but the carrier flanker would be cool to have.
  10. When the Boeing hits the fan...

    ... yeah, and that's too bad. As much as I like to se boeing progressing into the 21st century, what happened to the conventional, reliable and standard boeings that made the company great?
  11. sorry to bump the thread, but, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! THAT'S BLOODY FUNNY!!!! I modified a B-57 to carry twice as many bombs, and the AI couldn' take off either, but it just blew up as soon as it came to a hill.
  12. when it rains, it pours. luckily, it's pouring F-100s!
  13. What The?

    lol makeshift napalm
  14. you mean the B-47 that collided with an F-86 and dropped a thermonuke that hasn't been found? that was tybee. check this site: LINK
  15. yeah, that's what I was talking about, I just couldn't find hard info so I guessed with what I could remember. Didn't it land with gear up? if you watch the video it looks like the kind of flight controll fart that could cause a nose plant on takeoff.
  16. When the Boeing hits the fan...

    I MUST get that eastcan terrain... I'd also like to blow up some airbuses (airbese? airbusen?), unless they blow up on takeoff or landing first.
  17. ok, I know some of you guys out there have actually flown some of the planes that are avaliable for the SF series, and after doing a whole lot of flying over my last 3 days of christmas break, I began to wonder if flying these planes with the flight model on "hard" is actually like flying the real thing. I know the sims don't come close to real life, where you have all the real forces working on your plane and you, but will the planes all stall that easily if you haul back on the stick and all that stuff? I'm not saying I have no idea, but the closest to combat I've ever come was aerobatics in the back seat of my uncle's Citabria.
  18. The Horror

    maybe it'll be based in the proper time setting... the 60s. Doubt it!
  19. When the Boeing hits the fan...

    YEAH! still waiting for WoC! you can fly a CF-188 to intercept hi-usb-jacked nightmereliners! heheheh.... WoC....
  20. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    aw maaaannnn... I was just gonna go there to re-install the america northwest map. Good to hear that your files were saved, though. LOL "USAFBLT w/cheese" Hooray for backups!
  21. PS3: Do it or not?

    WHAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! rip-off. losers. it's an unwritten rule of game consoles that they must be able to play games from the previous system. 80 gig... bah. Now excuse me while I go NOT buy a ps3.
  22. hold the phone... don't all people on multiplayer have to have identical installs of the game? that would make it very cumbersome to set up a leauge. maybe there should be a racing leauge for each game, instead of trying to choose one?
  23. Reality Check

    I totally agree with sixgun and zura and all them, there can be no simulation for actually flying. I definetly got the awnser I was looking for. Thanks all! that rudder thing still messes me up, though.
  24. I liked the F-100 since I read "Rolling Thunder". It was always my favorite plane on SF because of the four guns. is there an F-100F twin-seater out there?
  25. oh-ho! I'll have to pull out my failed expiriment for a high proformance F-8 based short range guns-only inteceptor and convert it into a racer! makes me wish i could get SF multiplayer to work...

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