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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. My first in a while: An early F-4C looking rather... Angelic. EDIT: Whoops, didn't see that SF2 now has it's own section. Guess I've been away too long...
  2. Happy Father's Day

    Took my dad to the airshow at a local municipal airport. Lots of nice little planes, some beautiful old Cessnas and Fleet Canucks. They also had some cars doing drag-races down the runway, and some neat displays of vintage vehicles. There was also a 2-stroke engine powered Maytag washing machine from the 30's!
  3. Axis of Awesome

    ...I think they may have inadvertently cracked the pop music code.
  4. Runway 36

    I actually noticed that many video games use 88 as a runway number, even though it's not even possible to have a runway 88. I know that 1942 and 1943 (on the NES) have runway 88, the TV Anime and video game Area 88 have runway 88 (natch), an old playset I used to have had runway 88 on it (with 44 going the other direction ), and I seem to recall a movie or two (Maybe Sky Capitan...?) having a runway 88.
  5. Close Call

    Hey guys, Something interesting happened which I just feel like sharing. It's finally spring up here in the Great White North, and I have been taking my beloved motorbike in to school for the last couple months. Today was the first day in months that we didn't get any homework (because of exams tomorrow), so I decided to celebrate by riding over to EB Games and buying a new game. It also happens that I have a motorcycle road test booked for Thursday, so I figured getting some practice driving in heavy traffic would be good. I was approaching the big shopping center where EB Games lies, flanked by Wal-Mart and a bunch of other big stores. The traffic was a little on the heavy side, but I was holding my own. I just had one more intersection to go. It was a very stale green light, and there was a car going the other way, waiting to make a left turn across my lane (Think "right turn" for you brits). I figured he wouldn't turn in front of me, there wasn't enough space. However, as I passed the "point of no return" for stopping at the light, it turned yellow and the car pulled out in front of me. There wasn't enough room to go left of it, and there was a car in the way on the right. I didn't fancy stopping in the middle of an intersection or slamming into this bozo, so I braked hard. I came to a stop midway through the crosswalk on my side of the intersection as the left-turn artist passed in front of me. Out of habit/instinct, I checked my mirrors, and I didn't like what I saw. There was a large white minivan (actually, there was nothing "mini" about it...) bearing down on me from behind, breaks screaming. I twisted the throttle and dumped the clutch in an attempt to get out of the way, but before I could, the van had hit me with a crunch. With both feet still planted on the ground, I pretty much jumped off as my bike shot out from under me, propelled by the van. I fell back onto the hood of the van, which thankfully had now stopped. I have an image burned into my head of my bike (which i had rebuilt myself) crashing to the ground in the middle of the intersection. I almost cried. As soon as I got my balance back, I ran over to my bike and pulled it upright. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, I guess I had a massive adrenaline rush. I pushed it off the road and stood it on it's sidestand on the sidewalk, then ran over to the van, which was still stopped in the middle of the road. I was in full gear, ie armor jacket and gloves, helmet and goggles, and I'm nothing short of 6'2, so I must have looked pretty intimidating going up to the van driver. Predictably, she didn't protest when I told her to pull off the road so we could "talk things over". I'm not hurt at all, which is a miracle. Not even whiplash. The license plate bracket broke off my bike in the crash, so I had to fabricate a new one, and I had to bend the handlebars back into shape. Other then that, no damage. I love that bike. My exhaust pipe scraped the van's hood pretty well, but aside from that there was no damage there. Fortunately, the woman who hit me was very cooperative, and we have settled things without going to Insurance Hell. I rode the bike home fine, albeit with no license plate because it had been broken off, and with crooked handlebars. As soon as I got home, I bent the bars back straight again, and found a piece of nice thick aluminum which I bent into a new license plate bracket. Therefore, the "bodywork" repairs (aside from a dent and a few scratches in the gas tank) cost nothing at all. The person who hit me agreed to pay for a new rear tire, since the one mounted had been damaged, and I had it installed today. I have some pictures here of the bike as it is now, all repaired, as good as (or better then) new. The funny thing is, even though motorcycles are generally perceived as being more dangerous then cars, I'm sure that if I were in a car, there would be hundreds, if not thousands of dollars of damage done, and I would probably have whiplash. Not so here, I'm feeling as good as ever! Anyway, I'd like to pass on what I've learned from this... ordeal. First, all of those who are driving, please take special care to watch for motorcyclists. I'd like to track down the guy who turned in front of me and give him a piece of my mind... Second, to all of you who ride motorcycles, it's up to you to be very careful of other drivers to keep yourself safe. Even in the best situations, a motorcyclist can disappear into a blind spot in a split second. Finally, anybody who dares ply the roads of doom these days, take no green light for granted! If I had slowed down a bit and given the driver behind me a bit more time to react, Maybe none of this would have happened. Here's my new bracket, which I am rather proud of. The red circle shows where the bit that broke off was. Here's the paint from the van on the underside of the exhaust pipe. Most of it has come off, but there is still some left. The pic was taken from the back of the bike looking up.
  6. Close Call

    ^ I was hoping you'd ask! :P This is it's good side, the gas tank is metal and took a few dents and scratches on the other side. This one shows off my new bracket, and tire. You can't even tell it took a hit like it did. Built like a bridge, this thing! And thanks for the sympathy, guys. I was ridiculously lucky to come away scot-free like I did. For the record, the damage to the van looked like it was in excess of $1000 or so. Ha-ha!
  7. The car...

    "Wow... She's beautiful..." good choice!
  8. And now, for our feature presentation....

    This is a movie based on a series that has a huge, devoted fanbase. As long as they stick to A-team tradition and don't try to "re-interpret" it or something, it'll be awesome. The more references they make to the TV series (the theme song, the van, the catchphrase, etc.), the better it will be.
  9. Which Time period do you fly?

    I prefer Vietnam-era flying, although I really range more from the entrance of the F-100 to the exit of the F-4. I like to use the jets with huge power and even bigger turn circles.
  10. Just saw this on the news, what do you guys think? http://wikileaks.org/ The media here is putting the usual spin on it: The pilot was a heartless, cold-blooded murderer who deliberately shot at civilians, women and children, and he should be punished. I think it's just an example of war, and the hell it really is.
  11. Wikileak Apache video

    Agreed! Also, Thank you Typhoid for your explanation.
  12. take a C-17 flight in afghnistan

    ^ yeah, I think so. It's cool to see a first person perspective of some military flying.
  13. OMG........It's

    Happy birthday, Wrench!
  14. Happy Easter

    too... much... chocolate... Happy Easter!
  15. Mazal Tov pcpilot

    Many happy returns!
  16. Happy birthday to Rambler 1-1

    Thanks guys, I kinda forgot about my birthday myself, so man was it a surprise to see this topic... I got so spend weekend doing RCAC gliding and soaring ops out of an airport a couple hours south of here, and boy was it a great way to spend a birthday. Got to sleep in the hangar (which had a very well-stocked fridge, btw), then up at O'-dark-thirty for the briefing the next day. I was only on ground ops, so I did some tow cable splicing and pre-flighted a couple SGS 2-33s, then one of the lieutenants took me up in the L-19 glider tug to check out the winds aloft. Man, I love that plane! Sadly, the gliding was scrubbed due to gusting winds, so we spent the day having various lectures from the LCO, which was still pretty fun. As a bonus, my dad let me drive the jeep down there and back, so I got to make use of my new solo driver's license! Anyways, that's enough rambling. Thanks again, guys.
  18. Welcome Home Southernap!

    Welcome back!
  19. Holy s**t....

    Happy Birthday, O fearless leader!
  20. Red Arrows Pile-up

    I'll bet he looked like this after punching out: Glad to hear he's okay. The last few mid-airs haven't turned out quite as well...
  21. Show off your Desktop!

    probably not the coolest, but may as well post.
  22. Well it hovers... The F-35 that is...

    Actually, I was thinking of Airwolf, but whatever. As for the price, maybe Lockheed just jacked it up because they realized how awesome this puppy is gonna be, and they figured the air forces of the world would pay anything for this piece of kit.
  23. J-10

    A jet does not fight by missiles alone...

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