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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. I heard a story about a USAF training exersize where a group of F-106s was to find a group of CF-100s over the Yukon. The american planes had a much more advanced radar, but the canadians each had a commercial device in the cockpits of their planes that was designed to block police speed radar, and when the american planes got a lock the canadians turned their jammers on and the F-106s couldn't find them! I doubt if this is true, but it's funny!
  2. It’s all over for another year

    I got some memory expansion for my computer here, so I placed all unimportant files (pictures, videos, essays, memorable family stuff) on the external drive. More space for SF! ...unfortunately, still not enough room for WoV, WoE, WoI, FS or Il2.
  3. Reality Check

    yep, that just about sums it up. I found that normal FM with my joystick sensitivity knocked down is fun AND challenging (spell check), but the only problem I have is the useless rudder. From my limited experience (cessnas, a bonanza, a Citabria and a PT-17 stearman), I have found that in level flight if you put in a bunch of rudder, the plane yaws as expected and then you get a bit of opposite bank (left yaw=right wing down), and then the plane flies on in the direction it was pointed post-turn, give or take a degree. However, In SF when you're in level flight and you apply rudder, the plane yaws very quickly and when you release the rudder the plane bounces back to it's original heading (I call this effect "overcrab"). Even if you add bank, this still happens. The only way to turn as I found is to only use bank, which would lead to sideslipping in real life. This becomes really annoying, especially when trying to bomb heavily defended targets at low altitude and high speed. does overcrab actually exist in real life, or is it a problem in the sim? is there a way to correct it? -note- I'm using the direction keys on the keyboard as the rudder controlls. also, ai can pull off 10g turns? that explains a whole lot...
  4. Actually, it sounds to me like a fly-by-wire glitch or maybe bad maintinence. First off, it reminds me of that time an F-22 went all screwy in flight and the pilot had to crash-land it with the onboard computer pitching the plane up and down very rapidly. There was snother incident with an F-4 where on takeoff full up elevator was applied, causing an F-4 version of the "Sabre dance", or a stall on takeoff after over-rotating. The pilot used rudder to manuver the plane away from a nearby subdivision and then ejected, pilot and GIB unhurt, plane totalled, subdivision fine. It ended up that a trim servo that was replaced had been installed wrong, so instead of proper elevator trim on takeoff full elevator was applied. oops. I'm just guesing, though. Maybe the pilot sneezed.
  5. Odd aircraft - Dornier Do 200 for example

    (*GASP*) are those canards on the lower fuselage? bad idea, man. Your main wing would be the turbulent wake of the canards during a climb or in any AOA, and you'd lose lift unless you're going fast enough for the wings to be knifing throuh the air, which you aren't on most takeoffs. looks cool, though.
  6. F-11 Tiger shoots itself down

    probably something like "Muncher" I keep killing myself when I'm dive bombing and I drop a bomb from higher up, and as I dive down lower I get ahead of it, then I drop my second bomb and pull up, and my plane explodes. DOH! I didn't understand what happened untill I did it from the outside view.
  7. The Best of 2007

    America Northwest map by major lee, mountian thaw tilesets by doghouse, C-130s by Dels. SOOO much fun! also, my new video card and my modified planes, both of which I have because of help from this site. Thanks, guys! The tileset, ANW Thaw are actually Deuces tiles from his GermanyCE2. Doghouse never claimed creation of the tileset other than the name of the zip itself.
  8. Warner Bros to go Blu-Ray exclusive

    what? another standard format? They just want us to go buy blu-rays and ps3s so they can make more money. and I just finished converting most of our old cassetes into dvds! bummer!
  9. PS3: Do it or not?

    I'd go with the PS3. For the extra hundred bucks you can play piles of games, and some of them are even good. I think you can also play ps2 games on there, and there's millions of them. Also, I'd buy a ps3 just so I could play Warhawk.
  10. aw man, I have a friend in St. John's whose house I wanted to blow up. Who would want to go north of goose bay? Sounds like a sizeable map anyway. What's the ETA?
  11. it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the weirdo air intake. we all call it the grinning bird eater.
  12. Presidential Elections?

    Baghdad Bob for president!
  13. The Horror

    I think that's their only hope.
  14. Back To the USAF Museum

    Our Mountians Are very pointy Our Praries are not the rest is kinda bumpy BUT MAN DO WE HAVE A LOT! (we got a whole lot of land) So stand up and be proud And sing out very loud We stand out from the crowd 'cause Canada's realllllllyyyyy biiiigggggg!!!! "Canada's really big" by the arrogant worms, aka "our national anthem... that we wrote." I have the CD! I was gonna post that, but you beat me.
  15. First - Dakar Rally canceled in 30 years

    roadside bombs in the dakar rally? I could see somebody trying to enter in an M1A1... Dah. it was about time for a new course anyway.
  16. Eastcan? rocks, trees, snow, water, rocks, PARLAMENT BUILDING! BOOOM!!!!
  17. some spit and polish wouldn't hurt. I'd be happy with tail gunners and ejector seat/parachute effects.
  18. Back To the USAF Museum

    Ice is Nice!
  19. The Horror

    Well said! I'm thinking they should have gone for a younger cast. Wasn't Speed 13 or something in the cartoon? However, I know nothing about actors and therefore cannot think of any to play in this cinematic train-wreck of epic proportions.
  20. Back To the USAF Museum

    I know how big the US is... ALMOST AS BIG AS CANADA!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (*runs back into igloo*)
  21. I heard that Cananda might be getting some of there puppies... I hope so. Its good that there's finally a new and innovative fighter coming out. I heard that the air force version will have a fuel cell or bomb bay where the fan is on the vertical takeoff version. Am I the only one who's glad that they didn't choose boeing's entry? uuuuuggg-lee!
  22. Here's my first impression of the superbug. downloaded it into FS04 on my friend's comp, tried to take off from a carrier and this happened. Boeing: Turning Lemons into Lemonade since 1916.
  23. P-3s this time ...

    funny... Canada hasn't had any (known) problems with fatigue on our CP-140s (Canadian P-3s), but they haven't been around for as quite long as the Orions. The basic Lockheed Electra design was always a bit of a basket-case... It's pretty much a Convair with extra engines. My Dad worked on them both, and said that even though the Electra was faster and had a good long range, it demanded a lot more maintinence.
  24. The Horror

    somehow, I doubt that there's gonna be a Megan Fox or Uma Thurman in the speed racer movie... unless you count Ricci (she scares me... wasn't she on the Adams Family?). I watched the show because it was the only kids show that had driving in it, and they took G.I Joe off the air.

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