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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1


    sorry for the double post, I took too long editing my last one. The B-52 for SF isn't really what I'm looking for, no offence to it's creators, so it seems I'll have to ask for WOV and wait 'till christmas, unless somebody will send me the For now I'll find a worthy alternative. Thanks for the help, guys! Yes it's frowned upon.....big time....you should know better than to even ask....

    Getting closer.... It makes me wish I had WOV. It looks like I'll have to go with the SFP1 B-52 in the downloads section and just modify that into the big belly.
  3. New Dogfights episode this week

    11 easteren? that's a decent hour over here. man, I wish I had tier 2 channels....

    ok, now I think I see what happened. allthough it was kinda cool to watch those MiGs overshoot every time. so what do I need to make this work? I'm still kinda in the dark here...
  5. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    they're really going on a "No nuts" crusade up here. In a few years, mustard gas will have nothing on almonds, and peanuts will be outlawed by the Geneva Council. And now you can't get decent chocolate in Hawaii? what's the world coming to?!? I think they just don't send chocolate to HI because it'll melt in the heat, and they won't bother to refridgerate it.
  6. Daredevil Evel Knievel dies at 69

    didn't he just settle a lawsuit with some rapper a couple of days ago? Maybe he knew..... RIP, evil
  7. Ski or Board?

    we got our first snowfall of the year up here, so I figured it's as good a time as any to see if boarding really is more popular than skiing. I do both.
  8. the Air Force up here used to let pilots take the CF-18s out cross-country if they were flying back to their home town or something, then there was a couple of goofs who flew in echelon formation with a landing 737. I can't remember what happened, I think the pilot freaked to ATC, and ever since then the military hasn't let the pilots use the '18s for personal flights. Awwww maaaannnnn.....
  9. wuh-oh... I sence avatar copyright issues....
  10. Ski or Board?

    Sure! what do your snowpants look like?
  11. High Arctic deployment pending

    I wonder if he's going after those arctic oil reserves too....
  12. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    ok, how long untill somebody makes a pilot skin for that one?
  13. Spray and pray, man. Spray and pray. It was a good oppritnity, and I wasn't gonna let that bugger dodge my usual burst of 20. and yes, I usually take out Migs with one or two carefully aimed rounds, especially when they're on my wingie's six, but it's stll fun to blow them apart.
  14. Back home at last...

    Yahooo!!! New Desktop backgrounds! Good to see another one home.
  15. Ouch!

    I never said the '20 landed in the wrong place because of the plane, I was just supporting my statement about airbuses being accident prone. Bad juju, maaaannn. Also, I don't know if the 'bus really does have brake override, but what else could have caused that crash? Twitchy feet? The whole throttle response thing is I suppose compared to the Cessnas I fly, and yes, I know. No comparison at all. I shouldn't have used the word "horrible", because the response was good enough to keep them out of the drink. "slide rule and duct tape" That's what the '27 seems like....
  16. Let's see here.... (*consults 5-inch thick illustrated book of moderen military aircraft*) It says here that in th Gulf wars, the USMC used the Mc Donnell Douglas/BAe AV-8B Harrier II, which was primarily a single seater, but they did make a couple 2-seaters for training. Later on, they went through a program to replace the 8Bs with AV-8B Harrier II Plus models, and they do have some two seaters because Italy bought 2-seat trainers before the single seaters. i donno how many, though. Also, the 2-seaters are combat capable. also, the Harrier II plus is used by spain and Italy as an air defence aircraft. So there.
  17. Ouch!

    I dunno... I haven't seen a '47 with a crew that seemed to have forgotten about the feature that overrides breaks at full throttle lately. It seems that Airbus' downfall is their extensive automation. I've been weary of airbuses and their crews since one destined for the airport at my city accidentially made an approach to a much smaller airport about 30 miles north and allmost bought the farm. They had to firewall it, and that horrible throttle response came into effect. Luckily, it had a light load, so we didn't have to go fishing for A320.
  18. Ouch!

    obviously, that was a suicidal wall that rammed the plane. Probably Al Queda. is it just me, or are Airbuses allways crashing, or being crashed? they seem REALLY accident prone.
  19. The Dune Dweller? Sandy? Luau Lady? Just Beachy? I dunno. Imagine the beachcomber who found her! what a suprise! burried treasure of the first degree...
  20. 5 Years

    Happy birthday, SF! I bought it for $20 from our local Superstore, back in the year it came out, I think. Up untill about a year and a half ago, I just blew s**t up with everything on "easy", and with no downloads or patches or anything, because my comp wouldn't handle it. Then I discovered guns, video cards and downloads, and now here I am! It's so good, I deleted FS04 to make room for more downloads! :yes:
  21. Hey, I just finished off a couple of '29s with my trusty crusader. I kinda cheated though... I got into the vertical with the first one and put out some flap, then hammerheaded over the top and lodged 2/3 of my ammo into his starboard wing root and engine (he stalled just as he got lined up for a shot behind me, that poor bugger). The second one overshot and popped in to burner at about 120 knots, a mile or so away. Winder fodder. I had AI on hard, too. It just goes to show that it's the pilot, not the plane :yes: Also, "on drugs and act like retards"? isn't that what flanker fliers do? (*runs away*)
  22. How 'bout this? I was doing some strike stuff in an F-18 and while I was trying to line up for a maveric shot, a bloody silka got me. It blew off my left wing, left vertical and horizontal stabilizers, knocked off both of my engines and blew my main gear to timbits. Luckily, I was going about 600 kts when I got hit, so I dumped my stores and got as much altitude as I could, using chaff to ward off those 50-foot, mach 4 fire farting telephone poles that are SAMs. I headed out for a wetfoot ditch in international waters, but then I realised that I might be able to make an airfield. I swooped in with no main gear and greased it on, and just as I did, a MiG-23M went past that would have had a field day on me. On de-brief, it said I died, though, despite the fact that I landed at an allied base. Weird.
  23. make a big one of Saddam. I'm gonna strafe it. or one that says "Welcome to Iraq. Firearms welcome" or "All infadels will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." lol "curb your camel"
  24. Very nice! I thought I was doing well when I got 5 '21s with the 144 bullets, but flankers and '29s?
  25. I wanted to make some videos from SFP1, so I downloaded a trial of fraps. It sucked. Every time I went to record, my game CTD'd. So I got Gamecam Light version 1.4. It works well enough that I can record videos, but when I do, I'm remeinded that my vid card is only a PCI, and the display goes chunky, making dogfighting really difficult. I'm wondering if anybody out there knows of a video recorder that might not do this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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