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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Well it hovers... The F-35 that is...

    It's stealth, supersonic and it can hover. That is just plain old awesome. Where have I heard of that combination before...?
  2. What are you listening to?

    Jupiter, from "The Planets" by Gustav Holst
  3. Best Sci-Fi movie ever

    Amazing! A B-25 with a DC-3 cockpit!
  4. For the Bikers...

    If you can find a Suzuki SV1000S, that is an excellent bike. Unfortunately, the owners usually know that too, so they can be expensive. The Honda VFR800 Interceptor is another nice bike in that class which is an excelent deal. Beyond that, I've only read about other bikes in that class. I worked on a ZX-9 once, but all I remember was how much of a pain it was to get the spark plugs out and how tedious it was to sync the carbs. And I've never heard of the Aprilia Falco or Futura, over here Aprilias start out at 20 grand, so they're far out of the reach of some 16-year-old mechanic. Make sure you take the bike for a ride, and look for shake in the steering head and flat spots in the power curve, as well as checking all the gears. Also remember to check for oil leaks and other obvious problems, and never accept "They all make that noise" answers. If you have a mechanics-savvy friend, bring him along.
  5. Happy Birthday Sony T.!

    Happy Birthday!
  6. B0-105 low flying

    Damn! better hope his insurance company doesn't see that...
  7. Going to Disney Land

    Hey guys, on Thursday my family (mom and brother) and I are heading to LA for a visit to Disney land. I was hoping to convince my mom to allow a side-trip to March Field for a day, as I'd much rather spend a day seeing the icons of my childhood, rather then marching around an overcrowded, fursuiter-infested theme park chasing after my brother, arguing with my mom and trying to get "It's a small world after all" out of my head. Thank goodness for roller-coasters... Anyways, if any of you guys are from the LA area (I know that's pretty vague, but you know what I mean), maybe you could give me some pointers on how to get out to March Field from Anaheim, or a brief on the museum or something. As for the rest of the trip, it's all been painstakingly planned down to the minute, there's not much anybody could help me with there... Thanks!
  8. Damn, OV-10 with a Vulcan and sidewinders? Fresco hunting, anyone?
  9. was the version of SFP1 that you took the F-104 from patched to the '08 level, or at least the latest SFP1 patch? If not, the F-104 will have some incompatibilities. If you don't want to install a massive weapons pack, and you have some time and patience, you could just go into the F-104DATA.ini, scroll down to the "weapon stations" section and compare the "LoadLimit", "AllowedWeaponClass" and "AttatchmentType" entries to another aircraft, then change them to see if it'll work.
  10. Nice shots, Shrike! I really like that last one, the MiG driver may as well be saying "HA! YA MISSED ME!! wait..." Anyways, here's mine... "Heheh... Cry some more"
  11. Love that OV-10 pit! I could spend days in there!
  12. Interesting video on the development of the Tomcat

    awesome vid. Some good footage there too, and it tells the big cat's story pretty well.
  13. "Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe..." "I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet."
  14. "Killer Whale Should Fry" say Republicans

    I say we go and take the life of every living creature that has killed another living creature. That way, every creature will get what it deserves for having instincts.
  15. Energy Shields FTW! Check your G-diffuser system! Lock S-foils in attack position!
  16. yeah, if you want this fancy-pants DAS system simulated, just set visual targeting and radar to "easy". Problem solved! (*climbs back into "stone-age" F-4C*)
  17. Just had an awesome Fighter Sweep over Hanoi, 8 F-4Cs met by 8 MiG-17s in a massive dogfight over Downtown Hanoi, with more SAMs and flak then I've ever seen. On the way in, dodging SAMs and flak as usual after getting a sparrow kill. Forced this MiG into the ground when he followed me into a dive- hit mach 1 on the way down, and he couldn't pull up! Finally, got this guy with a high deflection guns shot.
  18. Ice hockey finals

  19. Taunting SAMS over Hanoi at dawn: and "You're good..." "...But I'm BETTER!"
  20. my first install of Strike Fighters was smaller then that I think...
  21. What altitude are you trying to supercruise at? I don't know much about the F-22 specifically, but I'd imagine that you'd have to be up around at least 15,000 feet to supercruise. As you climb, the air gets thinner, meaning both less air resistance and sound travels slower since the air is less dense. This allows jets to fly faster higher.
  22. Today at work

    that is a BIG drop tank.
  23. The Winter Games

    Bah. Don't even talk to me about that game. It was not our team's best performance by far... Also, it didn't help that Miller was FREAKING AWESOME!

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