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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. A sim? That thing I have in my mobile?

    Just my two bits, but I usually find that a cheap, rummage-sale or consignment-store joystick is good value until you can get your hands on something serious. You don't get the features and details of a top-'o-the-line stick, but it still leads to hours of flight sim fun. I've gone through four or five $2 garage-sale joysticks since I bough Strike Fighters, and they always did the job.
  2. check your options.ini and change these lines to this: AntiAliasing=1 UseAdvancedShaders=0 ForceDX9=TRUE the HDR mod is for DirectX 9, so it doesn't work in installs that are using DirectX 10 with the advanced shaders. I get a considerable FPS boost by forcing DX9 and using the HDR mod.
  3. Using SF2 with the December patch, when I first installed it, I was getting the usual 15FPS on High graphics settings (I've an awesome comp here- 2.33Mhz, 8GB DDR2 RAM, 1TB HD, but an ATI graphics card with a stopgap driver...), so I went and installed the HDR mod, even though i wasn't totally sure how the new patch worked with DirectX 10, or if I even have DX10. Anyways, the frame rates jumped to 20-22 for the graphics, which was noticeable, but not stellar, so I lowered my graphics settings, cursed at my video card a bit and soldiered on. Then, when lining up a screenshot, I accidentally hit Shift+F-12 instead of Ctrl+F12. The result was staggering: Frame rates jumped to over 50, even on high graphics settings! The display was a bit darker, but it's SO worth it! Anyways, I have no idea what Shift+F12 toggles, and after updating to the Feb. 2010 patch with no HDR, my frame rates are down at 10 to 14 (like on my old comp...), I was hoping to isolate what gave my system graphics afterburners and use that again. Anybody know what the Shift+F12 toggles on the HDR mod?
  4. Looks like you gon' get Graped.
  5. Shift+F12

    Negative, DX10+advanced shaders gives me roughly half the FPS that DX9+HDR mod does. With my anti-aliasing worked out (sort of) and some minor graphics settings dialed back, I'm back up to between 30 and 50 frames. Excellent.
  6. Oh, they're gon' have to glue you back together... ...IN HELL!
  7. Shift+F12

    Hold on, so that would mean that when i shut it off I was getting the frame rate jump, perhaps because of DX10? I dunno. I'm not happy with my somewhat rushed re-install, so I'm gonna do it again and do it right, with the above info I'm sure I'll get this sucker going again. Thanks, guys.
  8. Shift+F12

    Sorry for the double post, but after the Feb. 2010 patch, I can't even get the HDR to work at all. No Text, and I'm stuck at 14FPS on Normal graphics settings. I need to get an Nvidia card...
  9. Hey, you can't have too many Tomcats either, but it seems there's only one at the moment...
  10. You could always go into the cockpit.ini and get rid of the radar section... or just turn the radar off... or pretend it's a weather radar...
  11. Shift+F12

    @ USAFMTL, that's what I expected at first... @ Falcon, yes, the text was coming up before I hit Shift+F12, that's why I thought it was something aside from the HDR mod. @ Dogzero, I thought that too, but apparently not... The other strange thing is, When I use the HDR mod, Gamecam doesn't work, but if I take the enbseries file and move it, Gamecam works fine. Strange?
  12. Shift+F12

    serious? You mean all that time i didn't have it turned on at all? Damn, I feel REALLY stupid right now, curse my lack of attention span for readme files... (*ducks to avoid volley of flak from community*)
  13. Isn't BlackFly also working on an Avro Arrow (), Avro CF-100 and McDonnell CF-101? I'd almost forgotten about these guys... and that TU-22 is one nice looking bomber...
  14. The Winter Games

    It's only typical that the warmest, driest winter in history, and the Olympics are here. I'm not too far from Vancouver, and we haven't had ANY snow at all. That being said, it's still been a good show so far. CO CANADA!
  15. JAS-39D Great Picture!

    Is that a two-seater? I can't tell because somebody's put some girls in the way...
  16. Give the guy who thought that up a raise. A BIG raise.
  17. Woah, nice work USAF

    Is that a 747 with a frikin' laser beam attached to it's nose?
  18. NASA's UFO footage

    If somebody got a good, clear, high-res picture of a UFO, it wouldn't be unidentified anymore. Duh. You'd be able to tell what it is. If they could only get a good pic of the ALIENS, however.... (*goes and puts on tin-foil hat*)
  19. Way To Go Saints!

  20. urbandictionary.com

    i think I'll sit outa this one too...
  21. GO COLTS!

  22. In WW2, the P-51 drop tanks were made of compressed waxed cardboard, so they weren't just dropping perfectly good metal on the enemies. I imagine that today, just a tank costs thousands of dollars, and a significant sum could be saved by not having to buy new tanks every mission. I always try to keep mine on, unless it's an emergency, even though my wingies always drop them the first chance they get...
  23. Is the 63% terrain compression why we don't need IFR to strike Hanoi from Nha Trang, Phnom Penh and the RTAFBs?

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