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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Canadian joke

    yeah, we need all the help we can get. They're making us learn their language in our schools, and we have to be able to speak French in the Air Force. Oh well, If we really wanted to get rid of them, we could appeal to Bill 101 and the Bloc Quebecois would throw a fit ending in separation. Vive la Republic Democratique de Quebec! Oh, and one more thing: I love my country!
  2. Emergency Landing in the Hudson

  3. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Any of you guys seriously bummed about what happened to Buell? I know I am.
  4. Happy Birthday ST0RM

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Drdoyo

    Maybe Baghdad Bob took him when he left...
  6. re-install? Turn-it-off-and-turn-it-back-on-again?
  7. I had this problem running the first gen, no patch SFP1 F-104 in 2nd gen sims. I've no idea what caused it, but it was solved by patching SFP1 THEN putting the F-104 into SF2. This is the TW Kurnass, I presume?
  8. shooty bang films

    It used to really piss me off when Hollywood screwed around with my beloved fighter jets, mainly because my friends would be idiots about it. I'd draw a picture of an F-4, some idiot would say that I'm wrong, that's a MiG-29, because he saw it in such and such movie. GRRR!!! But now I've learned and when that (still) happens, I just say "Oh, yeah. Sure." Now I really enjoy the corny Hollywood jet fighter movies, I laugh so hard at some of the questionable physics and re-used scenes and such. Don't re-make them properly, it wouldn't be nearly as fun. My favorite moment, from a comedy standpoint, is from Aces: Iron Eagle 3, when the old British guy stands up in his spitfire (while flying) and fires a bazooka at an enemy fighter jet, hitting and destroying it. However, the recoil from the bazooka causes the spit to roll upside down, and the pilot ends up hanging from the canopy while his plane flies on inverted.
  9. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    ... I think I'm in love...
  10. What Do You All Think About the IPad?

    iThink imight be in trouble, because in my messy handwriting, a and o look somewhat similar. This could lead to confusion if I ever have to write about how the iPod and IPad are different. other then that, I really don't care about the newest ithing. i'm happy with my PC and cheap iPod ripoff.
  11. File Name: SF2 Starfox Speech Pack File Submitter: Rambler 1-1 File Submitted: 26 Jan 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects This is a mod that I have been working on with the intent of replacing the generic wingman voices with those of the Star Fox team, as in Star Fox 64. This means you'll no longer be flying with "anonymous wingmen #1, 2 and 3", you'll be flying with Falco, Peppy and Slippy. It's a bit of a tribute to SF64, because it was one of the first games to have full voice acting, rather then just text. Some of the voices and quotes are legendary as well. I have tried to fit in as many phrases from SF64 as I could, and replaced some calls and responses with generic chatter. You may have to play Starfox 64 (or at least know something about it) to appreciate this mod. don't forget to read the README! Click here to download this file
  12. Hey guys, Just wondering if anybody here knows which file controls what the AI in the SF2 series says and when they say it. All I want to do is stop them from saying "One", "Two" "Three" or "Four" before speaking. I was hoping there would be an .ini file somewhere that I could hack up, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Any help?
  13. Speech files

    eh, mine's just a little bit different...
  14. Speech files

    Yeah, I got the .wav files ok, but I didn't quite want to dig around in the SpeechText.str. I did, however, find the Speechsystem.ini in the FlightData.cat. I'm almost finished, I think I'm on to something!
  15. Speech files

    I'll keep looking around. I remember a voice mod a while back that made it so your wingmen would say who a SAM was fired at, perhaps the person behind that would know a thing or two.
  16. That was pretty damn good. It would covert me to the SF2 sims for sure.
  17. That's one seriously badass-looking jump jet.
  18. HOLY CR@P! Cat-less takeoff? that's freakin' awesome!
  19. Fart to the Beat

  20. not many fighters look this good from this angle...
  21. Still loving the Tomcat. Who says the F-8 was the last gunfighter? and teamwork takes down MiGs! (wingie bailed me out with an AIM-7E-2)
  22. Yikes, look at that intake... FOD anyone?
  23. The Day After Tomorrow II

    The day after the day after tomorrow? Two days from tomorrow? Perhaps the Mayans were two years off on their calendar. One thing's for sure- 2010 is off to a "shaky" start all right.
  24. Rambling

    The mission was called a fighter sweep, but we all knew it was really an escort. "IF ONE OF THOSE F-4S COMES BACK WITH AS MUCH AS A SCRATCH, YOU'LL BE FLYING A DESK FOR THE REST OF YOUR CAREER!" is what Major Leatherlung screamed to my face on the line before takeoff. It was my first time flying as lead, after Lunkhead, out usual leader, had to take the week on sick leave. We were based at some god-forsaken airfield in the middle of the desert of who-knows-where. We were to preform a fighter sweep over an airfield about 60 nautical miles away, to "increase out influence in the region". The F-4s were supposed to bomb the crap outa the place at the same time. No prob. briefing at 0700, takeoff at 0815, no rendevous (therefore NOT an escort), no backup. Overfly the airfield at 0930, then take our time back. No expected enemies up today. Bull cr*p. I got the 2 phoenixes, seeing as I was lead. The plan was to knock off anything trying to take off to clear the way. Everybody else had 4 sparrows and 4 'winders apice. Takeoff was uneventful, and I got contact on the F-4s right away. about 20 minutes from target, we got some other contacts. Two flights of Floggers taking off, we figured. No AWACS today. Then, out of the mountians, we were able to pick up a flight of unidentified bogeys going the other way. Ten minutes off target, I got a lock on the lead flogger and popped off a phoenix. It fired off, jolting the airframe, flew like mad in a straight line, started to track, and then when it's first stage finished, it went poof and exploded. A dud. I made sure I had a solid lock and fired the other. Same result. Our plan was going to hell in a handbasket. by now, the F-4s had called shotgun and had taken out all 3 ADF radars in the area. No SAMs today. The Floggers had been vectored to intercept the phantoms, and as soon as thay were within 15NMs, four sparrows, one from each of us, lurched off the pylons. Within 30 seconds 2 floggers, just rolling in on the phantoms, became craters. The other two were hot on the tails of the phantoms. Remembering my C/O, I told everybody to take those two out before they got to their prey. It was a straight line fight, and the Floggers didn't see us. I lined one up for a 'winder, and fired. It farted off under his right wing. He knew we were there now. He broke off. I told my wingie to take him so I could take the other, which by now was ready to fire guns at one of the phantoms. I fired a fox one as he fired guns, and both the flogger and the phantom went up in flames at the same time. Double damn sh*t fu*k. Now I'm in for it... "BANDITS! BANDITS!" "Lead, check six!" damn. we had been jumped by two fishbeds while we were busy with the floggers. "He's firing a missile!" sure enough, in my mirror I saw a white dot followed by a cloudy trail, with my name on it. Without thinking, I dropped 4 chaff and flare and used my 700 knot speed to pull off an immleman. As I completed the loop, a call came from #2. He had gotten the flogger. Then #3 called that he had gotten the other fishbed. This just left me and this fishbed. I bottomed out of my loop and pulled hard up and right, cutting inside the MiG's turn and advancing my throttles. As the burners kicked in, I ruddered behind him. I launched off my last two 'winders. both missed. Now it was guns VS guns. he rolled quick left and continued to climb. I grimmaced as my cat slowly rolled after him, but then grinned when i realised he was done for. I had more power. he continued to climb and S turn a second time, and I gained on him even more. Then, as he flattened out, I had the perfect shot. Just then, 3 called out "fox two". I wondered what he was shooting at, then a horrible preminition came over me. "FRIENDLY FIRE! CHECK FIRE!" Just as I pulled the trigger and filled my opponent with lead, there was a loud "thumpCRACK...POW" as #3's AIM-9P broke off my right vertical stabiliser and exploded. My MiG was finished and going down. I wasn't mad at 3, I realised it could have been an honest mistake. Then he said over the radio, "Hey Rambler, don't try to cut in on my kill, or next time, it'll be guns that hit you!" Now I was mad. the flight home was bad. My left leg cramped from holding the rudder, becuase my right engine was dead and trim was out. Two informed me that 4 had bought it when the flogger got a lucky gun shot, and there were no chutes. Furthermore, I was leaking hydraulic fluid like a sieve. And 3 wouldn't talk. Good. I told 2 and 3 to go ahead and land. I lined up so my approach wouldn't be over the city, instead it was over the ocean. The slower I got, the less controll I had. As I approached the runway, about 50 feet off, the cat suddenly started to bank and rudder left, and then it pulled up and stalled. I gave the command for my GIB to punch out. Then, with a pat on the instrument panel and a quiet "sorry", I ejected. I landed 20 feet from a triple-A gun as the cat made a 10-foot crater with a ground-shaking "whump". Suprisingly, both me and my RIO were unscratched, and after a check-over by the flight surgeon, we were allowed to head for the Officer's club. I walked in to find a crowd around Lieutenant Shalanski, my #3 from today, as he told how I tried to steal his kill so he shot me with a 'winder. Then he went on to explain how he could have landed the cat. I walked over and punched him twice, breaking his nose and cracking his jaw. EDIT- awww, it won't let me add the picture. A little long, I guess.

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