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Rambler 1-1

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Posts posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Jedi's right, but when and where would F-15s be engaging stealth fighters, such as the PAK FA or this new Chinese thing, over SAM-infested hostile territory? I was under the impression that if a flight of anything saw the huge dots indicating F-15s on their radar, their first choice wouldn't be to engage, especially if there are more Eagles then there are of themselves, which is totally possible for some time into the future.


    There hasn't been a lot in the way of head-on fighter-vs-fighter combat in a while, and I'm just saying that for the current goals of the U.S forces worldwide, maybe a bunch of new stealth fighters isn't totally necessary.

  2. Viggen... don't remind me. I may cry.


    Anyway, I don't like how anything that isn't stealth and new is badged as "old school", aka outdated. The F-15 is a sound design, with lots of room for improvement, and there are plenty of them around to boot.


    As for the Navy, with all these budget cuts and the lower demand for an interceptor, I understand why the Tomcat was taken out of service. I don't agree, but I understand. However, somebody has to decide whether the U.S is going to keep trying to upstage the east with new technology, or if they're going to try to save money. It's starting to look like they can't do both...


    ...that being said, I'd say that a flight of four Eagles would be enough to do away with a couple stealth fighters. There is a point where quantity of an aircraft and quality of training will defeat quality of aircraft alone.

  3. looks more like "Call of Duty: Helicopter Barrel Roll Warfare" to me (1:13). Apparently there's a level where you're a door gunner. I understand that it's not supposed to be realistic by any means, but did Ace Combat really have to sell out to the CoD fanbase?


    I miss Ace Combat 4.:grandpa:

  4. Hey guys! Long time, no see!


    Anyways, I've found myself with some free time, and I want to get back into SF2. I did a fresh install with Green Hell 2, but no HDR mod, because I wanted to do some gamecam filming, maybe make a movie or two. I have Gamecam 2.0, the full, paid-for version. It works fine with FS9 on this system, aside from the lack of sound recording. However, in SF2, it won't record anything at all, showing a constant black screen.


    Something tells me it has to do with DirectX or Windows 7, because I remember Gamecam refusing to work at all with the DX9 HDR mod. To make matters worse, without the HDR, my ATI HD 4300 card averages out at 15 FPS, and with a quad core and 8GB RAM, I know I could be getting better.


    Anyways, I'm going to contact Gamecam, but I just thought I'd check if anybody here has any tips. Thanks!

  5. Cool, but sad to see. For me, airplanes, and their parts, represent a sort of freedom, and to see those parts demoted to desks and furniture is just... not right. I donno.


    Also, why does Tom Cruise qualify to be a "Living Legend of Aviation", as seen at the bottom of the page there? The legendary bit of Top Gun was the Tomcat...

  6. GRAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! FFFFFFUUUUUU*************KKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I just had the most awesome mission, a deep strike over haiphong, and I even got a MiG in my thud. Then, after landing and quitting the mission, the game crashed and it didn't save! RAGE!!!!!! :angry2: :fu2::censored: :fu2::angry2:






    Lt. Frederick completed two more missions today, a SEAD over Hanoi and a strike over Dong Hoi. On final approach from the latter mission, F-105 #492 suffered an engine fire and Lt. Frederick was forced to repeat the emergency landing that destroyed #490. He now commands #493.


    This is weird. I've never had an engine catch on fire spontaneously before, let alone twice in four missions. And now the squadron is getting short on thuds. :unsure:

  7. 2Lt Frederick took his fourth and fifth missions with the 563rd today, both strikes against targets in Haiphong and Dong Suong. The first mission went as planned, using a high-low-high tactic to save fuel and avoid MiGs. However, on final approach, 2Lt Frederick's aircraft, F-105D #490, suffered a compressor blade failure, starting an engine fire. 2Lt Frederick shut down the engine and glided the aircraft in for a landing, before turning off the runway and exiting the aircraft. He was not injured, but #490 is a write-off.


    The second mission was totally uneventful, 2Lt Frederick now flying F-105D #492. The strike went as planned and Frederick then assisted his flight in destroying several secondary targets of opportunity in the area. This resulted in 2Lt Frederick being awarded the Air Medal and a promotion to First Lieutenant.


    Yes, "In Thrust We Trust" is dead, and not even as a result of combat. Alas, the campaign goes on. Lt. Frederick has not named his new mount yet.

  8. 2Lt Ted Frederick (If you've read Rolling Thunder, you know) completed his third mission today with the 563rd "Ace of Spades" squadron out of Takhli RTAFB. It was a two-ship SEAD south of the Hanoi area. Frederick was flight leader with 2Lt Brestel flying on his wing, both pilots in F-105Ds with eight CBU-24s and two LAU-3As each, along with centerline fuel tanks.


    Frederick sighted several AAA sites and rolled in, designating a target for his wingman. As Frederick pickled two CBUs at an enemy radar site, 2Lt Brestel was hit by several rounds of 23mm ground fire at low altitude and ejected shortly thereafter. 2Lt Frederick continued the mission alone, scoring 7 targets destroyed: 1 radar, 1 recon car, 2 ZPU-2, 3 ZSU-23-2.


    This was Frederick's first mission with the loss of a wingmate. 2Lt Brestel is listed as MIA.


    On a less official note, I've already built a bond with F-105 # 490. She is nicknamed "In Thust We Trust", after my second mission, which involved a low-level strike into Haiphong harbor followed by a low-level chase involving four MiG-17s.


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