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Everything posted by warthog64

  1. Anyone in GJ Co.

    Raven, I'd look on Craigslist or rentals.com for info on what's available. I'd recommend living on the south side of town if you can since it's the nicest part IMO. If you have questions about the town itself let me know.
  2. Anyone in GJ Co.

    Do you know what area of the town you'll be working in?
  3. Anyone in GJ Co.

    Are you planning on buying or renting? I'm somewhat familiar with the area, so I can provide some assistance.
  4. I upgraded to windows 10 today and SF2 runs great. I had issues at first but then I switched from my Intel graphics card to my NVidia graphics card and now it runs perfectly!
  5. Just curious if there is one available somewhere, I can't seem to find it if there is. Thanks
  6. Thanks, I didn't think that one would work in SF2 but I guess it does.
  7. Pretty Awesome! Check out this website http://www.ejectionsite.com/ and click on, aircrew stories on the upper left, then underwater ejection for an incredible story.
  8. Israeli 9/11 monument

    Wow, thanks for sharing.
  9. Pretty much, but make sure you have a Targeting Pod loaded as well for the laser weapons of course.
  10. I am having a very strange issue with the loading of weapons on a particular helicopter. This is the first and only time I've ever seen this issue so it's really bizarre. I'm trying to load weapons on the old AH-1Z from the A-Team site. I'm posting on this forum as well as the one on their site just to maximize my chances of getting an answer. Anyways the helicopter works fine in SF2 but for some reason weapons will not load on the aircraft using the LOADOUT.ini. I have checked the weapons stations in the DATA.ini several times and confirmed that all the proper info has been entered correctly. However when I specify which weapons to use in the LOADOUT.ini these weapons never load on the aircraft. I can manually open the loadout screen and successfully load the required weapons but for some weird reason the game wont do it automatically using the LOADOUT.ini I have never seen this happen before and am currently at a brick wall. If anyone has any idea what might be happening please let me know! Thanks -BTW I searched the forum for an hour and couldn't find a similar thread, so if I did in fact overlook it please know I did still check.
  11. Jeez I didn't even notice that since I've never had this issue before with any other aircraft. Thanks everyone!
  12. Thanks Raven here you go. AH-1Z_LOADOUT.zip AH-1Z_DATA.zip
  13. Well I tried the specificstationcode fix and it didn't work. I am not using specific year loadouts, nor am I using two or more weapons with the same name. Like I said this is a WEIRD issue. I appreciate the help guys, I'll keep trying to figure this thing out.
  14. I'll give that a try Wrench, but the problem I'm having is that no weapons are loading onto the aircraft at all. I've had the issue of different weapons loading onto an aircraft which is what I assume you are saying but not this problem. Will the "stationspecificcode" still work given the issue I'm having?
  15. Also check these two lines in the game's options.ini StartYear=1964 EndYear=1975 ----You'll see these two lines a few times, so make sure all of them are the same. Then make sure that the aircraft you are trying to fly fits within this time period in the aircraft's data.ini
  16. My MANPADS work fine, the SA-18 gets me all the time. Could be a data.ini issue, make sure each launcher's "data.ini" file has the proper missiles listed. Make sure the missiles listed in the data.ini file match those in your objects/weapons folder
  17. I made a copy of the IsraelME terrain and modified it so that all Egyptian and Jordanian targets are now neutral in order to make a modern version and rid the mission editor screen of unnecessary targets. It all seems to work fine but when I try to fly a mission the loading screen appears and just stays at 0% forever. Anyone know why this is happening? Could it be a NATIONS.ini issue? I'm stumped currently. Thanks
  18. No...it's not photoshopped

    WOW! The F-15 is definitely not a good low altitude airplane, this must have been a bumpy ride for the pilot.
  19. Brrrrrrrrrrr!

    Yeah I'm not a fan of cold water, even The Bay Area water was way too cold for me. I guess a wet suit would help though. Cold air I have no issue with, just put on a jacket!
  20. Excellent Film

    I just saw American Sniper yesterday and I highly recommend it to everyone. Another great film by Clint Eastwood. GO SEE IT!!
  21. I 100% agree! Thanks to all of you!
  22. Skyraider MiG Kills

    The SPAD was quite the airplane!

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