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Posts posted by Dialoguewiththestars

  1. Arrrh! Tops'ls! Mains'ls! Sheets! Halyards! Jibs! Hoist the rusty scupper!


    I actually introduced this fine holiday to my school. There were announcements about it on the PA. Plenty of people to be heard saying "Arrh"! One of my friends lives close to a street called Yahr street, and he was thinking about taking the sign down for me.

  2. Congrats, guys!


    I'm a sophomore myself. I didn't go to prom because I can't drive yet, and it would seem really stupid to have your parents drive you to prom. Besides, it was really freakin' expensive.


    My last day of school is the 22nd (yes, May 22) and I'm gonna be glad to be done with it!

  3. I am very reluctant to say that any particular genre of computer game is dying. Remember, back in '97 everyone thought D&D-style roleplaying games were truly dead. Nowadays we've got tons of 'em. Or how about that period during 2000 and early '01 when some people were sure PC gaming itself was on the way out?


    I will say that flight sims are in a bit of a dry spell right now, but the fact that a game like Il-2 FB is on the market can't be a bad sign for the industry. LOMAC should help a lot too.


    My dream flightsim would be a Cold War sim starting as an escalation of the Korean War. You could fly regular fighters, two-seat interceptors (with the AI handling the other seat), or crew multiple stations on massive bombers and actually use nukes! Doing so, though, would provoke the enemy into using theirs too, so you'd have to really decide the worth of such an action. All the equipment would be true-to-life (the vacuum-tube intercept radars, bombing radars, LABS and what-have-you). Yes, I would jump up and down at the chance to play a game like that...

  4. I totally agree that Communism is damn hard to actually do right. The best-sounding social structures and governments are always the hardest to create and maintain. I also agree that it is inborn human nature to move towards a wealth-based system.


    I don't know if there is such a thing as a "good" war. Even World War II, probably the most revered and noble conflict the States has fought in, had some questionable actions on the part of the allies (the Dresden firebombing, the Japanese internment, the Nagasaki bomb.)


    I think wars should be confined to computer games. Perhaps, in the distant future, truly serious conflicts will be solved by multiplayer deathmatch :)

  5. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

    What really gets me angry is your response. I find it interesting how you all label people who seem to disagree with current US policy "Commies". As if we're still living under the Red Scare. Actually, I don't know how many people know what Communism really is.


    I myself think Communism is the ultimate form of government, in which all the people's interests are listened to and cared for. I also happen to think that every Communist country on this earth (USSR, Cuba, N. Korea, etc...) has done a pathetic job of it, and that they all are horrible disgraces to the name "Communist." The original ideals of Communism are not very far from the egalitarian goals the United States holds to be its core.


    I'm not anti-American, I just don't like the way things are going right now, and I believe we need to re-think our outlooks, social structure, values, and government.

  6. And what will this proposed war accomplish? Will we gain more oil, oil we should have found ways to stop relying on back during the Energy Crisis of the '70s? Will we devastate Iraq, its cities and its people? Will we further destabilize the knife-edge political climate of the Middle East?


    World War II was a just war because the Nazis and Japanese were quite clearly militarily active in their invasions and attacks.


    Desert Storm was a just action (it was too inconclusive to be called a "war) because Iraq was quite clearly being militarily belligerent in its invasion of Kuwait.


    Unfortunately, we didn't kick him out back then when we had a clear reason to, and we are itching to "rectify our mistake". The problem is that doing so at this point is somewhat self-righteous, unfounded, and morally shaky. Saddam and his weapons are monsters WE created by supporting his regime and supplying him with chemical weapons back in the '80s. In fact, it was good 'ol Rumsfeld who encouraged Saddam's use of these chemical agents in attacks.


    Thus we cannot claim to be much better morally than Hussein without showing ignorance of our own past.

  7. Yes, I too love Il-2, and am a little disappointed with the ground collision models of SFP1. They seem to be mostly "all or nothing": either you bounce right back into the air or instantaneously explode. You never shear your gear or a wing off, as with Il-2 (though your ailerons/flaps or tailplanes do sometimes fall off.)


    Another weird issue is that of successfully landing on rough ground. Your craft does not come to a standstill, but begins to bounce and flip around on the ground. Just watch AI-controlled craft belly-land after running out of fuel. It's hilarious!

  8. My God, people. I had no idea I shared such a vibrant, booming community with such people. You draw the comparison between Iraq and the Third Reich. This is a great mistake. Yes, Saddam is evil and is violating international law. But the United States, too, is a place of great evil, degeneracy, and corruption (though in different areas), and has broken a few international regulations and has not paid the UN its dues in quite some time.


    If we go to war against Iraq because we perceive a threat in them, does that also mean China can wage war on Taiwan? We possess weapons of mass distruction . Does that mean countries that feel intimidated by us can wage war on us? Remember the Cold War? We didn't wage war on the USSR for possessing deadly weapons. Through deterrence and, later, understanding and peace talks, the problem solved itself. The countries of the old Soviet Union are all virtually friends and allies. If we level Iraq for the destructive potential they may have, we destroy all chance of reconciliation and peace.


    Iraq is gassing its own people? America has irradiated its own people! Look at all the atomic tests of the 1940s and 1950s. The government had exact charts of all the radioactive fallout from their tests, thyroid contamination levels for each county. Did they care? People in the Southwest were coming down with horrible forms of cancer, and were filled with fear because they had no idea where it came from. It was the US military, conducting these tests behind a veil of lies and propaganda that made people assume that they could escape from a thermonuclear warhead by hiding under their classroom desks, and that fallout lost its radioactivity in days. The United States told people with cancer it was giving them an experimental cure, when it was actually conducting lethal dosage experiments on them. We are hypocrites if we accuse Iraq of such evils when our own nation bears so many hidden and dark scars.


    Why are we so eager to roll over Iraq when we barely glance at North Korea and its more apparent threats? Hatred. The United States harbors great hatred for Iraq, much as the Roman Republic held for Carthage. Desert Storm was a legitimate military action because Iraq was clearly offensive and belligerent. Our mistake was making it an inconclusive operation. Now we are left with our mistake and our hatred. We are eager for anything to prove Baghdad is worthy of destruction.


    In the same way, Rome's first Punic War was a legitimate action when Carthage attempted to gain control of Roman territory. It, though, was inconclusive. The Romans were left with their hatred. They were eager for anything to prove Carthage worthy of destruction. When Carthaginian troops crossed their treaty border in order to pursue barbarian marauders, the Romans used this little violation as an excuse to demolish the city-state.


    Because this is America, everyone has the right to say whatever they want. Because this is America, though, we also have a grave responsibility that comes with such freedom. We have the responsibility to learn from the past, protect the disadvantaged, and choose wisely. Appealing to our base feelings and belligerent nature can not be the solution.

  9. I am seriously thinking about modeling an F-94A and F-94C (possibly B also) Starfire for Strike Fighters.


    The problem is: I know absolutely nothing about 3D modeling! :x :evil: :cry: :(


    I was wondering if anyone could show me what the best free modeling app available is, and how the devil to use it. Once (and IF) I manage to complete the models I will send them to someone else to be textured (outside and cockpit) and have the flight model perfected.


    Anyone willing to help a skill-less dirtbag like me take this on? :)


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