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Everything posted by Kirsten

  1. Fun,fun,fun (till her daddy took het T bird away????) Very nice litlle thing, thanks a lot, Aju, Derk
  2. Dying to fly this one !!!!!! (and certainly with a pit like this ........) Aju Derk
  3. Sorry, I didn't express myself correctly. With "twitchy" I meant a sort of bumpy vibration with quite a high frequency, even activating vortices, also when flying straight and level...... Maybe something with damping or my joystick, though recalibrated and no such problems with other aircraft. For the rest agree with Eric, no problems, wonderfull FM !! Aju, Derk
  4. A little airshow routine for a start, fantastic !!!! Better than the real thing..... :angry2: for the RAF: it has a gun ....... Fantastic FM (just a little twitchy at transsonic speeds), wonderfull details (brake chute), thanks a LOT for the Typhoon ....... Aju, Derk
  5. Thanks for another great addition !! Aju, Derk
  6. Merde !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fuk: Aju, Derk
  7. Hello Paladrian, Especially the new sound of the 0.50 's is highly interesting for the community as a lot of WW II stuff but also the F84's use it. I wonder, as a battery of six 0.50's is pumping out bullets at a rate of something like 7000 r.p.m. , if a sound like the Vulcan might be appropriate (though of course 6 unsynchronised guns do sound different......) Maybe there is something at Youtube. At an old tape I have the sound of strafing NF5's (twin M39's)and on an even older record (!) there are F100's (4 M39's) doing A2G work. Tthe sound is highly impressive and something that's lacking in SF. Aju, Derk
  8. According to Aviation Fact File "Tornado" (Salamander 1986) the Sky Shadow weighs "200 + kg" so bringing it more or less in balance with the BOZ 107 pod . Aju, Derk
  9. This game is like an Unimog or Landrover: very good in rough terrain but lousy on the street or on the motorway, something for hobbyist but no good for an average driver doing 30000 km per year or somebody who loikes sportcars....... Conclusion: I don't give a damn about ratings, it's comparing cows with horses, apples with blackberries, etc. We are in a niche, let's stay there and just have fun and enjoy this fantastic and unique sim with it's unlimited possibilities and very active community !! :yes: Aju, Derk
  10. Thanks folks !!!! :yes: Aju, Derk
  11. Thanks Dave !!!!!! Aju, Derk
  12. You're a damn landing light counter, that's what you are !!!!!! :yes: Aju, Derk
  13. Hey Stwa, Drop me your emailadress in a p.m. and I'll get you the official colours of the RNlAF Starfighters in RAL codes as well as converted in FS codes . The camo pattern is indeed rather more rounded than the German type and I can get you some good sets of drawings on that. The actual feeling about the colours depend on the lighting, but in lots of cases on the camouflaged Dutch F104's, the green has a brownish shade and the dark & light greys have bleu accents. I tried them out on my two 1:32 scale Hasegawa F104 G models that way and it looks quite ok. I haven't been there for some time but if necessary I'll drive down to the RNlAF Museum at Soesterberg for pics if you need them (2 examples on exhibition there). It's a 45 minute drive only. On the whole Jet-Z did a very good job on our Starfighters and they give the right feeling. I am very much interested though in you reworked number set.... If you wnt to know anything else about our F104's just let me know. Aju, Derk
  14. Thanks Vrkuboy and Kukulino !! Aju, Derk
  15. High heels and feathers don't bring very much in air combat........... Aju, Derk
  16. You can also download splendid F 15's here at CombatAce and Column 5 with the avionics.ini available for modification right in the map .... Just add more range settings to the [RadarDisplayACM] and you're there..... :scout: Aju, Derk
  17. WHAT a BEAUTY !!!!! Aju , Derk
  18. Thanks for a great effort !!!!! Aju, Derk
  19. Actually Christmas is normally way after Easter, but not in this mixed up case......... Aju, Derk
  20. Danke vielmals IAP :nyam: Aju, Derk
  21. Thank you Florian, Aju, Derk

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