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Everything posted by Kirsten

  1. "Stop making with them negative waves. Your'e from New York and you think a hero is some kind of sandwich. And the bottom line for me is hey man, I don't fix em I only drive em. Have a little wine a little cheese. thanks to all and remember don't load a paint a round when your'e staring at a tigers ass...... " ps: my quotes may not be exact. I LOVE DONALD SUTHERLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't we have a Kelly's Heroes Campaign, practically everything is there , let's ask Edward for some terraintiles.... Aju, Derk
  2. Roll Call

    Goeiesmorreges .... Derk
  3. Thanks a lot, a very nice surprise indeed. One of the most beautiful ex East Bloc planes... Aju, Derk
  4. It's fuuuuuuuuuun to fly the NF5 and it's fun everyone can enjoy it now... Thx guys, Derk
  5. Maybe one of the modguru's (all respect for them, because they give me things I cannot dream of doing myself....) could try out the Crusader FGR 1 of the Royal Navy as it was offered as an alternative for the Phantoms that were orderend eventually.... Different flap- and slat settings, the lighter and more powerfull Spey turbofan, maybe another radar with BVR missile capability and some A2G possibilities...... We already have wonderfull RN Tomcats and Corsairs, so why not a Cusader......... Aju, Derk
  6. As the French Aeronavale flew the F8 E (FN) up to the year 2000, and kept a limited number in top condition, we regularly had it in the airshow circuit over here, including the one at RNlAS Valkenburg (before an a....le closed it down and gave away our Orions in the process) a couple of miles down the road from where we live, as well on numerous yearly RNlAF Open Days. It never failed to impress immensely with its booming J 57, especially when the AB was lighted..... It was always flown to the limits and it compared VERY well with a number of much more modern jets. Equiped with modern all-aspect missiles (Matra Magic's) it was a formidable proposition. An F8 with a P&W F100 engine or even a later J79 would have been a very interesting case..... We miss it over here and I'm glad to be able to fly it in SFP1 now and then. apart form having two 1:72 models right in front of me !! Aju, Derk
  7. Yooha !!!!!! This is it... When flying really low, you expect to start a dust storm any moment. And I LOVE the mountaineous teraain to the west. Thanks very much !! Aju, Derk :yes: :yes: :yes:
  8. Good luck, would be wonderfull !!! Thanks on behalf of all Viggen lovers .... Aju, Derk
  9. Thanks a lot Doc, very good job anyway, See you around when you've sorted out your internet troubles, Aju, Derk
  10. Thanks a lot, good looking thing, nice to develop further, Aju, Derk
  11. Thanks a lot Ericgen for all the Gina's, VERY nice job.... Aju, Derk :yes:
  12. The scrambled F15's were from 32 TFS from Soesterberg/ Camp Nemw Amsterdam in Holland..... The only "kill" they made while stationed in Holland (although they did kill MiGs in Iraq) Aju, Derk :yes:
  13. Thanks a lot, been waiting for this one, Aju, Derk
  14. Would be fantastic to have the Gripen as the first Fifth Generation fighter in SFP1. Just like the real thing were the JAS 39 was operational quite some time before the Eurofighter and the Rafale, let alone the JSF and the F22 ....... Aju, Derk

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