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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. Thread started here: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9251
  2. Has anyone started a thread about SAMs at TW? If not, I will. I hadn't much of a chance to play since the June patch, but I thought I'd check out this SAM thing for myself this morning. Flight of 8 A-7E's up against the Keiv Battle Group. From the IP and on, my RWR was lit up and singing loudly. We flew straight and level from the IP over the battle group at ~ 2500' and maybe 450 kts. Then we just circled over the battle group trying higher and lower altitudes. I counted 32(!) SAM's in the mission log! We had one A-7 that was damaged (probably by AAA). That was it. Not a single hit. Then I tried it again, in case it was some weird fluke, but I got the same results. Then, I took and F-4E over Hanoi in 1971. I had two SA-2C's fired at me and they both missed. The third (SA-2F) nailed me. Again, just cruising straight and level. So I wonder if it's an issue with the Naval SAM's only, or if it's SAM's across the board...? My very limited test seems to indicate that the SA-2's worked as I would have expected...
  3. It already has it. Didn't you know? You just have to beat the game on "Hardcore" difficulty.
  4. Oh, and here is the soundlist.ini updated with the avenger sounds and flak sounds for the AAA pack. SOUNDLIST.INI.txt
  5. OK. Here are my contributions: RealMod AAA Pack 071012.rar RealMod A-6 071012.rar (requires SF2V and/or SF2NA) RealMod A-10A 071012.rar (SF2E only) RealMod F-4 Loadouts 071012.rar (includes all F-4's, may need to be broken up by title but there is a lot of overlap) RealMod RWR 071012.rar RealMod SF2 Carriers 071012.rar (requires SF2V, SF2NA, and SF2) We'll need to get permission from superskyshark to use his Avenger sounds and permission from Aube for his RWR sounds. We'll also need to figure out how to handle the SF2 carrier mod since it requires multiple titles (to get the carriers). Maybe we could have a drag and drop folder for each title and then a folder for merged installs...?
  6. Dave - I have a few different items that require additions to soundlist.ini. How do you want me to include those? A complete soundlist.ini with each mod I upload? Or just a txt file with the new entry? Or just one soundlist.ini for everything I'm uploading?
  7. I don't have A-10 engine sounds, but I've got a bitchin' GAU8 sound I'm going to upload to this thread later. I got it from CA somewhere (I'll have to figure out who to give credit to) and then doubled the volume. I also removed the tracers from the GAU8. It's awesome to put your piper over a tank, pull the trigger and see smoke and hear that BBRRAAAAAAPPPPP, and then a few seconds later see the tank get engulfed in a giant cloud of dust and fire.
  8. Ah... I see (see, I told you I don't know anything about skins!). But my other question/comment still stands - I would try to at least have one squadronlist.ini that can be used in all titles (or merged titles). And then the theater specific ones could be optional. I'm excited about this mod. This series has needed something like this for a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time. I hope we don't screw it up! Dave - If some of my contributions are already in the download section, want me to just link them in this thread?
  9. If we have a different squadronlist.ini for the different theaters, what would I use for a fully merged install? For me personally, skins start to cross the line from "necessary enhancement for stock game" to stuff that's better suited for the big, conflict specific mods (ODS, Suez, SF2V AGXP, NF, etc...), but that is just my opinion. To be fair, I'm not much of a skin person in general, so maybe I'm not the best person to give opinions on them.
  10. Unless we are adding a bunch of skins for aircraft (which I'm not sure if it's in the intended scope), I'm not sure if there would be a point in adding squadronlist.ini to this mod.
  11. We can also add my AAA pack. It's almost all .ini files, hasn't ever been affected by patching, and doesn't interfere with any other mods.
  12. Another thing to consider when putting this pack together would be to (as much as possible) use only files that are not as often affected by patching. For examples, loadout.ini files don't get updated that often (or even if they do, using old versions don't cause problems). Data.ini files do get updated and can cause all kinds of issues if you're using an out of date version. The last thing we want is another awesome mod package that gets broken after each patch and is a huge PIA to update. Dave, I assume you'll be keeping this in mind and have final say about what goes in and what doesn't.
  13. Dave, I have: - more accurate loadouts for all stock F-4's. - SF2 Desert campaigns with carriers added and stock aircraft from other titles added - A-10A loadouts - GAU8 effects (smoke, tracers removed, sound) - I may have a few other things as well... I'll have to check later... Homefries - I can supply my versions of the A-6A and A-6E's that I did in parallel with helping you with your super pack. It's a collection of just .ini edits (loadouts and weapon stations) of the stock aircraft that is ready for a cockpit to be dropped in (basically what Dave is asking for).
  14. Also, to comment on Stary's original topic - I actually had the opposite reaction reading the thread about proximity fusing. In TK's defense, a very small number of people (ie - 1 or 2) are spamming his forum demanding he implement things that would have zero impact on gameplay. Even a "simmer" wouldn't notice how the missiles are fusing in everyday flying. I would much rather TK work on anything else (and I mean ANYTHING, even skinpacks...) than spend a bunch of time adding different kinds of fusing to AA missiles. In the last year or so it seems like the relationship between CA and TK has taken a turn for the worse. At this point, we know what kind of requests TK will respond to and how he will respond. We know he wants a fun game and not a "sim". So lets try and rebuild a relationship with TW by making reasonable requests and having realistic expectations (given what we know at this point). Just continuing to rant against TK or ask that he turn SF2 into DCS F-4 is only going to burn more bridges and reinforce to him that we are no longer an important part of his customer base. edit - looks like a lot has been discussed since I started my post and actually posted it. That's what I get for taking over an hour to get my post finished (I had other things to do in between)
  15. Dave - you can use any of my stuff. - Carriers in SF2 campaigns - Historically accurate F-4 loadouts for stock F-4's/weapons - A-10A loadout mod and all the bits for better GAU8 effects - A-6A loadouts If there's any other loadout or .ini stuff I can help with, I'd be happy to (although time is limited). In terms of scope, I'm assuming this is just addressing "realism" of stock aircraft, terrains, and weapons, right? If we start adding stuff, then this is going to turn into NF, SF2V AGXP, and the Suez Mod all in one package.
  16. My experience with the May patch was all missiles hitting the target and nothing happening to the target. A little random unpredictability is fun, but invincible bombers was not.
  17. I think we (meaning those that are really into this stuff) think anything "game-like" is for kids, but that isn't necessarily the case. I have friends at my age (29) that would want something simple and fun, and would expect that if they hit a bomber with every missile they had, that bomber should crash. I agree with you on the look of the game, though. Doesn't matter what the target audience is or how old they are; no one will be happy with the games as they look OOTB. Those are the mods I still consider essential. The day I can't add Stary's trees or some better clouds is the day I stop playing Strike Fighters.
  18. What now?

    First one to reply in this thread gets it...?
  19. I'm taking an approach to this whole thing that's more along the lines of what Dave said. As TK has made the changes he has over the last year or two, I've simply spent less and less time modding and more and more time having fun with the game*. And, to be honest, I've found that I like it! TK's doing whatever he needs to do to make sure people want to buy his game and then have fun playing it. The first SF2NA campaign mission I flew, I tried to intercept a flight of 8 unnescorted TU's. I fired every missile I had (most of them hit) and eventually got shot down trying to get a gun kill. I didn't down a single bomber. Was that realistic? I have no freaking clue. It sure as hell wasn't fun, and I didn't walk away from my laptop wanting to fly to fly another mission. I haven't had a chance to fly since the last patch, but it sounds like I'll have more fun next time I fire the game up. * (I'd be lying if I said the fact that my son being born a year ago didn't also have something to do with me wanting to mod less and just have fun shooting at bad guys when I have the time)
  20. I haven't had a chance to try the new patch yet. I wonder how the "player missiles are more effective" thing is handled... This thread is... interesting... http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9226
  21. This is correct. What you see when you select bombs in all the stock aircraft is 50 mil depression. I looked it up in the weapons delivery manual that came with Bunyaps weapons pack (back in the day), and for most dumb-bomb types, 50 mils is good for something like an 80 degree dive. The problem was that if you changed that number to be accurate for a more shallow dive angle, the bombsight (in the TW world) is down off the reflector glass and somewhere in your cockpit.

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