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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. This mod has been updated! In addition to adding carriers to the stock SF2 campaigns, it now includes an optional set of campaigns that are for SF2 installs merged with SF2V and SF2E. These new campaigns add F-8's and A-7's to the five SF2 campaigns (where appropriate), as well as a new 1978 desert campaign that includes F-14's, F-15's, A-10's, A-7's, and Harrier GR3's. Enjoy!
  2. The flak and AAA effects you are referring to are included in the SF2 Expansion Pack, NF4+, and the SF2I '48 mod. I may talk to eburger68 about a standalone AAA effects pack, but for now they're only in the 3 mods mentioned above. *edit* - Oh, they're also in the Falklands mod. I'd guess they'll probably be included in most big mod packages moving forward.
  3. Well, for the first time in my life I may be getting a computer that is capable of playing the latest and greatest games out there, and I'm excited about it. Unitl now, I have never bought a desktop/laptop with gaming in mind, and, as a result, have always found myself limited to playing games that are 5-10 years old. So of course, the first thing on my list to get after my new laptop arrives is DCS A-10C. What better way to enjoy my sweet new laptop than with the latest and greatest flight sim out there. But there's a catch (there always is, right?). The drawback to being able to afford my new laptop is that I am now a "grown up" and, while I have $$$ for lot's of fun toys, I don't really have as much time to play with them anymore. I'm also going to become a dad in June, so take whatever time I did have available and subtract 99.99%. That's the time I'll have left to do any flight simming on my new laptop. I would love nothing more to learn what every little button and switch do on the A-10C and learn how to press a million different buttons to deploy a GBU on target, but I just don't know if I'll have time. So, how scalable are the avionics? Is there just a "Sim" mode and "Easy" mode, or can I adjust each option individually? I've seen some images of DCS Black Shark with "Easy" avionics and it looked like an arcade game. I don't want that. I'm just interested in maybe some simplified aviionics and systems; I don't want a bunch of icons and labels all over the screen and a super omnicient top down radar in the corner of the screen. I'd just like a few less buttons to push and procedures to learn. Is that possible? Or if not, how detailed is? Something along the lines of F4AF I could make time for if it was the only option... And, the reason I ask is because if I really am not going to be able get what I need out of DCS A-10, I can always get FC2 for 1/2 the price. Based on what I've seen/heard, I think the avionics in FC2 might be suitable to my time constraints. But FC2 isn't the latest and greatest. And like I said, I'm ready for the latest and greatest.
  4. Well, if that is the case, then maybe I should just stick with SF2 in all its simplistic glory and use my new laptop to crank the graphics up! And, from what I've heard, there is a lot of pooping in addition to the eating and sleeping the first few months!
  5. Agree completely. If I had to ask for one realistic thing for TK to fix/implement, it would employment of A2G weapons. Add the same simple functionality to the A2G Radar that the A2A has. Let us lockup targets using the EO display and radar instead of just hitting the E key. That, for me anyway, would go a long way.
  6. I disagree. I don't think we should "complain" to TK with the long list you just spouted. Your suggestions sound more like completely reinventing the game rather than making improvements, and they make it sound like you really don't like the game as it is. Yeah, those would all be nice, but that is unrealistic to expect. How about we ask TK to fix things like effects not displaying correctly and trees showing through clouds before we demand he completely revamp his game. If you really want all that, then why not just find a game that you like instead of expecting the developer of a game that you don't like to completely reinvent his product to meet your needs? In short what you're saying sounds like this to me: "This girl would be perfect if only she was a different height, different weight, had a different hair color, different eye color, and a different personality. I'm going to date her and try to get her to change all those things instead of just finding a different girl."
  7. OK. What I should have said was "Are you sure you're out of weapon stations? Because you can have A LOT!"
  8. The only ways are to: 1) make them weapons with weapon stations. How did you run out of weapon stations? There is no limitation on weapons stations. There is a limit to how many weapon stations show up in the loadout menu. But, just make the new countermeasures weapon stations the last in the number sequence so that they don't show up. Then make the default loadout carry the countermeasure pods. That way they'll load on their own, but only when the weapon is available per its service years. Use stationspecificcode= entries to keep other countermeasure pods from being loaded. or 2) make two versions of the same aircraft that cover the different service years.
  9. Getting a new laptop

    Well, that is a good point. I've been using my 11" macbook for the last few years, and I WANT SOMETHING BIGGER! I'm not super concerned about portability or travel. I have my work laptop for work, and my wife will get my 11" MacBook which we could take somewhere if we needed to. The only reason I was looking at the 11" alienware initially was that I thought that was all that was in my price range. Now I'm seeing that that isn't the case. That being said, I can get the exact same configuration of that HP laptop in a 15" or 17". So, I will probably just head to Best Buy or something to look at sizes and see what I really want. The 15" sounds nice, since it claims to have up to 5 hours of battery life vs up to 3 with the 17". "Up to 3 hours" probably doesn't amount to a whole lot under normal usage. Also, since I haven't gotten a lot of feedback actually comparing the technical aspects of the Alienware and HP, I'm going to post an email response I got from a friend when I asked him about the two: I'm not claiming that the above is "the truth" and I'm not trying to start a flame war and piss off Alienware users. I just thought it seemed like good, data based feedback on my original question.
  10. what do you think of this computer?

    What graphics card does your MBP have in it? The newer ones come with the NVIDIA 310M, and if that's the case, it would probably be cheaper just to add more RAM to your MBP. I am also in the process of going from a MacBook (not pro) with intel graphics to a better "gaming" laptop. Here is the thread I've started. Some of the info may be helpful for you: http://combatace.com/topic/63108-getting-a-new-laptop/page__view__getnewpost__fromsearch__1 I've been looking at laptops for a while, and have concluded that anything with an integrated graphics card (which the 310M is) is not worth the money if I'm trying to improve gaming performance. That doesn't mean it won't run SF2 (my intel x3100 chipset runs SF2 just fine on a combination of low, med, and high settings). That's why it would be helpful to know what your switching from and how much of an improvement you want.
  11. Getting a new laptop

    I would agree that I've never heard that either. But, just looking at the specs (and being someone who isn't an expert on the subject matter), the HP looks to be pretty powerul: i7 processor (vs i5 for the M11X) 1GB DDR5 ATI 6570 (according to notebookcheck.net, it performs better than the GT 335M) 6 GB DDR3 RAM (vs 4GB on the M11X) 17.3" display (vs 11" on the M11X) Again, as sort of a noob when it comes to this hardware stuff, the HP looks to be more powerful than the M11x. If I'm wrong, then by all means let me know (and if you can tell me why, that would be great too!). If i had to pick one at this point, I'd probably go with the M11x (based on the fact that folks here are very happy with it). It seems to be a very safe choice. However, I'd hate to realize after the fact that I could have gotten more bang for my $.
  12. Getting a new laptop

    OK. Wow. This is totally in my price range and looks to be more powerful than the M11X. It's from HP. http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/computer_can_series.do?storeName=computer_store&category=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=High+performance&series_name=dv7tqe_series&jumpid=in_R329_prodexp/hhoslp/psg/notebooks/High_performance/dv7tqe_series It's ATI instead of NVIDIA. Any thoughts there?
  13. Getting a new laptop

    This is probably pushing my budget, but it looks quite a bit more powerful than the M11X: http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/pdet.to?poid=488794
  14. Getting a new laptop

    Looks like I mis-typed above. It comes with a 335M, not a 330M. Looks pretty good to me. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.notebookcheck.net%2FNVIDIA-GeForce-GT-335M.24060.0.html&ei=qNFrTcGWO4OC8gb4wuiJCw&usg=AFQjCNH3lKZ2fBHHzwUHkxDfdfR8RpvbIg But then again, I coming from a laptop with an intel integrated chip. So everything looks good!!!
  15. There could be a variety of things wrong with the campaign you created. ie - mission rates, supply levels, placement of ground forces, strategic node placement, etc... At least one of these aren't set up correctly and as a result the enemy is ending the campaign after one mission. If you post your campaign files, we may be able to help... But, my real suggestion, since you're very new to the series, is to start by making adjustments to existing campaigns and seeing the effects the changes have. Campaign creation from scratch is difficult, takes a lot of time, and can be challenging even for those very experienced with this series. It may be a bit advance for someone who is newer.
  16. You are patched to the '08 patch level, right? I think with that weapons pack you may need to run the weapons data throught the weapons editor once to get the weapons to work in game. That should be covered in either the readme for the weapons pack or in the knowledge base.
  17. The French MirageIIIC isn't flyable with the stock games (the Israeli version is). You need to install NF4+ to get flyable MirageIIIC. And then in NF4+, the MirageIIIC is already added to the campagin!
  18. Again - what exactly were the changes you made and where did you put the files afterward? Campaign edits work just fine in SF2. I have done several.
  19. SF2 has better graphics, a mission editor, a different file/folder structure for mods, and other stuff. SF2 will continue to be patched and supported by Thirdwire, where SF1 will not. Also 99.9% of new mods that made are by modders and available here at CA will be for SF2 only as we move forward. SF2 is definitely the way to go. If it isn't too late, I would cancel your WoV order and order SF2V. In either series, you can merge all the titles together, but you can't merged titles from one series with the other. ie - SF2, SF2V, SF2E, SF2I can all be merged. SF1, WoV, WoE, WoI can all be merged. But you can't merge SF2 with WoV. Also it's much easier to merge the games with the SF2 series. Hopefully this information isn't coming too late!
  20. Well, that depends on what plane you're flying and you're radar settings (again, I'm not sure if easy settings change the shape and appearance of the radar, I think it might). But in most aircraft after the late '60s or early '70s, there is an RWR wich is the round "radar looking thingy" that has lines or symbols on it representing other radars that are looking at your plane. If a radar is tracking you they flash and beep. If they have a lock on you, they flash more quickly and beep more quickly. Your wingman is saying "I've got a spike". "Spike" means that his RWR is indicating that he is being tracked by another radar. Could be friendly (yours) or enemy.
  21. Boresight mode will automatically lock on to any aircraft directly off the nose of your plane, within a certain range ( ~ 10mi I think...?). If it locks onto someone you don't want to be locked onto, you need use the "unlock radar target" key, point your plane at the bad guy you're trying to lock onto, and try again. It's best for use during dogfights when you don't have time to mess with the radar and you know where your oponent is. The air-to-ground radar in ground map mode, will show you anything on the ground that radar waves reflect off of (tanks, building, bridges, etc...) and surface-to-air radars may show up as well, but they won't be distinguishable from anything else. In real life, you could lock onto these to aid you in dropping dumb bombs, laser guided bombs, and firing mavericks, but that isn't simulated in this game. A/G radar is mostly just there for show. In this game, you lock onto ground objects by simply pressing the 'E' key. Whether or not that helps you get your weapons on target depends on the weapon your using and how you deliver the weapon. In real life there are other systems that can be used to detect radars, but those systems aren't modeled in this game. Some newer ARM's (AGM-88) use these systems to fire at locked targets. The AGM-45 and AGM-78 modeled in Strike Fighters can't be locked onto targets by the pilot (in real life and in the game). They automatically home in on any radar emitting source they see and go after that. In game, your best bet is to point the nose of your plane at a surface-to-air radar, fire, and hope the missile goes after the target you want it to. If you're flying an aircraft equipped with a RWR (Radar warning receiver), it may give you some idication of the direction that the radar is in so you know you're pointed in the right direction before you fire.
  22. Just keep practicing and refering the manual as much as you can. You'll get there eventually. Most people here play with settings on radar settings on Hard, and that's why it's hard for us to walk you through some of this. You might want to give hard settings a try - at least it will make it easier for us to help you out.
  23. Wrong. Angles means "thousands of feet above sea level". So, "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at angels 10" means "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at 10,000' MSL"
  24. Not sure about not having been shot down by a SAM. They're out there... What time period are you flying in? ARM (anit-radiation missile) are air-to-ground only and will only lock against a ground target that is emitting some sort of radar signal. So, no, they can't be used against other aircraft. The radar on your aircraft is for finding other aircraft. In real life, there are some additional sensors that can be used to find surface-to-air radars, but those are not modeled in this game. Also in real life, air-to-ground radar modes would allow you to find things such as tanks using the radar on your aircraft. However, that feature is not modeled in this game either. Some aircraft in game do have a ground mapping radar mode or terrain avoidance mode, but you can't identify or lock any targets. So, in short, the radar in this game is used pretty much for only finding other aircraft.

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