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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. IIRC, the F-105 at one point had A2A missions listed as secondary mission types in the data.ini. I think one of the patches finally removed those... I only know this because I had the same issue that you had - lot's of CAP and fighter sweeps in F-105 campaigns! I don't see the issue anymore.
  2. Thanks! I don't think the creators are around anymore... Anyone know if there are issues with including these files in a freeware mod? Also, it looks like the CV41 in the file you uploaded is the same as the one in the download that I linked. Is the that case or is it updated in some way?
  3. Agree. eburger took it to a whole new level when he added those tracers to the Flak guns. Really reminds of scenes from Flight of the Intruder.
  4. I think* what you can do is basically create folders and .ini files for all the campaigns in your mod folder, so the game doesn't pull the ones out of the .cat file. Then just have the .ini file have nothing in it. For example, the SF2E campaign folders are named campaigne1, campaigne2, and campaigne3. Create a folder called "campaigne1", and place a file named "campaigne1.ini" inside that folder, but don't have any information in the .ini file (blank). Then go into campaigns in game and see if you have one less SF2E campaign. If so, then repeat for the other unwanted campaigns. If not... you may have to play around with it more or try something else. This is the exact reason I haven't done merged installs. I'm too anal about this sort of thing. * - I said think because I don't know if it will work. Be careful and back stuff up.
  5. Basically because I've been playing the "opposite" of DiD. Using one pilot over and over even if he dies, reflying missions, etc... I think it's just getting kind of old and makes it hard to care. I think DiD will fix that. Are you guys all using Hard setting for fuel? I've always thought the lack of aerial refueling justified easier fuel settings, especially without ALT-N.
  6. I have been feeling a little bit of a lack of immersion from the TW games lately, so I think I might join you guys with a DiD campaign (haven't done one before). Just need to decide on where to start... Thinking about A-10's in '79 or maybe an F-16. Or, I may go with A-1's in vietnam... hmmm....
  7. Holy #$&!

    I think DCS A-10 is supposed to come out toward the end of the year. There's more info on it at SimHQ. (I haven't followed the release date that closely, since there's no chance in H@!! that it'll ever run on my laptop) *edit* - or did you mean where can you get the movie?
  8. It is not possible. They would have to be coded into the game and they are not.
  9. Something I was thinking about with the new mission editor coming out... Is it possible to create planning maps that show the terrain as it's tiled in game instead of whatever they're showing right now? This would be helpful when creating missions, as it would be easier to tell if your truck convoy is driving through a forest, in a river, through a building, in a city, across a field, etc... Just a thought. It may eliminate some of the guess and check.
  10. For SF2E - download NF4+ (or look for Stary's Germany CE Terrain update mod if you don't want all of NF4+) For SF2V - download the SF2V Expansion Pack (or look for the Green Hell 2 mod with Brian's tile repaint) For SF2I - Enhanced SF2I Terrain by Stary SF2 - Desert Ground Environment Update by Stary Any title - Formosa Terrain Strait update All of these are in the SF2 series terrains download section, with the exception of the Desert Ground Environment Update for SF2 which is in the SF1 section (but works with SF2). All of these add more detailed tiles and lots of trees. Make sure your terrain texture and ground objects settings under graphics options are set as high as your FPS can stand. Then fly low and fast. Done. *edit* - sorry. Green Hell 2 is in the SF1 series section, I think. I know the expansion pack is in the SF2 section, though.
  11. This is really going to breathe some new life into this game. I'm already envisioning CAS/ Armed_Recon Missions with SA-8's, SA-13's, and ZSU's lying in wait, hidden in some trees nearby. Anti-ship missions against an entire convoy with some AAA ships mixed in. Sampans slowly sneaking up the delta near Saigon... Mission sets similar to the ones in the ODS add-on that focus on specific battles or squadrons... Only they're be so much easier to make now and so much more will be possible! It's been a long time since I've played a sim with some good scripted missions (F/A-18 2.0 on a mac back in the day).
  12. Hey folks, My wife's laptop died recently, so we have an opportunity to bring a new laptop into the picture. One option, is for me to keep my Macbook and for us to get a new (and very affordable) laptop for my wife to use for pictures, music, facebook, etc... The other option (which was kind of her idea) is for her to take the macbook and for us to get a new laptop that would be an upgrade (in terms of gaming) from the macbook (integrated graphics) that I use right now. I've seen quite a few laptops with either the Nvidia 310m or 320m, but I'm not really sure what the capabilities of those cards are... Here are three sims I'm interested in playing (I think in order from least to most demanding graphics). What laptops/mobile GPU's would get the job done? -SF2 series with all the eye candy on. -LOMAC with graphics up (own it but have never played it due to my integrated graphics) -DCS A-10 I know that DCS A-10 might be a stretch to play on a laptop, but I'm curious. Heck, LOMAC might be too, I don't know. I'm sure there's a laptop that can handle SF2 in all it's glory, but, again, I'm just not sure what that laptop is or needs to be. Can some of you gurus help break things down for me? What laptops/cards would I need to hit these goals? Thanks, Gregg
  13. Thinking about a new gaming laptop...

    Wow! Only about $750! OK. I'll have to see if I can work something like this into our plan somehow... Thanks!
  14. Does this over-write any of the campaign or terrain files that were added in the separate F-14/carrier NF4+ update? Any chance of merging the two so one isn't overwriting the other?
  15. I understand, of course, that if someone wants to do an F-14 mission, then it will of course require an add-on F-14. My bigger concern (and this is something I've seen with some mods that are out there) is adding a bunch of custom objects into missions when a stock object would work just as well. For example, using the stock ZIL-157 ground objects will work just fine for any Armed Recon mission. Please don't make me go hunting back to page 12 of the SF1 ground objects download section to find the ZIL-157 that has a more accurate camo pattern when I can't see that from the air anyway.
  16. The thing I'm most excited about with the mission editor is the potential to give more "specialized" aircraft a chance in this game. For example, I was on the fence about Old Diego's Cobra. I'm mean, yeah, it looks great. But how much fun would it be to select the Cobra and then have the game engine create a CAS single mission with a 2 dozen tank formation, 2 SA-8's, and a flight of MiG-21's? Not really applicable for a Cobra. But now, the possibilities are greatly expanded. The complexity and difficulty of missions can be greatly customized for the player aircraft. A few tanks and ZSU's for a cobra, a few tank columns w/ SA-13's and ZSU's for a flight of A-10's. My biggest hopes are that 1) people share/upload the missions they create 2) people create missions that work with either stock installs, or "standard" installs (NF4+, SF2V Exp Pack, etc...). Maybe I'm lazy, but I'd hate to have to download 3-4 things and screw up my installs for every mission I want to download. Of course, I will be creating some of my own as well!!!
  17. OK... I guess it's $8 used, so the answer is probably "yes"... Anyone played it? What do you think? I have the Saitek AV8R for my 360, which I got when I bought BoP. I sold BoP because I was so disappointed with it (impossible to see anything in simulation mode, in the other modes it felt like "kill target, next target button, turn at it, kill it, repeat) that I sold it. I love the SF2 series, but I'm finding it harder and harder these days to find time to sit and set up my laptop w/ free-track and play some flight simulators. Plus, as all the great mods come out, my graphics settings are having to be set lower and lower to keep the game playable. My 360 can give me better graphics and is a little better for a "quick fix". So, what are your thoughts? Should I give it a try? Or am I better off taking $8 and wiping... uh... you get the point.
  18. Ah yes... H.A.W.X... The gold standard to which all other arcade - I mean flight sims - should be compared to.
  19. I *think* that if you lock up a target on radar and use CTRL+R you can visually target it even if it's out of visual range. Then if you give your wingman an attack my target command, I *think* they'll use BVR missiles if they have them. Haven't tried it in a while though. And yes, the GR3 campaigns can be tough. Are you running Nato Fighters 4+? That makes things even trickier, with all the extra red sam's and aircraft added. Any way, low and fast is the key, IMO.
  20. Look through here: http://combatace.com/files/category/388-strike-fighters-2-series-by-thirdwire/ Campaigns, terrain updates, etc...
  21. I'm not familiar with windows vista or 7, so I don't know exactly what "merge" is referring to. Does that mean it's merging two files with the same name instead of simply over writing the old with the new? If so, that could be part of the problem. You definitely want to just overwrite whenever asked.
  22. Does the campaign download in question come with it's own custom weapons? If that's the case then you shouldn't add a weapons pack at all. Just a thought...

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