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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. While I'm on the subject, I also noticed that the guns in the MF F-14 are depressed by 2 degrees. The result is that you have to pull the nose up to shoot straight ahead. If I change the angle to 0, the guns shoot straight, but the lead computing sight is off. I've searched through the avionics.ini file and messed with values, but haven't found a way to adjust the lead computing sight to account for the adjusted angle of the guns. Is it possible to adjust the lead computing sight?
  2. Well, I don't know if I really like that HUD much. The files I posted below are edited versions of one of the other F-14 cockpit upgrades available. I've done a lot of tweaking in the HUD to get the size and placement that I like, so I'd rather just remove the little diamond verses using a different HUD, even if mine isn't that realistic.
  3. I found something interesting this morning and wanted to see if anyone can explain it to me. It may be a question for TK, but I'll try here anyway. I have the MF weps pack installed in my Oct2008 WOE. This weps pack includes SA-8, SA-9, and SA-13. All three are set as Mobile_AAA and Common availability. During 1979 campaigns (and I think randomly generated missions as well), I'd noticed that there were a lot of SA-8's, but not many of the -9 or -13. In campagin CAS missions, the AAA defending the enemy ground units was always an SA-8. This wasn't a big deal, but I thought it'd be more fun if there was a little more uncertainty about what I was going up against. Plus the SA-8 shows up the RWR, even further ruining the "surprise". I tried changing the availability to rare and very_rare, but it made no difference. The next thing I tried was to rename it as "xSA-8" (both the folder name and .ini name). Now, all of a sudden, I get SA-13's, SA-9's, ZU's, ZSU's, and SA-8's showing up in CAS missions, all seemingly with equal probability. I also noticed a lot less SA-8's throughout the map in general. So it seems like the issue is with the way the game engine selects AAA units to fill AAA locations or support ground units. For some reason "SA-8" gets selected every time. However, if you remove "SA-8" from the groundobject folder (or rename it), the game engine starts selecting AAA units randomly. What surprised me is that after removing SA-8, the game engine didn't start always selecting something else (I expected SA-9), but it then started pulling AAA objects randomly. Anyway, does anyone know anything about how the game engine selects ground objects to fill AAA locations? Or why it get's so stuck on the SA-8, but not anything else? Maybe someone else with the SA-8 installed can run some 1979 CAS missions (just pick an A-10 or GR3 squadron) and see if they get the same ground object defending the enemy ground units all the time, or if they get different results. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for replying in both places! I responded in the other thread.
  5. OK, I see. Since you listed them as 1 and 2, I thought the game searched first by alpha-numeric, then searched for capability, which didn't make much sense to me. But I think you were saying that those are two factors it uses to select, not necessarily in that order/importance. It's really strange - I have my WOE install copied onto another computer, and with the other computer I'm not having the weird issues with the SA-8. Hmmm... Thanks for your help!
  6. Does this mean it was selecting SA-8 because when listed alphabetically, SA-8 is the first AAA unit? If this was true, though, wouldn't the game have defaulted to the SA-9 when I removed the SA-8, or is there still some degree of randomness to it?
  7. Do you know if all the highway airfields are flattened by any chance?
  8. Hey Bananimal, Weren't you working on a WOE version too? What ever happened with it? I like the rescaled green hell trees, and I'm looking forward to some properly scaled trees in WOE as well! Of course, this is to tide me over until the fantastic seasonal mod form CA Stary is ready!!!
  9. Ever since the sept 08 patches, the cluster bomb effect from the MF weps pack absolutely kills my framerates and turns things into a slideshow. I think it might be the cbusmoke part of the effect, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I have no idea how to edit effects. Can anyone point out what I could try to get the effect to have less impact on frame rates? Thanks! PS - which .cat file and which .ini file have the stock effects? I'd like to take a look at the stock effect.
  10. Ahhh... that made a big difference. I still cut out some of the other emmitters, but I got the "dust cloud" back in there with a lower emmission rate. Seems to now have no negative impact on frame rates. [EffectType001] Name=ClusterBombletExplosionEffect Element[01].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[01].ElementName=CbuGroundExplosion Element[01].StartTime=0.000000 Element[01].StartTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[01].EjectTime=-1.000000 Element[01].EjectTimeDeviation=0.0 Element[02].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[02].ElementName=LargeGreySmokeEmitter Element[02].StartTime=0.050000 Element[02].StartTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[02].EjectTime=-1.000000 Element[02].EjectTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[03].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[03].ElementName=SmallRocketFlashEmitter Element[03].StartTime=0.000000 Element[03].StartTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[03].EjectTime=-1.000000 Element[03].EjectTimeDeviation=0.0 .... [EmitterType002] Name=LargeGreySmokeEmitter EmissionType=RADIAL_EMITTER UpdateType=SIMPLE_POINT LifeTime=0.20 Inheritence=0.00000 MaxVisibleDistance=20000.000000 ZeroVelocityZ=TRUE EmissionRate=0.50000 <----- was 0.006 before ...
  11. Thanks. I kinda tried that, but my problem is mainly with CBU effects, and it tends to happen when I'm using them as well as AI flights. This means that I'm within the 5-10k meter range, so dropping the max visible distance probably won't help much. What I did do, was remove some of the emmitters from the effect. Most noticeably missing is the dust cloud (among others). The dust cloud seems to be pretty realistic part of the effect based on the youtube videos I've seen, but eliminating it helped a lot with FPS. And the end result isn't that bad. I just replaced the top section of the effect with this: [EffectType001] Name=ClusterBombletExplosionEffect Element[01].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[01].ElementName=CbuGroundExplosion Element[01].StartTime=0.000000 Element[01].StartTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[01].EjectTime=-1.000000 Element[01].EjectTimeDeviation=0.0 Element[02].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[02].ElementName=SmallRocketFlashEmitter Element[02].StartTime=0.000000 Element[02].StartTimeDeviation=0.000000 Element[02].EjectTime=-1.000000 Element[02].EjectTimeDeviation=0.0
  12. In case anyone is interested, I created a mostly stand alone Ground War Enhancement mod for stock/modded WOV. Available here Some previews:
  13. OT - I'm using Razbam's skyraiders with the latest patches w/o any problem... Which A-1's are you having problems with?
  14. Hey guys, Any update on the status of DS? It's been a while since we've heard any news...
  15. You might want to search here and at SimHQ for the threads releated to the Korean War mod. Some stuff needs to be fixed in that mod to be compatible with post-WOE level patches/service packs/updates/hotfixes... Anyway, make sure it is the actual game and SP level you're having a problem with, and not just the mod...
  16. Another random question on the subject of cluster bombs... the bomblets never seem to dispense from the canister and continue on the same flight path. But instead they seem to shoot forward. If you use the F9 key, the result is that your bomb is tracking to a certain point, and then the canister dissapears (I mean splits open) and then you see the impact way off in the distance. I don't know if I explained this well, but does anyone know if there is any .ini setting you can edit somewhere that will tone down the distance the bomblets leap ahead of the canister? None of the values in the weps editor seem to have anything to do with this. Thanks!
  17. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work without the "white outlines" you were talking about. MipMap=true or =false, they're still there, and like you said, much more noticeable than before. If I can get that straightened out, I'll D/L for sure!
  18. Don't be discouraged!!! I can't tell you how much I've learned about this sim by trying to create things I either don't know how to create or create something that someone else more qualified is already working on. If you want a CJ, then by all means take every available F-16 you can get your hands on and hack them together into some sort of Franken-Weasel. I've found it's a little more satisfying flying your own creation, even if it's a little imperfect.
  19. WDH, There is an F-16C in my linebacker III campaign (in downloads section). It is the MF F-16A Blk 10 with data.ini and loadout.ini edits to make it a generic "F-16C" (not any specific block, just most of them combined...). The cockpit and model are still just the Blk 10 versions, but if you look in the data.ini and loadout.ini, you'll see the entries for the LANTIRN Pods on the chin stations, as well as the HTS pod for AGM-88's.
  20. Version


    Wings Over Vietnam Ground War and Targets Enhancement v2.1 by malibu43 This is an update of my original WoV ground war mod. This mod will add a "static" ground war to two new campaigns in WOV. I call them "static" because the nodes are defined in such a way that neither side can advance very far and capture the other sides base. The result is a front line that never really moves and continuous ground battles regardless of how much success (or defeat) you experience. This mod also adds VC camps and bases in South Vietnam and Laos, as well as armed recon routes moving between them. I decided to develop this after having a desire to fly campaigns in Skyraiders, F-100's, and A-7's that contained a more accurate mix of missions. I also noticed that with the game (WOV) in it's stock form, there is absolutely no reason to ever use Napalm... Vietnam with no Napalm?!?!? This mod fixes all of that... To Install: This is an enhancement of my original WoV ground war mod. It adds two completely new campaigns To Install: 1. Back up your campaign folder and terrain folder if you have any mods already installed (or just do it anyway... it's a good idea!). 2. Copy Terrain folders into your WOV directory. 3. Install the following add-ons: - Soviet Artillery: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6043 - Infantry Pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5350 - Mirage Factory A-7E: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6889 - Sky Raiders: Razbam Skyraiders Volume 1 and Volume 2 or free A-1H: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=747 If you use the free A-1H, you need to open both campaign files and change A-1E, A-1J, and AD-7 to A-1H wherever necessary. 4. Drop the F-100D_data.ini in the aircraft's folder. The aircraft roles are modified to get more A/G and less A/A, which is how the F-100D was used in Vietnam. The mission radius is also reduced to keep it mainly striking targets in S. Vietnam. 5. Go into the _data.ini's for whatever Skyraiders you're using and change the normal mission radius to 350 and the max mission radius to 375. This keeps the Skyraiders limited to striking targets in the south. (sorry this isn't included, but the Razbam stuff is payware...) NormalMissionRadius=350 MaxMissionRadius=375 6. Drop the 'campaigns' folder into your install 7. Go blow s**t up! PM me with any questions or feedback. Changes from 2.0 - Two new campaigns are included now instead of modifying the Rolling Thunder and Linebacker I campaigns. Credits - Thanks to TeTeT for the original modifications to the types and targets.ini files.
  21. A-7E AAR

    I've always wanted to do an AAR, and the MF A-7E gave me reason to give one a try... Today's mission is a strike on an industrial complex deep into East Germany. I chose to take 6 MK83's, and wingie went with 8 MK82's. We formed up and went feet dry. It wasn't long before the RWR lit up, and I turned my head to see a long smoky finger reaching out towards me. I popped chaff and flare, and dove for the deck. The RWR went quiet, but I decided it would be best to make the rest of the ingress low and fast. Hopefully we could avoid attracting any uneccessary attention. Our SEAD and escort flights, were comforting but not much... And it wasn't long before the RWR lit up again, and we realized we weren't alone. I slammed the throttels forward, and called wingie to catch up, but he was trailing behind. He survived a near miss... ...and I again encouraged him to catch up. He rogered, and then that was last I heard from him. The rest of my radio calls went unanswered.
  22. A-7E AAR

    Sorry, I just saw your question... It's WOE, with a carrier station and the MF A-7E added to the 1979 campaign.
  23. helicopter sim

    Yeah, it broke my heart to retire that sim when I got my new laptop, but the newer chipset won't work with EECH graphics. If you can't get EECH to work, I would recommend Microprose's Gunship!. http://www.amazon.com/Gunship-Pc/dp/B00004...0719&sr=8-1 It's cheap, has decent graphics, and can run pretty well if you read through this site and apply all the updates. www.simwarrior.com
  24. Someone needs to talk to the grounds workers...

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