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Everything posted by maverickHR

  1. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    guess again!
  2. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    who counts them? joke, I dont want to bost, and then loose. We have respect to turkey, but always look into the future.
  3. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    I dobro si to reka
  4. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    sorry, but we won.
  5. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    Its half time, 0:0, but Croatia seems better.
  6. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    we have no other option than sitt and wait for 90 minutes.
  7. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    yeah....... Finasl, watch out , Croatia is coming!
  8. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    I dont think so, I think poland coud win, Croatia will not play with 1. eleven players.
  9. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    signature Inače, Modrić mi je u rodu
  10. GTA IV

    I´ll get it when everybody i know gets it.
  11. el tute ide samo kosovo ili okolna podrucja?
  12. Croatian Lock On virtual Air Force

    danas sam vidija tu stranicu, pa mi je palo na pamet da se registriram ali nije mi se dalo, bija sam umoran... ali nema ti ode puno hrvata, jedno petero... poz..
  13. Joystick?

    I paid my 36,9 usd and It is working realy good, I had no problems with it over 7 months. I took it just beacuse it was realy good looking!
  14. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Im just watching film, and chuck norris is acting...
  15. What airplane are you?

    You are a BOEING 737. You prefer to keep one foot on the ground. A bit afraid to take chances eh? You tend to be a bit more cautious than most in your everyday life. You like safety and security, and safe landings too. If only there were more of you, the world would be so much more sane. ;) 1754 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 17284 times. 10% of people had this result.
  16. Women in uniform...

    I have one much better, but Im not sure am I aloud to put it here
  17. Novi Avion

    yugoslav project fourth generation plane called novi avion-new plane-. It s projected so yugoslavia shouldnˇt depend of anyone at least if you are talking about millitary eqipment. first flight should be 1992.. project was stoped during the war,when croats stoped send money. plane has duble delta wing and canards, and it is similar to sweedish gripen. sory if I said something wrong.
  18. Kosovo

    Koliko god mi ode raspravljali, nikome necemo iznosenjem cinjenica promijeniti njegov vlastiti stav, tako da ce nazalost uvijek Hrvati Srbima biti zlocinci, ali isto tako Srbi ce Hrvatima biti zlocinci. normalno da ima ljudi koji misle drugacije, inace, di bi ovaj svit bia?
  19. Kosovo

    1.tocno tako 2.ali taj mi dio nije jasan, ja nikog ne mrzim, ne mrzim srbe ali ima ljudi koji su primitivni toliko da su se u jednoj emisiji n HRT-u svađali tko je vise Hrvat(to je sramota). Jedan je bija Draskovic (drugi mu je govorija da draskovici sezu iz daleke prosliosti hrvata), ali drugi se ne sicam (drugi je bija 30 puta primitivniji).
  20. Kosovo

    Is this becoming personal....? no, we are just discussing
  21. Kosovo

    To nisu napravili Hrvati, nego ustase, a meni hrvati i ustase nisu isto. U ustasama nije bilo samo hrvata, bilo je i drugih nacija, ko sto je u partizanima bilo i hrvata i srba itd... A i to sto su ustase prikazane kao krvnici i ubojce, to su najvise krivi partizani koji su krojili sliku o ustasama posto su dobili u ratu. Partizani viruj mi nisu bili dusce, ubili su mog pradida bez razloga, prid njegovim sinom-mojim didom, a dalje da ne govorim.....
  22. Kosovo

    cmo´n, we can extract that case, but have you seen ever heard for bleiburg, srebrenica, ovčara, škabrnja? bleiburg srebrenica ovčara and škabrnja where someone mine was killed here. and how many albanians were killed in past years?

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