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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. I agree that TK could improve the game by adding a lot of stuff. I want improvements too. But its only wishes and they may not be incorporated in this game. Who knows other than TK? I still play this game because I can't see any alternatives which suit my needs.. If I wanted a hardcore Sim I would move to other games. Bottom line is that if you don't like the game as it is. Then don't buy it. Nobody forces you to do so. TK must be doing something right since he still got his business and can make a living out of it.
  2. TK could gain much. Creating a sort of customer/modder council with a few select members of the modding community. Discussing what is doable of wishes withing his budget for new releases. Still with him having the final word on what's possible. It don't have to cost anything but a little time.
  3. Can someone please make that damn pony probably set it up as an mobile AAA firing s**t shells. Best some really dry ones making a big brown puff in the air
  4. An educated guess based on the high vis type of paint on all the birds, will be reuse of the FRAM II Sumner class Destroyer and the Forestall Class carrier.
  5. Personally I don't think it was that question, that put the final nail in the coffin..
  6. Now since you are such an smartass how come you don't develop the perfect game for us??? You get all the feedback you'll need to develop it from scratch. By reading all threads at this forum... Then you can try to run your business by customer demand and see how far you'll get..
  7. What would be the point of staying and communicating if you are cornered???
  8. Totally agrees.. However seen from the customers side of the table. The majority of the things he have changed in all of the patches since the first day of the SF2x era should have been caught during the beta test phases. The last couple of years have been a patching hell. It will suit his own reputation to deliver a finished game. With an absolute minimum of patches needed to fix one or two minor things which have slipped trough during testing.
  9. I agree.. Nice to see a preview on the new birds. Both blue and red side.
  10. Not if you start on the ground.
  11. Guys guys. I'll think that TK and we modders are trying to get different things out of this game series. TK have stated that he only want to build a lite sim. Simple avionics no keyboard drill to fire a missile Etc. Modders are trying to get the most realistic behavior twisted out of the game engine as we possible can. sometimes we are going far beyond what the engine can handle. But is it TK's fault? To TK's credit he have implemented quite a lot of features that we modders/users have asked for over time. How many game developers do this?? I'll think its unfair to bash a product not even released. We don't know whats in it. Must be demotivating sometimes for TK and his employees to see how people react on various teasers and the feedback on the patches. The first question is usual! What did he break this time??
  12. F-111 burial....

    Reminds me of the senseless scenes after the end of WWII. Where perfectly good lend/lease aircrafts were deep sixth from British carriers. Just because the US didn't want them back and UK didn't want to pay for them... In about 2000 years from now some archaeologists probably wonders about this puzzle
  13. F-111 burial....

    Why can't they just be cut up by the scrapper. I can't see the sense of burying valuable metals in the dirt
  14. Or its because he canceled the F-14 and is using the F-4 as the base of the new sim??
  15. I only expect the new aircrafts shown and the terrain which haven't been shown much of yet... All other stuff I regard as a bonus.. This way I can't be disappointed
  16. Just tried to save a sample of template in jpg format 6MB for a map vs 16MB for dds and 48MB in bmp
  17. 2 maps for this plane. Both 4096x4096 in DDS format. But if you maximize the layout of the map it could probably be cooked down to one map with the same result. (A lot of unused space on the maps for this bird. But easier to skin due to the layout)

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