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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. Currency Watchers: Euro

    I totally agrees. I'm just glad we never jumped on that wagon here in Denmark. In my book the European Union is a dead borne. To many different views on how stuff needs to work. And democracy is out the window. I remember when we had to vote on a common currency. It should be an anomalously accepted in all of the members in the common market to get trough. Well we voted no and the French chairman in the EC was outraged. It couldn't be true that 50.000 Danes should decide the future of the EU... Well in my book that's called democracy. It just shows how the big countries like France and Germany wants to rule the smaller countries.
  2. yeah the refueling probe then becomes a " seat" always showing up on the aircraft. The fake pilot is a 1x1x1 pixel that can't been seen. I think some info on how to do it can be found the KB. Quite a lot of mods is using this method to place permanent stuff. Like the wingtip RWR pods on the Late RDAF F-100D.
  3. You can add it via the fake pilot method. But I don't think it can be animated.
  4. it's Mannie's birthday

    Happy birthday
  5. One another note.. Some people wants to be beta testers. Fair enough. But I don't think they comprehend the amount of work demanded on such a task. And the insight needed on modding required to perform well as a beta tester. Its not enough just to say.. Hey this feels wrong and you messed up there..
  6. Well sometimes RL get you so low that you can't work on anything At least in some periods. But I agree that motivation is a key factor If only the day had more than 24 hours
  7. Much as I like Americans

    Don't you think there is enough pirates down there But I like the idea
  8. Much as I like Americans

    I think the government here find it easier to control a ban on certain breeds than controlling the owners... Personally I don't have a problem with any breed of dogs. I love dogs and have had a German Sheppard.
  9. Much as I like Americans

    The main difference is the force of their bite when they do bite... Like I said before I agree that the owners are to blame.. But some breeds do bite harder inflicting more damage as others.
  10. Much as I like Americans

    The difference is just that the common good need transportation as well
  11. Much as I like Americans

    It does makes sense. after the ban of those dogs there have been no incidents of unprovoked attacks of people, kids and their pets. Before there was an incident average each month. So the numbers speak for themselves.
  12. Much as I like Americans

    The dog reflect its owner..
  13. Much as I like Americans

    Just for the record. German Sheppard's, Rotweiler's and Doberman's are not concidered dangerous combat dogs here only a few species.
  14. Much as I like Americans

    I agree with you Dave. But as long owners can't find out to handle these dogs probably. I think the common good of the other citizens are more important than allowing those kind of dogs to some dubious owners which in most cases anyway were biker related.
  15. Much as I like Americans

    I agree 100% with you m8 such dangerous animals only should live in 2 places. One in their natural habitat and 2 in licensed ZOO's Here in Denmark even lesser dangerous animals are outlawed. Such as Pitbulls and other " Combat dogs" There have been simply to much damage on peaceful people and there pets being attacked by those dogs. So a couple of years ago after some incidents of small kids being attacked those kind of dogs were banned. The right decision in my mind.
  16. Youtube

    Just for the record.. I don't watch those vids... Just stumbled across a couple while searching for other non related stuff
  17. I'll think the only solution is to redo all decals by your self
  18. Youtube

    Besides that I can't see the use of posting vids of suicides Don't know who is most sick. The poor bastards committing suicide in front of a camera or those sick bastards posting is afterwards. or Youtube itself for allowing such posts. In my mind the world have become a sick place. A ego centered place where people don't care for others than themselves... Its always I want and I want it now, I know my rights and no respect what so ever about other peoples property and life..
  19. Popular AVIATION movies you've watched and liked!

    Don't forget Air America.... Top notch movie
  20. Ed you know those wing fences is actually parts of the flaps that folds up when the wings are being swept back.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kr_0byX2PM look at 47.00 to see how it operates
  21. I love it Paul However you forgot to include the seat and RWR pods quick fix.7z these should be dropped in the ............./objects/pilots folder
  22. Thanks Paul, They looks just awesome :clapping: :clapping:

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