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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I don't know if it would involve much in-game recoding, but I've always hoped that there would be an AttackSpeed= prompt in the Flight Control section of an aircraft's _DATA.ini file. I always despair when I see aircraft attacking ground targets while plodding along at their cruising speed, which with some aircraft can be as low as 270 to 290 knots; while at the same time getting riddled by AAA. Let's say they could proceed along waypoints 2-4 at cruising speed, and then from waypoints 4 to 6 change to a more realistic attack speed as in real life. By doing this, you wouldn't have to worry about increasing the cruising speed in the INI file, which increases fuel usage and decreases range Another issue I'm totally pissed off with is trying to regroup my flight while egressing a target area. Most of the time it's like dealing with a litter of puppies running riot. AI flights are also very easily distracted, often breaking from the formation while en route to a target in order to attack some AAA that shot at us. As an afterthought I'm sure everybody will agree that the SF2 series has a huge potential for improvement. While not necessarily reducing the game's "playability", both of the above suggestions and many others mentioned in this topic can greatly improve the enjoyment factor and make it a little more realistic.
  2. YO CA!

    Fingers and toes are crossed for a quick and painless recovery, my friend. Keep thinking positive
  3. Damn its Cold!

    Ireland and the UK have taken a severe battering over the past week or so. Here it's been the worst storm since the '30s. One of the worst affected in Ireland has been a seaside town about 35 miles from me......... Before: During: After: I love the sea, but the pictures prove just how sometimes it can also be your worst nightmare
  4. Very cool news

    Best of luck on Wednesday, bud. And remember; just make sure you milk that TLC from the nurses! Worked for me on occasion
  5. Hi all. Does anyone know the name of this (circled in red) blunt-nosed napalm canister and if I can get it in the d/l section? (The image is from the screenshot thread btw)
  6. I've worked on and off over the past couple of days creating new strategic nodes for some stock Desert campaigns. Weird thing is; when I start one of the campaigns it's ALWAYS an anti-shipping mission and there isn't a single AAA gun anywhere on the map. Not even on the red side. Flying in single missions are fine - there's more AAA than you could count on both sides. It's just when I try to start a campaign with the new strategic nodes there's nothing there at all I've even tried re-instating the original nodes in the campaign _DATA.ini but to no effect. Anybody got some suggestions as to how I can solve this problem?
  7. I think it's sorted now. The Startairdefenselevel= prompt was at zero. Just for the hell of it I went to the second mission and the AAA was there. Will try again in a while with the new strategic nodes to see how that goes with the new adjustments. Thank for the help MiG buster!
  8. Update of my Situation

    Good luck with that bud. My 40th birthday is on the 9th - let's hope I'll have an extra reason to celebrate
  9. I'm assuming the decals are painted on the skin; but if so, maybe a pre-revolution IIAF skin? It would go nicely with a Desert terrain scenario
  10. Don't know if you've seen it already but this page in the svsm.org gallery might be good for referencing: http://svsm.org/gallery/a4m_cockpit
  11. I can't take it any mooooore!! Me want Actually in real life; Spey engined 'E' models almost became a reality when the post revolutionary Iranian Air Force considered the possibility re-engining their Phantoms with Speys, due to the shortage of spare parts for the fleet. If I remember that correctly I read it in Osprey's "Iranian F-4 Phantom Units in Combat".
  12. Five stars. Well done, bud.
  13. Whoahhhh; that's a nice pair of, ehm, engine nozzles you got there Spinners! How did you get that sorted? Fake pilot method? The nozzles themselves look a lot shorter than the stock 'E' ones. I'm assuming the RWR fairing on the vertical tail is a fake pilot job. I've already got a few interesting back stories for Dhimari FGR5s going through my head. Hoping for a release to the what-if hangar
  14. A Tail of two Crocodiles :)

  15. Back For A Bit

    Hi everyone. After a long and silent absence from the boards of CA, I've finally had time to catch my breath and poke my head in to see what's been happening in my absence. Reasons for my absence? Well, where do I start... Of course the most pronounced of my activities would have to be the long overdue marriage to my Fiance Sharon on September 21st last. After my breakdown last year, this lady fought tooth and nail, argued and verbally wrestled with the health authorities to ensure my recovery; no easy task for any individual in today's austerity plagued Ireland. What Sharon's done for me in this regard is something I don't think I can ever repay. My doctor has since cleared me as being fit to find work, and I've been busy also trying to find a job, another daunting task here given the lack of them. We're also busy packing and stacking everything for our big move to a new home nearby next Friday. A new life, a fresh start. I have to say though that the low point over the past three months has been the diagnosis of my Mother having advanced lung cancer. A big shock to all my Family, considering that my Father is in remission from prostate cancer. A positive thing that's come out of that bad news though, is how it's bonded my siblings and I closer together than we've been in a long time in order to assist our parents and to be there for them. On the SF2 front, it's good to see that the CA community is still as strong as ever. Admittedly, I haven't even played any of the games over the past couple of months. However, for anybody that might be interested to know, I'm still committed to completing my upcoming (and final version of) Desert V.4 terrain. Watch this space........
  16. Desert3 Terrain

    Version 1.3


    UPDATED DESERT TERRAIN V1.3 FOR SF2 SF2 has always been my favourite of all the platforms; and after downloading and using the various terrain mods for SF2E and SF2V with hungry anticipation I decided to HEAVILY modify the stock Desert terrain with more than enough of eye candy. DESCRIPTION: Without giving too much away, the geographical story is now as follows: *As well as Dhimar and Paran, I've added Sharnak from baffmeister's Desert 2 terrain (my inspiration for this), now a colony which is known as the British Protectorate of Sharnak. RAF squadrons are permanently based there. A couple of other bases, border posts and the like have also been added from Desert 2 *I always thought that D9 and D10 airfields were always a little too close to the border. They've now been moved to the Dhimari 'wastelands' which you'll see on the centre left side of the enclosed planning map *About ten SAM sites have been added to various locations on Dhimar and the amount of SAM sites across Paran has been hugely increased, the biggest increase being Paran's capital city of Kurzah; which in SAM site and Flak battery terms is now more like Hanoi during the Vietnam War. *Ships, cranes, oil tanks, warehouses and the like have been added to ports on both sides. Now the capital cities of Muthala and Kurzah, have extensive docklands. Other coastal towns have at least one docking area for shipping. *(15TH AUG 2010): Inspired by JSF Aggie's SF2 Range terrain, all airfields on both sides have been extensively facelifted and given a new lease of life by re-populating them with huge amounts of groundobjects, both new and old. They now look a lot more like real life airfields instead of that deserted 'Chernobyl International Airport' look in the default airfields. All airfields have also been re-catagorised into two different groups; 'Red' and 'Blue'. For example, a Dhimari DESERT_AIRFIELD4 will now be 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a Parani one will now be 'RED_AIRFIELD4'. New trucks have been added as default groundobjects so they'll have to be downloaded elsewhere on the site (see 'Installation' for details). *(24TH MARCH 2012): All neccessary INI files have been updated to March 2012 standard. RAF Canopic is now called "Canopic AFB" and is a full-time U.S. Air Force facility. All friendly airfields and some enemy airfields have been enhanced further by adding more groundobjects and in general just tidying up and re-arranging buildings, etc. Offshore oil wells have been situated off the Sharnak and Dhimari coasts. U.S. bomber flights can now attack Paran via the off-map airbase at Diego Garcia. Army bases have been added across Dhimar and in Sharnak for you to defend from Parani bomber attacks. ---------------------------------- INSTALLATION (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): Simply unzip the FILE and put the enclosed 'DESERT3' folder into your Terrain folder. NOTE: Please ensure that you drop the enclosed groundobjects into you mod folder, otherwise there'll be no trucks anywhere in Dhimar and no oil rigs in the offshore oilfields!! Important Note: If you don't already have these, you should download them from the SF1 downloads section, otherwise they won't show up: *SAMs & Vehicles Pack with Desert Skins by Pasko. *Soviet Transport Pack by Kesselbrut. *M109A6 Paladin by rebel ryder. CREDITS: *Factory Target Area, Tactical Control Centre, HeadquartersR1 and Tower H1 by Wingwiner *Enhanced Top Cloud Layer BMPs and PECCO Crane model by Fubar512 *Radar Facility by Grumpapotamus *Railway Station and Small Oil Rig models by Gepard *Generic Hangars pack by Stary *Desert Factories mod by Wrench *Small Oil Rig model by Gepard *New DS terrain textures by comrad *Borrowed Items from Wrench's Libya Terrain : Tree model Round Tents Barbed Wire Fences Camonet Russian Freighter Oil Refinery target area Static Helicopters Rotten Trawlers Libyan Koni Class Frigate (Now Parani) *Borrowed Items From Falklands Mod : Stanley Tower Atlantic Causway and Atlantic Conveyor Canberra Liner Argentine Tugboat (now a Parani Patrolboat) ARA Belgrano (now a Dhimari Flagship) Baltic & Nordic Ferries Type 1 & 2 Trawlers (including rotten models) Type 12 Frigate Type 42 Destroyer Rapier SAM launcher & Rapier Generator 20mm RH-202 & 35mm Oerlikon AAA units Crane 2 object and Jetties All Land Rover type vehicles *Borrowed Items From Desert Storm Mod : Various target areas such as Oil Refineries, Scud Sites and Firebases Satellite and Radio Antennas SS-4_ATT SS-4_LAUNCHER SS-4_TANKER SS-4_TRAILER IraqiSquad D-20 artillery pieces IRBM Sandbag walls Ammo boxes Nuclear Plant *Borrowed Items From SF2 Range Terrain : Forklift and ShelterZU by Amokfloo Firetrucks by Ravenclaw FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock and SunShelter by Pureblue Static Chinook model by Banidos Team Tools by Polak Thanks to the creators of all the above mods. NOTE: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please get in touch so I can give you the credit you deserve! Thanks to Deuces for his editing of some DS terrain tiles. Special thanks to Dave for his encouragement and assistance. The project wouldn't have been taken to this level only for him pointing me towards the right people. If you have any queries or problems please don't hesitate to send me a message. Piecemeal 24th March 2012
  17. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    As pcpilot said; one good thing about family emergencies is the way it brings family closer for mutual support. I know exactly how you feel my friend. Be strong. Don't be afraid to share your feelings.
  18. First flight in a long time It's like riding a bike I suppose - you never lose the knack
  19. Post random things thread

  20. Well done Erik. You're a giant amongst men in my opinion. I'll be lodging something via paypal on Friday. Note for TK: Now this is one reason for you to continue working (at least to some degree) on the PC series. It's because of the devotion of people like Eric and others that the SF series has lived this long.
  21. I'll say this much; when you see that ravenclaw's uploaded a screenshot, you just KNOW that it's gonna be 5 star material! Obligatory screenshot:

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