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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Right; here's my problem - I've lost count on how many times I've seen flights plodding along over a target area at speeds varying between 290 and 320 knots, while at the same time being peppered by AAA. Surely an attack speed should be closer to something like 500 to 550 knots? I've tried looking through some of the INI files in the hope of applying this change, but without any luck. Also; is there a way to avoid having flight sizes of up to 16 aircraft when flying single missions? (without having to use the mission editor)
  2. True enough. Actually on the subject of loiter times, I tried out a strike mission in a Hunter FGA9 with an edited cruise speed last night; came over the target at about 500 knots. Had a look at my fuel gauge after going all the way on autopilot and realised I had only about 2,500lbs of fuel remaining If you're the type of fella who likes to fly a mission all the way to the target and back this certainly is NOT good news. Hmmm. Still haven't been able to pinpoint on how to help reduce formation sizes though. Tried changing aircraft availability to "RARE or "VERY_RARE" but without any luck
  3. Just tried out a cruising speed of 282 m/s and my AI A-4Fs went over their targets at 470 knots or so. Out of two missions their bombs hit the targets on both occasions! I know this also means higher fuel consumption, but wasn't that what external tanks were made of?
  4. Ollie Cromwell

    He was definitely NOT Ireland's most endeared historical figure, but when I read this speech of his it occurrs to me that, like the UK, Ireland could do with a man like this right now. Both our parliamentary systems are completely ROTTEN TO THE CORE and need a complete wipe out, in every sense of the term. The UK and Ireland; what were once proud nations, are now nothing more than subservants to a foreign dictatorship. And while both our countries gradually fall to pieces, our citizens prefer to catch up on brain draining crap like Jeremy Kyle and Dr. Phil........
  5. Fubar: I've been doing that up to now, but I'd rather find a way of changing this without having to go through the mission editor every time I want to fly a single mission. Same goes for having to change the formation sizes. Wilches: I've been thinking the same myself as to editing a specific INI file. I'm just hoping it's not locked away in ObjectData002. Stick: I was looking at that just now. Here's the aircraft data from the A-4F and I think it may be editable there: [FlightControl] StallSpeed=49.81 CruiseSpeed=150.43 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - what unit of measurement is used here? ClimbSpeed=210.05 CornerSpeed=158.78 LandingSpeed=53.65 MaxG=7.00 MaxSpeedSL=302.67 MachLimit=0.930 PitchDamper=0.6 RollDamper=0.4 YawDamper=0.0 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=0 FlapSettingForLanding=2 FlapSettingForTakeOff=1 FlapSettingForCatapult=1
  6. it's a boy

    As requested......
  7. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    A - f**king - men
  8. Good idea! I'll be keeping my eye on this one.
  9. In 1979, and at Dhimar's request, Dassault decided to get one over on IAI by beating them at their own game when they introduced the Mirage S50. In place of the J79 was the Rolls Royce Spey...... In the mid 80s they went one step further by installing canards, an in-flight refuelling probe and a laser rangefinder.
  10. I don't suppose anybody has experienced, or knows the cause of, an out of the blue occurrence where my SF2 install suddenly freezes? Here's the scenario - it doesn't matter what aircraft I'm flying (modded or stock), it doesn't matter what terrain I'm using (modded or stock); but EVERY SINGLE F**KING TIME I PASS WAYPOINT 4 - the game freezes and I end up having to do the Ctrl+Alt+Del dance to exit the game. I don't think it's got anything to do with the latest patch, as I installed it six days ago and it's only today that this has cropped up. Last night I flew a full mission or two and everything was fine. And I haven't edited any major INI files since then I have all the SF2 titles along with Expansion Packs 1 and 2. For once I'm just totally lost
  11. Anybody know the node name of this antenna shown below on the Mirage 5's nose? I've been trying to get rid of it without luck.
  12. Spot on!! Thanks for the help there Coupi!! For anybody who's interested, here's the lines for the _DATA.ini : [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Mirage_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=MediumOilFire EmptyMass=6586.3 EmptyInertia=52475.7,6215.5,58973.7 ReferenceArea=34.84 ReferenceSpan=8.27 ReferenceChord=5.46 CGPosition=0.0,0.00,0.0 Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=LeftOuterWing Component[006]=RightOuterWing Component[007]=VertTail Component[008]=Delete1 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - add this line [Delete1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=fin_nose DestroyedNodeName=fin_nose DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  13. Well you know what they say about the early bird....
  14. All I did earlier was I copied the entire mod folder (in this case MyName/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2, pasted it and renamed the copied folder "StrikeFighters2_Backup". I then ran the update, restarted my desktop and ran a single mission. Conclusion: no problems (so far)
  15. Just ran a mission after installing that update; so far so good - no freezing after passing waypoint 4. This seems like a step in the right direction. I just hope this crap won't start again in six days! At least that made a half decent conclusion for a bad day. Had to collect my missus at the Doctor's surgery after she passed out at work from heat exhaustion. Nothing that a little TLC won't take care of....
  16. Maybe you're right, Wrench. The fact that we're in the middle of a heatwave here in Ireland ain't helping either. We're not used to it on this little island. Maybe I'll try out this new hotfix. What the hell; what more harm could it possibly do?
  17. That's it; I've had it with this sh*te!! Now my missions are freezing during ALL time periods, not just in the late 70s/early - mid 80s!! I installed the patch - I extracted, updated and replaced ALL the relevant files in the ChangeList.ini - and then not one, not two, but SIX days later I start getting this crap!!!! I'm starting to feel like Wrench and at this moment in time feel like totally throwing the towel in with this lot This is the first time I've ever had such serious problems with patches in all these years. Tomorrow I may have cooled down a little and may feel different; but right now I feel like logging onto ThirdWire and tearing TK a new asshole. Maybe after a good nights sleep I might feel a little different.
  18. Sorry about the late reply, lads; I was just checking out a few ideas there. First off, I tried out what Paulopanz suggested - and flew a single mission on a clean SF2V install. No problems at all to report there. Secondly (and I thought this was interesting!); I renamed my modded F-4E_72 and placed a vanilla folder in its place - no INI mods, nothing, just the stock aircraft INI in the folder. Flew a Sweep mission in a modded Desert terrain. No problems at all to report there. EDIT: Just thought of something; this might have something to do with what Raven mentioned about screwed up groundobjects. That F-4E_72 mission I flew was in 1972. I think I'll try a stock F-15 in 1982 to be sure if that's an issue. Stay tuned......
  19. 13,000 eh? Looks like we're gonna have to design a lottery system in order to pick the first 1,000 downloaders. Otherwise - poor ol' Eric is gonna have to deal with a fried server Nice work, Centurion!
  20. Could've been worse - at least there wasn't any follow through obligatory screenshot:
  21. Bombs away - target area's hot......
  22. Low and fast works well in the desert too

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