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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. That's the stock Mk 77 model which is a lot smaller. They appear to be much larger than that in RL images. Compare this screenshot with the first image I posted: If you look at both images side by side you'll see a big difference in size.
  2. Sssssshhhhhhh!! A friend with speed is friend indeed So how does this bombing malarkey work again? Oh, riiiight!!
  3. Anybody know where I can get my hands on a mod of the search and guidance radars for the Bloodhound SAMs?
  4. Nice find!! Cheers bud! Now all I need is to find the Bloodhound EW radar.
  5. Thanks for the heads-up, DA. Funnily enough I saw it mentioned in the _TYPES.INI file of Sundowner's Photo Real UK map but no objects.
  6. Hi guys. You've all probably heard of the Desert 4 terrain I've been working on. Yesterday I thought I'd try it out on my edited Desert campaigns. I thought; "well, if the campaigns work with Desert3, well then surely it'll work on Desert4." Nope. Every single f**king time, the loading procedure stops loading at 40%. No matter what squadron or service I chose, the same result... ... with the exception of two random squadrons. When trying out those two squadrons, all the other squadrons showed up and "did their bit", albeit in AI mode. It can't be the aircraft that are causing the problem, since I can fly single missions with them. The campaign INI files haven't been changed since I used it with Desert3. Desert4 is structurally the same as Desert3 apart from the fact that Desert3 is based on Polak's tiles with Desert4 being based on the stock terrain. Suggestions, anyone? I'm at a total loss here...
  7. Thanks for the offer, BM. Will PM you tomorrow in that regard. Right now I've got an appointment with my cot
  8. Uhhhhhmmmmmm ................ I hate to sound green, but you've lost me! (It's been a number of months since I was working on this upgrade and I'm more than a little out of practice)
  9. Hi guys! Long time no speak! Up until a couple of months ago I've been working on a "Desert 4" terrain, using the stock terrain files as opposed to Polak's modded Desert files. I've also added JSF Aggie's hi-res Desert tiles and Stary's above mentioned trees/buildings mod. I'm sure you'll agree that the result is much more pleasing to the eye: A whole lot of repositioning of objects along coastal towns and cities has taken place successfully, but I've had to remove airfields that I placed in the Dhimari mountain regions which have problems with level placement. Actually, Stary, I'm having a few problems with "blank spots" in the city tiles; ie; no buildings showing up in some parts of some cities. If you could help me with that it'd be great. Also, would anybody be willing to help out with levelling out some areas in order for the airfields to sit properly on them? I've tried using the terrain editor in the past to the detriment of my sanity Unfortunately RL issues have taken a front seat for the past number of months and the project remains unfinished. But anyone that could help on the above issues would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Sh!t hot my friend!!!!!! 10/10 TK couldn't afford you
  11. Change Again

    I know how exactly how you feel, bruv. Keep the spirits up
  12. This'd be a spectacular view if it wasn't my own airbase
  13. Nice job Soulfreak! BTW, which ASM is that on the centreline pylon and where can I obtain it?
  14. Finally a dog that can walk itself

    They're not exactly the masters of stealth, are they? Enemy might think you're coming at them with a chainsaw. When I saw the title I thought it might be something like what this guy dreamt up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDsG8M1g6bo
  15. Top class work, HF!!! I don't suppose you're working on a desert scheme? http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/rh/articles.php?id=7749
  16. REEEEALLY loving this! Will you be doing a French Air Force Desert scheme?
  17. Getting there (slowly) with Desert v4. At the tweaking stage - fix one error and you find another
  18. RIP Bear

    Here Here. Adios, big fella

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