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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I've created the basic details of some new kill markings based on the stock ones. The idea I have had is to help prevent having the front fuselage of an aircraft covered in red stars by creating a kill star for five kills, ten, twenty-five; and a combination of all to create the decals in between. Anyway, I've created twenty five or so over the past couple of days but I'm having REAL bother with getting them to work. I know that the TGA needs to be saved properly but I've searched high and low on the web and here at CA for a "tutorial for dummies" on creating/editing TGAs using GIMP 2.6. The ones I've found are either too technical or just aren't very well put together. I'm absolutely useless with image editing software. Here's an example of what I'm doing: SampleTGA.rar Anybody with a skill for decals out there that's willing to have a look? I'm almost screaming with frustration at this stage
  2. An Old Man's Tale

    I took the bus today to visit my Parents and spend a while with them. My Father's always got a joke or two to tell at which point my Mother raises her eyes to the ceiling and goes out to the kitchen for a cuppa......... A woman gave birth to a baby boy in the maternity hospital. After the child's bottom being smacked, instead of crying, everyone was shocked to hear the boy speak these chilling words; "My mother's going to die this evening, I'll die in exactly twenty four hours and my father will drop dead in exactly one year from today. True to form, the child's mother died that evening and the baby died the following morning. The first anniversary of the baby's birth was approaching, so the father of the child was understandably nervous. So the night before the anniversary he bought a large bottle of whiskey and proceeded to drink, thinking at least he'd go without any pain. the following morning he woke up with a real thumper of a hangover. "I better sober up a bit and make some coffee." He got to the fridge for the milk, but realised there was none there, so he went to the front door to get some from the doorstep........... ............ only to find the milkman dead on the doorstep
  3. Listening to the radio online here. Peggy Lee's "Fever" has just played. Quite appropriate given our sense of anticipation here
  4. Anybody notice a difference in the System Requirements? SF2NA: Memory: 4.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 4.0 GB free space Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10 SF2/V/E/I: Memory: 2.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 1.0 GB free space Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 10 This new setup is certainly going to be a lot more demanding
  5. Something tells me we're getting waaaaarrrmer.......... In any case, whenever it's released I'm not going to buy it til I know at least what changes it'll make to my current setup
  6. No joy. I don't know why but I just can't seem to get my head around this. I've been trying this for the past couple of days and hitting a brick wall every time. I don't understand this at all. Normally I pick thing up pretty easily but this TGA business escapes me. I thought I had sorted out the enigma of it earlier but it's gone from my head again. I've got twenty five improperly formatted TGAs (1-25) that I put together by using TK's stock ones as a template. A lot of the work I did on them was basically cut, copy & paste stuff (I can't paint for s**t) so I don't know if that's got any bearing on the problems I'm encountering. The only suggestion I can make at this stage is if anybody wishes to finish what I've been working on, they can send me a PM and I could e-mail the files to them. They can even if they wish claim credit for the job.
  7. Cheers for that logan. I was able to sort out the background layer on the second image ('Killmarkbasic'). Went to save it. Just be sure, can you clarify one thing for me? :
  8. I think I've chewed enought of the desk for one night. I'ts 3am here. Time to pop my sleepers methinks before I start chewing more MDF. I'll have a go at it again tomorrow evening when I get back home. As I stand now, I'm just completely and utterly baffled by this imaging enigma. Later folks
  9. Noticed on thing as well. I'm teaching myself using a TGA with no alpha channel. But when I add a layer and name it "Alpha 1" - another alpha channel automatically appears as soon as I paste onto the channel I created:
  10. Hi Ian. Thanks for the tutorial. GIMP is a little different in set up than Photoshop but I got the gist of what you were on about. Tried it with one of the TGAs - no joy Hi Kev. What? Where? I checked the post history on your profile but I could only see the past five posts you made Hi logan. No offence bud but I kind of lost track of what you mean half way through. When it comes to images I'm like a caveman with a Clancy novel
  11. Non-US Movies About War

    One of the best war movies I've ever seen is a 2004 South korean movie based during the Korean War: Plenty of great action scenes as well as a good storyline. I bought it on DVD from Amazon after a friend loaned me a copy.
  12. Cue the Barry White music ............
  13. It's The Pits

    Nice work! One point though, you should really buy one of those coffee cups with a lid in order to avoid spillages during all that hard manoeuvering
  14. Off to pop some turrets open 1417 Flight finds a new home in Dhimar
  15. To Anyone who'll Listen

    Hi all. It's been a while since I communicated with anyone here in any shape or form. Too long. And to anybody that's sent me unanswered PMs, I sincerely apologise in advance. I'll be in touch with you all soon. Some may remember that last summer my desktop was annhilated accidentally by the missus. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but this event seemed to me to be the catalyst for my other misfortunes since then. Financial; personal; and 'medical'. Don't worry though - I'll spare you all the gory details. My brother was able to rescusitate my desktop eventually with some hardware purchases and transplants when he had spare time, which in his case these days is a rare commodity. Over the past four to five weeks I've been checking things out here at CA and started rebuilding my SF2 series installs to my taste from scratch. That's something I hope NEVER to have to do again. I've noticed that while I was 'away' that there've been some GREAT mods created. Keep up the good work guys. So anyway; i've spent the last couple of weeks wondering how to put this message. I hope this goes so far as to give apologies to those who may feel that it's warranted. Anyway guys, I'm back for the time being (for as long as I can afford it!). Regards, Enda Curtin (Piecemeal)
  16. To Anyone who'll Listen

    None of the above. My missus is what you might call a cleaning freak. Three or four times a week goes mad dusting, vacuuming, etc. During one of her cleaning sessions last summer she had the notion that it was high time that my drive unit could do with a cleaning underneath. Yes. UNDERNEATH. So she tries to hold the unit in one arm while dusting the desk surface with the other. Let's just say she has a nasty habit of dropping and breaking stuff. I'm sure you can use your imagination with the rest.........
  17. To Anyone who'll Listen

    Humbled is all I can say - cheers for that lads.
  18. The importance of a clean machine (internally!)

    You're spot-on with regard to cleaning. When my brother was rebuilding my desktop he said he was shocked after opening up the access panel. Not only was there plenty of dust but also tons of cigarette ash (!) and nicotine stains everywhere. According to him, a great utensil for cleaning fans is a soft bristle toothbrush. Cleans them like new.
  19. I THINK I'm finally starting to get my SF2 series back to the way I had it
  20. File Name: Mirage IIICJ Shahak (71) Cockpit With Working RWR Display File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 27 November 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Cockpits This is a mod I created after seeing Ravenclaw's Swiss Hunter Mk.58 with a RWR mod. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just copy the contents of the enclosed 'Shahak_71' folder into your Shahak_71 folder and allow to overwrite when asked. If you've any queries or problems send me a PM. Regards, Piecemeal Click here to download this file
  21. I think it's fair to say that my airfield mods are soon to be declared null and void. Stellar work lads. This collection of mods is a worthy successor!
  22. Rodent Sandwich, Anyone?

    Looks like this lady will be buying her bread elsewhere in future: http://www.rte.ie/news/2011/0804/australia.html
  23. Fantastic work on the airfields lads!!! PureBlue; Bitburg is now what I'd call a 'target rich environment' for any Warsaw Pact pilot carrying RBK-250s ;) Sundowner; That tower was already modelled. You'll be able to find it in any of my airfield mods.
  24. Looking nice :yes: This DLC venture of TK's seems to be going down a storm. Could someone post a shot of the cockpit? My game PC is dead and I'm not able to play anything on this laptop.

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