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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Hard Drive Down!

    I feel your pain brother. I'm in the exact same position as you at the moment.
  2. Just a couple of questions for the experts..... 1. Does anyone have a HMS Ark Royal (R09 - decommisioned in 1978) modded for use in SF2? 2. Do any of the modders have ideas as to how I can stop certain friendly aircraft types from showing up in single missions as AI aircraft ALL the time? Take for example the MirageIIIC/5 series which I modded for Dhimari use. Here's how I've edited the Mirage5s _DATA.ini file in an attempt to fix this: NationName=Dhimar ServiceStartYear=1975 ServiceEndYear=1987 AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_ONLY Availability=RARE Exported=FALSE PrimaryRoles=STRIKE,CAS,ARMED_RECON,RECON,SEAD SecondaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,INTERCEPT,CAP As you can see I've even changed the aircraft's air to air functions to a secondary role and I've changed their availability to RARE, yet they always seem to show up flying CAP or intercept instead of various F-4 models which I've modded for Dhimari use. Here's a DATA.ini readout from a Dhimari F-4E_72: NationName=Dhimar ServiceStartYear=1973 ServiceEndYear=1984 AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=COMMON Exported=FALSE PrimaryRoles=SWEEP,CAP,INTERCEPT,ESCORT SecondaryRoles=STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON,ANTI_SHIP This aircraft clearly has air to air defined as it's primary role, yet NEVER shows up. Strange, huh? Any replies and/or suggestions to these queries appreciated.
  3. Where are you going for the 4th

    My missus and I will be in Derry City, where in that part of my native Island the July parades have a TOTALLY different meaning
  4. Belly Up

    I'm pretty p**sed off right now. This is the kind of thing you always seem to hear happening to other members; yet you never expect it to happen to you. I turned on my desktop this evening only to be greeted by a blue screen. Within seconds the drive unit started sounding as if it had a case of major indigestion. I then called my brother who teaches courses in computer repairs, and he then broke it to me that my hard drive's probably died. As if this news wasn't bad enough, I end up getting three more blows to my PC misfortunes: Number one; my missus sheepishly admitted to me in the last hour that she dropped the 'box thing' while she was dusting under it earlier. Number two; I found out a while ago that my 12 month warranty is three three months out of date. Number three; I somehow forgot to do my 'weekly' backup last week. To top it off then, I was actually working on something which I don't even know right now if it can be recovered. Anybody got a six pack of beer handy? :suicide2:
  5. Belly Up

    My brother called today to take it away for a proper look at his place. Whether he'll end up performing a PC post-mortem is anyone's guess at this stage. I'll tell you one thing for nothing; this episode has brought a real bitter sweet taste to my upcoming holiday break next Sunday.....
  6. Version


    This is a mod I created after seeing Ravenclaw's Swiss Hunter Mk.58 with a RWR mod. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just copy the contents of the enclosed 'Shahak_71' folder into your Shahak_71 folder and allow to overwrite when asked. If you've any queries or problems send me a PM. Regards, Piecemeal
  7. Oh?! Dunno where I heard that. Maybe it was in some 'what if' forum
  8. Wasn't some Kurnass variant re-equipped with the 30mm Defa cannon? That might account for the reduction in rounds
  9. Nice one! Thanks Dragon. That's what happens when a guy like me gets too used to using a tool in a certain way.
  10. dragon; how did you manage to extract the INIs for the A-4G? TK said last wkd that he'd have to update the extractor tool to read the DLCs. Just checked the TW site and there's no update for it yet
  11. Hi cocas. Just double checked the aircrafts' 'UserList' INIs and they echo what it says in their respective _DATA.ini files. I'm totally stumped. Perhaps this is a minor bug that needs looking into. Edit - For anybody who's interested I've started a discussion over at TW on this particular issue: http://bbs.thirdwire...&p=52506#p52506
  12. It's got me scratching my head anyway. Yeah, I've got an ArkRoyal.ini and ArkRoyal_DATA.ini in the object folder, and I've also double checked the Campaign_DATA. INI file and it all checks out. The F-4K_Data.INI file states 'CarrierBased=TRUE'. Actually, while I'm at it, I might as well throw the INI files for the ship for anyone who's interested to look over: ArkRoyal_INIs.rar
  13. Cheers for that. I've already got the model but I was asking if it's been updated as I recently added it to an SF2 campaign but it never seems to show up. My F-4Ks start their mission on water
  14. I hope nobody's caught double parking!!
  15. Just watchin' the game, havin' a bud......
  16. Sorry if I got your wires crossed there bud. What I was talking about was having to do a bit of work to the stock SF2 campaigns that I'd already heavily modified to suit my own SF2 install.
  17. Nice work. Keep up the good tuning!!
  18. The Science of the Hangover...

    Well I think being a Glaswegian should speak for itself on that matter
  19. Smee Again

  20. Just checked it out on the TW site. A-4 with 'winder rails on the outside pylons too! I think I'm gonna like this new feature :yes:
  21. In my experience when using TK's stock mission editor there don't seem to be any problems of that nature with AI aircraft from either side when flying scrpited missions. I'd suggest trying out a simple scripted mission using the editor in SF2V, these will be saved in the 'Missions' folder in .MSN file format. Open the file then with notepad and compare the differences in the setup. Maybe that could answer some questions.
  22. Nice to meet you on CA mate. I may have read the message the wrong way, but what you're saying is that you've attempted to use a scripted mission in SF2V from your WOV install? If so, I think I read somewhere else in the SF2 forum that people have been having problems using missions created by a third party (Kreelin's?) mission editor. You probably know this anyway but all of the SF2 series have a built-in mission editor created by TK, which I've used on a load of occasions to create scripted missions of all kinds. Not a bad little feature either. As regards what I mentioned about third party editors, I'll see if I can locate the discussion and place a shortcut here for you. One more thing about the series two, for me anyway; when you're making the initial switch from series one, some things can be a little confusing at first. But within a short space of time you'll find that it's a lot easier to handle. not to mention the file structure being a lot tidier and a lot easier to navigate. Edit: Here's a shortcut to the discussion I mentioned above. Hope it's of help to you: http://combatace.com/topic/65721-kreelin-mission-editor/
  23. I don't know of the names of any WP bombs types so just to save me looking through the entire add-on weapons pack in my back-up drive; can someone shout out a small list of WP bomb names that I can pick out and install in my weapons folders? Cheers
  24. For those who hate Sky Sports pre-game shows

    I've been waiting and hoping for something like that to happen for a looooong time!
  25. Just noticed myself a short while ago that post June 2011 targets are once again visible when you press the F8 key. Things are indeed starting to look up

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