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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Behold the Black Falcons! Thanks for that Wrench. I might even release this to the masses, with a nod to your decalling expertise of course Jeeeezuz, I really need to get my head around this s**t sometime soon ...........
  2. The decal names are: 'F4_SQTAILL091' and 'F4_SQTAILR091' Here's a close up of the left side decal in question:
  3. That eagle decal will come in real handy for behind the cockpit; thanks Wrench. The decal I'm reffering to though is the 'AA' tailcode with the red lightning bolt running through it. One of the stock tailcode decals for VF-11 is almost perfect for the task, apart from the 'blue crest' symbol. I've been trying (but on a VERY steep learning curve) to remove this crest symbol from the decal using GIMP2 without success. Up to yesterday I've never used Photoshop or GIMP and I've almost no idea how to use it. Check out the screenshot at the top of the page and you'll have a better idea of what I'm talking about. BTW, here's the nearest thing I could find to an illustrated picture of VA-85's A-6Es on Forrestal during 1972, which is what I'm going by : My link
  4. I didn't make that decal. It's stock tail decal for the F-4. To be honest I haven't even got a clue what an alpha channel is! Thanks for the earlier shortcut to the SFP1 KB (didn't even think of looking there, duh!), but that and other tutorials are for people who've got at least basic skills. I think I'll have to find the manual for GIMP 2 online.
  5. That's another day down. Unlike that that Rhino jockey next to me
  6. I hope they string him up!

    And so say both of us :yes:
  7. I hope they string him up!

    And now some are worried that the poor little mite's health mightn't be up to the task of standing trial in the International War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague. Altogether now .................. AAAAAAAWWWWWWW, BLESS HIM!!
  8. As regards third party campaigns, you're gonna have to do what I just spent the whole day doing. I Extracted fresh stock campaign files, and edit them SLOWLY by comparing it with the old one. I was having trouble with my old edited SF2 campaigns freezing when I clicked 'accept' in the Campaigns menu. So when I edited the new files I made one change at a time - tested - then continued editing. That's the only way you'll know when you're making mistakes. And whatever you do, don't try editing the pre May 2011 ones. It doesn't work that way so best thing is to start from scratch with an up to date file and edit one step at a time. Sounds like a real pain in the arse but it's the only way I could do it. Compare with original - edit the new one - test quickly. And so on .................................
  9. Ahhhh!! A nobleman of the people
  10. A quiet moment for a scrapbook snap before the storm
  11. Anybody know what the hell is going on here? I was in the middle of this stock campaign (which I had edited) before the May 2011 patch. Today I decided to restart it again. So I select the said campaign, etc,etc, but as soon as I click on the 'Accept' button the game freezes and I've got to exit the game via the task manager. I then make any minor necessary changes to the _DATA.ini file by comparing it with the latest original (May 2011). Still no joy. I'm almost banging my head off a wall here trying to get this to work. Any ideas, lads?
  12. Cheers for that SE. It just seems strange as well that even after extracting a fresh Campaign and Campaign_Data ini and making the necessary squadron changes, the game freezes. Oh well. I suppose I can get some single mission practice in until this quickfix is released.
  13. Once upon a time; when trees roamed the landscape <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (TK)
  14. Sorted this little mystery out over at TW: http://bbs.thirdwire...&p=51888#p51888 Actually, while I'm at it; has anyone been having problems with add-on skins for stock aircraft? I'm scratching my head cos although I've correctly typed and stated the service, squadron, etc. of the skin in the textureset and main aircraft INI folders, these supposedly stock squadrons won't show in the loadout directory. In these cases it won't even let me choose the squadron. One add on Marine skin won't even show the service! Here's what's prompted in the TextureSet and main F-4B_67 directory: [TextureSet006] Directory=111 Name=VF-111 Sundowners Hi Res Nation=USN Squadron=VF111 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=4 [TextureSet012] Directory=531e Name=VMFA 531 circa 1965 Nation=USMC Squadron=VMFA531 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.300000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=4 [TextureSet014] Directory=74 Name=VF-74 Bedevilers Nation=USN Squadron=VF74 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=4 ........... and here's the screenshots of the loadout menu for those skins: While the squadron won't show for the Hi-Res VF-111 skin, it'll show for the stock 'shark mouth' VF-111 skin. Weird, huh?
  15. It may have been a CAT packing oversight on TK's part but I've just noticed that the F-4B_65 has joined the A-6A as an AI only aircraft. Double checked all the CAT files and no sign of the cockpit INI, although the F-4B_65 directory file states that there is one. Strange..... In the meantime I've substituted with the earlier F-4B cockpit.
  16. Otomycosis, anyone?

    I went to my GP yesterday morning to seek some help with my gradual hearing loss in my left ear. I thought it might be all those noisy jet engine mods that I'm listening to while playing with the headphones on, but nope; it turned out to be Otomicosis - more commonly known as a Fungal Ear Infection. I knew I shouldn't have let my curiousity get the better of me but when I got home I did some of my own online 'research' on the issue. Put me right off having a fried egg sandwich for lunch, so it did. Now I'm having not so great fun listening to the sound of ear drops sloshing around my ear three times a day, and my iTunes collection is (literally) sorely missed. It's always good to share your pain, isn't it guys?
  17. New CAT extractor and Weapon/Gun editing tools are out now. I'm off to grab em!!
  18. Personally I don't think anyone'll know much about what can or can't be done with which mod until the new extractor and weapon/gun editing tools are released by TK. Although on a good note I can say that I tried my Desert3 terrain mod out in SF2 and it seems to be OK, though I didn'y bother adding any modded groundobjects. Like a lot of others, I've got an itchy trigger finger waiting to download these tools when they appear. Until then my installs are staying in 'vanilla' format.
  19. Roosters at dawn - Operation Quick Sand; December 31st, 1966
  20. I'm going to leave this download a little while until there's more feedback on it. Just out of curiosity; what exactly does 'Action View' mean?
  21. NATOs live test range - video

    I suppose that's one way to go fishing, albeit an expensive one.
  22. Are the base and the walls part of the same model? I'm useless myself at creating models but my guess would be that if they're not, you should make them both part of the one item. BTW, GREAT desert skins for the launchers and the radars. Though I'd personally leave the colour of the missiles to either the white or green skin.
  23. The 493rd Tacttical Fighter Squadron's first Mig kill of Operation QuickSand - December 29th 1966
  24. Great job Spectre! Just one question though; where did you get that 'ARABCHATTER' wav file? Sounds like I've tuned into a religious broadcast on Radio Tehran!
  25. Hi all. I'm just wondering if anyone's been working on updating the Hawk SAMs mod for use in SF2? I've noticed that since the Jan '11 update they haven't been working at all and I've been trying to work on it by comparing the DATA.ini files with stock SAM inis - without any luck.

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