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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I've got three separate playlist folders in my iTunes player. * Sixties Flight * Seventies Flight * Eighties flight The sixties playlist contains dozens of songs with everything from Diana Ross to Jimi Hendrix. You can get the picture with the others. Usually I play whichever suits me at the time regardless of what era I'm flying in :whistle:
  2. RIP Gary Moore

  3. 12 years ago today

    Happy anniversary, bud!
  4. I've been thinking about purchasing this prop sim that I've heard so much about; but I'm not sure if it's compatible with Windows7 and the info I've seen so far on other sites suggests that it isn't. Does anybody know if it is?
  5. Caesar's got a brand new sword!

    No need to ask who wins the arguments in your house then?!
  6. "Breaking" News: Farting to be banned in Malawi.

    Jim Royle won't like this
  7. It really is a bit confusing. Hgbn was working on updating mppd's SF1 USAF F-4 tailcodes mod for SF2 but only got some of it finished. Hgbn asked me if I'd work on finishing it myself since he's busy working on the MiG Alley project. There's a lot of work in mppd's mod and I@m still trying to get my head round it. Mppd sent me some pics and info also stating that although some F-4s were transferred between squadrons the taifin colours on some weren't changed!
  8. Every Home Needs A Harvey

  9. Flight Sim"war"stories...

    One fight that's stuck in my mind for over the past year: Operation Rattle Snake. August 1st, 1968. My flight of four F-4Cs were scrambled to intercept a Parani bomber flight approaching our airbase fast. After my wingmen shooting down two of them with Sparrows, the remainder of the flight was on its final turn in to target, making a hard left turn. As they were turning I was about two miles away. They were on my ten o'clock so I took a hard left turn. Several mental calculations went through my head in the space of about one and a half seconds; too close for an effective Sparrow shot; way off angle for a 'winder shot, so it's SUU-16 a la carte on the menu Mr. Ilyushin. As I was taking the hard left turn so was the Il-28, which gave me a full top view of its fuselage. I managed to get ahead of its turn and the aircraft was now at my one or two o'clock. Just under a mile now. Wait........ Half a mile. Wait............ The Ilyushin was under a quarter of mile from me as I let loose a three second burst. Several rounds went through its inner left wing close to the fuselage like a circular saw as it passed through my line of fire, sending the Ilyushin into an uncontrollable rolling manoeuvre towards the ground while the left wing and engine spun harmlessly earthwards. I levelled off, rolled inverted and afforded myself a quick look at the Beagle spiralling earthwards over the airbase, smiling maliciously beneath my mask as the base's AAA batteries finished the dying bomber off. It wasn't until the remaining Parani bombers and escort MiGs had bugged off home and I was approaching to land that I realised suddenly what the older squadron members meant by time slowing down during engagements. That theory was driven home more in debrief when my combat camera footage was shown. From my hard left turn to the spectacular footage of the Il-28 breaking up took about three seconds. Jeeeezus!! It felt like two minutes! Needless to say, my backseater and I proudly watched the footage about twenty times more before joining the rest of the squadron for a celebratory glass or ten of JD in the bunkroom. Damn those Dhimaris and their rules on alcohol!
  10. The Day Innocence Died

    May they rest in peace ..........
  11. Anyone know where I can get my hands on some British 1000lb parachute retarded bombs?
  12. Trying to get out of the Virtual cockpit more.

    Excellent idea! Now THAT I would love. Unfortunately the nearest I can get to swimming these days is via the shower. This is due to a perforated eardrum I got from a connecting blow by a pisshead while working on a pub doorway. As a result if I dunk my head under water I'm painfully listening to the sound of the sea in my left ear for a couple of days.
  13. Works no problem: Just one slight problem though; the attachment point in the model will have to be adjusted as it's a little bit off. On the TSC bombrack: On the rear bomb pylons of the Mirage 5: On the centre front and centre rear pylon attachments of the Mirage 5: There's no need to make changes in the aircraft's _DATA.ini file as bombs from other add-on weapons packs are OK, so it has to be the model. Other than that; not a bad job at all TE, not bad at all
  14. Coolest, funniest, worst callsign/s you've ever heard!

    Does your own in-game callsign count? My old in-game callsign used to be 'Ultramax'. It was also my UserName here at CA until my brother saw me on my laptop one day at our parents house and started comparing it with a popular brand of female menstrual sanitary product. :blush::blush::blush: .......... I've been known as Piecemeal for some time now
  15. Trying to get out of the Virtual cockpit more.

    I went back on the cigarettes after being off them for a year, by which time my weight rocketed from ten and a half stones to almost fourteen. My missus even bought me a bra for April Fool's Day! I'm back to my normal weight now but I'm not saying that it was the ciggies that got my weight down; NOR AM I ADVOCATING THEIR USE. No, it was the time honoured, tried and tested method of bipedal locomotion - and LOTS of it. I don't mean that f**king ridiculous 'power walking', or kitting yourself out in a tracksuit and walking ten miles a day. A good example would be if there was something needed at the local store, leave the car keys at home - walk there. If you're not living too far from work - walk there, or at least get the bus some of the way. The main thing is to become more active throughout your body. Using a bike means that it's only your legs are being exercised, whereas walking utilises a lot more muscles and burns more fat. What the hell, bring the dog along (not to work that is!) although at first you mightn't enjoy it as much as him. Anyway, I hope I've been of some help Skyviper. Good luck with it bud
  16. I'll be 'politically sensitive' by saying thanks, TE for your excellent Argentine weapons pack, especially the forward motion challenged 1000 pounders.
  17. Ha Ha! Nice 1 Ok; let me rephrase this - are there any modded British 1000lb parachute retarded bombs out there?
  18. Does anyone know what needs to be done in order to fix this minor but irritating post Exp2 glitch I'm having on the debrief log screen? I seem to have all my onboard mods sorted and brought up to date but this has me stumped. Probably an INI replacement from the new CAT files, but which one?
  19. F**king dreamers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-12302451 They're so blinkered they can't even see that 99.99999999% of the population on both sides of the border here have no support whatsoever for their sad little cause.
  20. Will These Retards Ever Know When To Call It A Day

    I don't think it'll ever get back to the way it was. The vast majority of people in both the Protestant and Catholic communities are just sick and tired of conflict and don't ever want to go back to the way it was, especially after having a good taste of peace and quiet over the past few years.
  21. Wow!! Talk about a suicide run! Goose Green was never so f**king hectic. Hats off to the Sf2 Malvinas creators :yes:
  22. I spliced together a new cockpit sound some months back using recorded audio sounds from a taped Thud mission in Vietnam that I got from a website. To make it more interesting I mixed it with an add-on cockpit background sound. The trouble is it won't play due to the fact that it's (I'm guessing) not the correct bitrate. The sound editing program I downloaded to do this was a free one and the tasks you could perform on it were pretty limited. The sound itself is over an hour long but I'm sure it could be made to work. I've played it on my Windows media player while flying missions and it really adds to the atmosphere, while making long flights a little less boring. Would anyone with proper sound editing software be willing to take this and work on it?
  23. Geez; oh well, to use the old saying 'it seemed like a good idea at the time'. I'll check out the downloads section for what you've made. In the meantime if anyone's interested in taking it off my hands I can forward it to them via rapidshare. Maybe they can cut it up a bit and make it a more practical size.

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