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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. D'oh! Just realised that it's my typing style that's the cause. For years I've been using the Caps Lock key instead of Shift to use capital letters. I guess it's time to change my ways
  2. I was hoping you guys would say that. I've spent almost a week doing these and it'd be a shame for others not to get the same enjoyment out of them as I currently am. I just prefer to err on the side of caution so as not to get myself stuck in s**t. I wouldn't dream of uploading someone else's work without a nod of approval from a CA top dog I'll start organising them for an upload over the weekend and put together a suitable readme. I'd do it tonight only I'm going out for a belated birthtday piss-up and chances are I'll be visiting the base sick bay (i.e. the missus) tomorrow for an appointment with Dr. Seltzer
  3. Call me a stickler for correctness, but when I add a new name in the sim, the game doesn't seem to recognise uppercase letters. Don't get me wrong, I know it won't help me fly better but it's just a little nuance of mine Each to his own I suppose
  4. Thanks for the suggestions lads. In the end I got tired of trying out different node names and decided in the end to do a little bit of decal moving about. That was one of the first of many FOTF A-7 skins I was working on and after doing a huge pile of A-4 skins I wanted to get the project out of the way so I could get back to some good ol' fashioned mud movin'! Over the weekend I'll be working on updatiing the FOTF A-6 skins for SF2 use. I believe the guy responsible for all these is Paul Nortness? I checked his profile out a couple of days ago and he doesn't seem to have been active in a while. I wouldn't mind uploading all the update work I've done if I had his permission. :yes: Oh; and here's some of the A-7 SKINS I've done:
  5. Actually that was one of my wingmen. My aircraft is to the right of the shot just visible behind the MiG. I noticed two aircraft converging very closely and firing at each other so I thought I just HAD to see this close up. I paused the game, went into freeview, took a few screenshots and then allowed the spectacle to commence. They never even clipped wings! What a disappointment when I thought a new dimension of communist Kamikaze was added to the game engine by TK
  6. I concur. 99% of the time my gaming problems (whenever they happen) are terrain related. At 80% the system freezes and after about a minute or so I've gotta exit the game via the task manager. The usual suspect - the SF2V Ground War expansion pack with Green Hell 2. It's a f**king beauty when it works ok though
  7. I had a little time on my hands over the last few days so I downloaded some A-4 skins from the Fist Of The Fleet website. Din't even know the site was still active! Anyway; it took a lot of copy and paste as well as paint work to bring these old SF1 skins up to SF2 standard. They're not perfect but they're not bad either, even considering that the skins are only 512 X 512 pixels resulotion. I don't even know who created these skins so I couldn't even think of uploading them without permission
  8. Here ya go, fellers. This'll fix the issue of the parked aircraft on the runway. Just unzip and throw the INI file into the terrain folder. BLUE_AIRFIELD6.rar
  9. Sorry about that guys. At the last minute I noticed on that airfield that in the blastshield parking areas there were mobile generators in the bays but no parked aircraft. So about fifteen minutes before I uploaded I added the aircraft to the same bays. Will fix that now. Thanks for that folks. I'll place a modded airfield INI here in a few minutes
  10. Clan meeting Snake attack Battle steeds
  11. I don't think so Kev, O wise one. This is the kind of productivity that comes from somebody who's currently on long term illness benefit, has too much time on his hands and has to put up with pretty bad ass weather at the moment.
  12. File Name: Updated Stock Campaigns for Updated SF2 Desert Terrain File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 15 Mar 2010 File Category: SF Series Add On Missions and Campaigns These are edited stock campaigns to suit the Updated SF2 Desert terrain that I recently released. While the original campaigns would work without much bother, they wouldn't give the benefits of all the additions I made to the 'Desert3' terrain. These include: * All US Navy campaigns being carrier based. * Players will now have the additional option of flying campaigns for the RAF. * The two extra Parani airfields in Desert3 are included in these campaign files. Enemy squadrons have been assigned to them. * The SF2 stock campaign files failed to give the player the benefits of having the option to fly in the new stock aircraft that are now available in SF2. These edited campaign files now include the Hawker Hunter, the F-4M/F-4M_75, the F-105D/D_66 Thunderchief, the A-7 Corsair (USAF/USN) and the Harrier GR.1/GR.3. INSTALLATION: Just unzip the RAR file and move the contents of the 'CAMPAIGNS' folder to your SF2 game's 'Campaigns' folder. For those who might be concerned; these new campaign files WON'T overwrite your stock ones. I'm not sure if the CVA-63 and SCB-125 stock carrier models were included with the stock SF2 groundobjects; but if they're not, simply copy those folders from your SF2V/Objects/GroundObject folder. If you don't have SF2V or if you've no wish to get SF2V, please let me know in this release's Support Topic and if there's enough demand for it I'll release these campaigns with land-based USN squadrons. Happy flying folks! Piecemeal Click here to download this file
  13. Hope you enjoy it lads By the way; I don't know if anybody noticed it but there's missing texture BMPs for the tool boxes in the cover screenshot that I gave with this. Ignore it. I accidentally erased the BMP yesterday when I was clearing out unnecessary objects, files and such from the mod folder. That screenshot was taken last night and I replaced the missing bitmap before I uploaded it earlier.
  14. Lady Jessie rides again! Just uploaded the airfields mod for Green Hell 3. Awaiting approval. Over to you guys ........
  15. It's a little confusing really (not on your part) when you google the subject. It appears that the northern, central and southern regions have different dry and wet seasons: http://www.discoveryindochina.com/weather/index.htm BTW, it wasn't what you had on the INI file that had me confused, I just didn't look at it closely enough. The fact that the U.S. use a different dating system threw me off a little bit
  16. Stary; I don't know if this is a mistake but, which one is the 'really dry' season?? - [season001] Directory=dry StartDate=01/01 EndDate=03/20 ScatteredChance=20 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=30 InclementChance=10 [season002] Directory=dry StartDate=10/21 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=20 BrokenChance=30 OvercastChance=30 InclementChance=10 EDIT - Cancel that request. I've just figured it out On a lighter note - I've finished the airfield update and I'll be uploading it probably tomorrow morning. Just waiting for a groundobject delivery from a fellow modder
  17. Not much longer Eric, my good fellow. I'm just finishing off re-arranging some of the furniture in some parts of the airfields. Wass looking around as well for extra groundobject stuff that would fit into that SEA period for the flightlines. No such joy. Another 24hrs methinks, brothers
  18. On a cold and frosty morning near Dresden Auf wiedersehen pet
  19. Thanks for the tip Dave. What you're seeing is just the groundwork. Now that the new airfields are down this is where the fiddling about and moving stuff around happens. If you know of anywhere I can get one of those blue trucks (other than from YAP) I'd be happy to use it. While I'm at it, anybody know where I can get my hands on a Thai flag?
  20. File Name: Piecemeal's Airfield Mod Add-On for the SF2E 'Four Seasons' Terrain File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 30 December 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains This mod is something to complement the excellent Four Seasons terrain for SF2E. All airfields on both sides have been extensively facelifted and given a new lease of life by re-populating them with huge amounts of groundobjects that were used in my Desert3 terrain. Airfields have also been re-catagorised into two different groups; 'Red' and 'Blue'. For example, a NATO 'GERMAN_AIRFIELD4' will now be 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a WarPac 'SOVIET_AIRFIELD_4' will now be RED_AIRFIELD4. The 'Camiones Agrentinos' trucks mod pack have been added as default items so I've included them to this pack also. The amount of ground objects and buildings on all airfields are on a much bigger scale than before, but I haven't really noticed much of a drop in FPS performance - although that does depend on your system and specs. ---------------------------------- INSTALLATION (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): * First, save a copy of your existing 'GermanyCE' terrain (in case for some strange reason you might not be happy with this mod!). * Secondly, unzip this pack to somewhere and allow the folders within to merge with your Strike Fighters Europe installation. * If asked to replace files, allow them to be overwritten (you saved a copy of your original terrain, yeah?). You should be good to go then! Important Note: If you don't already have these, you should download them from the SF1 downloads section, otherwise they won't show up on any WarPac airfields: * SAMs & Vehicles Pack by Pasko. * Soviet Transport Pack by Kesselbrut. Please be sure to include the enclosed 'Camiones Argentinos' truck models by Banidos Team & Suicidal (the default 'USTruck' models have been totally replaced by these, so downloading these trucks is definitely a MUST or there'll be no trucks on any NATO airfields!!) CREDITS: *Factory Target Area, Tactical Control Centre, HeadquartersR1 and Tower H1 by Wingwiner *Enhanced Top Cloud Layer BMPs and PECCO Crane model by Fubar512 *Radar Facility by Grumpapotamus *Railway Station by Gepard *Generic Hangars pack by Stary *Desert Factories mod by Wrench *Borrowed Items from Wrench's Libya Terrain : Round Tents Barbed Wire Fences Camonet *Borrowed Items From Falklands Mod : Stanley Tower Comm Building *Borrowed Items From Desert Storm Mod : Satellite and Radio Antennas Sandbag walls Ammo boxes *Borrowed Items From SF2 Range Terrain : Forklift and ShelterZU by Amokfloo Firetrucks by Ravenclaw FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock and SunShelter by Pureblue Static Chinook model by Banidos Team Tools by Polak Thanks to the creators of all the above mods. Special thanks to all at CA for the fantastic mods that have been created over the years. And of course a special thanks to TK for creating this unique sim series. NOTE: If I've forgotten anybody please get in touch so I can give you the credit you deserve! Have fun; Piecemeal 30th Dec2010 Click here to download this file

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