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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Hi guys. I don't mean to sound like I'm 'passing the buck', but I've had these problems long before I modded the airfields. Like yourselves, I've had this problem on various airfields and the only thing I could do was go into freelook (Ctrl+F12) and calculate how far the airfield had to be moved. Peenemunde was a good example, where I had to move the airfield around a bit to get the trees out of the way. I've come across a few like that but I guess the only thing you can do is to reposition them as you encounter them, either that or using the mission editor to start single missions from every airfield - Blue and Red - individually. I suppose that can be achieved if you've got a LOT of time on your hands EDIT: Just checked out Wildenrath and it looks fine here This is just a shot in the dark, but are you using the stock tiles?
  2. Your Green Hell 3 ain't lookin too bad either. Looking forward to spreading all those modded airfields onto it. :yes:
  3. Happy New Year...

    Ath bhliain faoi mhaise
  4. Next update on my airfield update list ............... SF2V Green Hell perhaps? I believe this current mod has already got some of the NF community talking about doing it. Not a bad idea
  5. Hi all. Further to my earlier mentioned concerns about mismatching tiles and other members mentioning the static Chinook being on display in the 50s; here's SOME fixes: Four_Seasons_Airfields_QuickFix.rar Now, to go into more detail; the missing tiles in the smaller 'Blue' airfields are contained in the above fix files. However in the bigger 'Blue' airfields there seem to be a lot of mis-matching tiles, which to me take away from the quality of the finished product (see the images below): I've already checked the downloads section and there don't seem to be any matching hi-res tiles for this terrain, unless someone's created another set of tiles that I haven't heard of. So What I decided to do on my own system at least is delete the high res RUNWAY TILES ONLY. There's actually no need to delete the HAMMERHEAD or TAXIWAY tiles as they're working fine. For the moment I'm using the stock runway tiles until there's a SF2 series compatible set available. On the subject of the static Chinook I've added a 'StartDefaultDate' prompt date of 1965 where applicable. That's the year that they first went into service according to Mr Wiki. I also enclosed a revised _TYPES.ini file to reflect a slight change I made to the Scud Launcher entry. I'd forgotten earlier that not everybody's using a third party Scud Launcher model Anyway, apologies if necessary for these slight oversights and I hope this clears a few small issues up.
  6. Got it. I'll edit the _DATA.ini file and throw it in with the runways fix
  7. Top o' the mornin' to ye, fellas! Tell me; do ye know of any good bases I can bomb the sh*te out of round here Zebra flight, passing waypoint four ......
  8. Glad you like it guys. Actually, for those that may have spotted it, I've noticed some missing runway tile BMPs in some of the 'Blue' airfields. I'm on it now and I'll attach the tiles here ASAP.
  9. Version


    This mod is something to complement the excellent Four Seasons terrain for SF2E. All airfields on both sides have been extensively facelifted and given a new lease of life by re-populating them with huge amounts of groundobjects that were used in my Desert3 terrain. Airfields have also been re-catagorised into two different groups; 'Red' and 'Blue'. For example, a NATO 'GERMAN_AIRFIELD4' will now be 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a WarPac 'SOVIET_AIRFIELD_4' will now be RED_AIRFIELD4. The 'Camiones Agrentinos' trucks mod pack have been added as default items so I've included them to this pack also. The amount of ground objects and buildings on all airfields are on a much bigger scale than before, but I haven't really noticed much of a drop in FPS performance - although that does depend on your system and specs. ---------------------------------- INSTALLATION (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): * First, save a copy of your existing 'GermanyCE' terrain (in case for some strange reason you might not be happy with this mod!). * Secondly, unzip this pack to somewhere and allow the folders within to merge with your Strike Fighters Europe installation. * If asked to replace files, allow them to be overwritten (you saved a copy of your original terrain, yeah?). You should be good to go then! Important Note: If you don't already have these, you should download them from the SF1 downloads section, otherwise they won't show up on any WarPac airfields: * SAMs & Vehicles Pack by Pasko. * Soviet Transport Pack by Kesselbrut. Please be sure to include the enclosed 'Camiones Argentinos' truck models by Banidos Team & Suicidal (the default 'USTruck' models have been totally replaced by these, so downloading these trucks is definitely a MUST or there'll be no trucks on any NATO airfields!!) CREDITS: *Factory Target Area, Tactical Control Centre, HeadquartersR1 and Tower H1 by Wingwiner *Enhanced Top Cloud Layer BMPs and PECCO Crane model by Fubar512 *Radar Facility by Grumpapotamus *Railway Station by Gepard *Generic Hangars pack by Stary *Desert Factories mod by Wrench *Borrowed Items from Wrench's Libya Terrain : Round Tents Barbed Wire Fences Camonet *Borrowed Items From Falklands Mod : Stanley Tower Comm Building *Borrowed Items From Desert Storm Mod : Satellite and Radio Antennas Sandbag walls Ammo boxes *Borrowed Items From SF2 Range Terrain : Forklift and ShelterZU by Amokfloo Firetrucks by Ravenclaw FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock and SunShelter by Pureblue Static Chinook model by Banidos Team Tools by Polak Thanks to the creators of all the above mods. Special thanks to all at CA for the fantastic mods that have been created over the years. And of course a special thanks to TK for creating this unique sim series. NOTE: If I've forgotten anybody please get in touch so I can give you the credit you deserve! Have fun; Piecemeal 30th Dec2010
  10. Nice one Kev This'll come in handy for situations like mine last night, Well done bud.
  11. Coming very soon to a SF2E Four Seasons terrain near you
  12. Hi all. Does anyone in the modding community know where I can get my hands on a Soviet flag that I can place in Eastern Bloc/ Warswa Pact airfields? I'm currently giving the GermanyCE Four Seasons airfields the same facelift as I did with the updated Desert terrain ones, but I don't think a Parani flag would be very apt in WarPac airfields
  13. Cheers Kev I'll check that out post haste. In the meantime keep an eye out in the terrains section for Four Seasons with 5 star airfields Piecemeal
  14. Hi Julhelm. Actually, before I became ill last September I was working on copying that very set-up to the 4 seasons Germany CE terrain. I completely forgot about it until I saw this discussion. Now that it's popped into my head again I might continue with it in the next few days.
  15. One less Leatherneck on the roster
  16. Thanks lads! I'll enjoy flying this tomorrow when all the crap movies are on TV
  17. Merry Christmas to all

    Nollaig shona daoibh go leoir
  18. My, ahem, birthday is coming up in just under three weeks you know. Heh heh No seriously, this is fantastic work lads. I take it there'll be a different model of some sort for landing on so that we won't have to worry about hitting those Spads parked at the rear? Keep the good work up folks
  19. And to think everything was going so fine
  20. D'oh!! :blush: That's what happens when it's getting close to racktime and you pop a sleeper
  21. Nice shots there Dave Some of them would make a very fitting F-4B_67 loading screen
  22. Well, if I can throw a suggestion into the box: what if it's something to do with our personal system specs and settings (not meaning game settings) Kev; you're having problems with things like the smokestack effect. Mine seem to be OK: Stary; your exploding fuel and oil tank effects are fine and mine are on strike. At least some of my ground objects are expldong like they should ....... : ...... provided they're weapons platforms or vehicles

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