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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I've looked everywhere in the stock CAT folders for that INI file and I can't find it. Where the hell can I get it? In my wisdom I forgot to look in the ParticleSystem.INI file for it. Just shows my level of skill in the effects dept eh? But this'll mean that I'll lose the flak explosion effects won't it? I was just thinking of that before I fell asleep last night
  2. OK, I SEEM to have sorted all but one of my tasks; the emanating cloud of smoke on the ground around the AAA piece when it fires. Now, I can delete the entries for it in the 'FlakEffects.INI' file - but that will stop the flak clouds from appearing in the sky when the shells explode around me. [EmitterType004] Name=FlakCloud37mm EmissionType=RADIAL_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING LifeTime=0.900000 MaxVisibleDistance=8000.000000 PositiveZOnly=TRUE EmissionRate=0.0500000 EmissionVolume=0.0000,0.0000,0.200000 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.000000,0.000000,246900.000000 EmissionVelocityDeviation=0.80000 RadialVelocityTableType=CONSTANT RadialVelocity=157100.0 RadialVelocityDeviation=0.500000 ParticleUpdateType=SIMPLE_POINT ParticleRenderType=SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=TRUE ParticleLifeTime=11.250000 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I've changed the values here to 0 and there's no longer any 'lingering cloud' around the AAA piece - but there's no flak clouds in the sky ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.20000 ParticleWeight=1.50000 ParticleRandomness=0.010000 ParticleDragFactor=0.350000 ParticleInheritence=0.00001000 ParticleWindFactor=0.12 ParticleColorTableType=TABLE ParticleColor[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleColor[01].Value=0.600000,0.600000,0.600000,0.600000 ParticleColor[02].Time=0.10000 ParticleColor[02].Value=0.700000,0.700000,0.700000,0.700000 ParticleColor[03].Time=0.400000 ParticleColor[03].Value=0.800000,0.800000,0.800000,0.800000 ParticleColor[04].Time=0.600000 ParticleColor[04].Value=0.900000,0.900000,0.900000,0.900000 ParticleColor[05].Time=0.100000 ParticleColor[05].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ParticleSizeTableType=TABLE ParticleSize[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleSize[01].Value=1.340000 ParticleSize[02].Time=0.200000 ParticleSize[02].Value=4.490000 ParticleSize[03].Time=1.000000 ParticleSize[03].Value=6.700000 BaseSizeDeviation=0.3 TextureMaterial=GraySmokeMaterial [GraySmokeMaterial] EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE IgnoreRenderOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=EE4_SMOKE.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE So if anybody can figure a way out of this annoying problem I'd be really grateful :yes:
  3. Glad it worked out for you. There's two reasons why I didn't include that cockpit LOD. Firstly cos I assumed that anybody downloading it would already have SFP1 or SFG. Secondly, and more importantly, is cos that cockpit LOD is an original stock file and legally isn't supposed to be re-distributed Those F-15 files you mentioned aren't really doing any harm (I left them in there by accident) so I don't think I'll bother removing them. However, I'll edit the Readme soon to make sure this headache can be avoided. Regards, Piecemeal
  4. F@*k man, this has got me stumped. The only suggestion I can give to you is to try this F-4E cockpit LOD file from SFP1: If that doesn't work, I honestly don't know what to do
  5. Apologies for misreading your first message. I didn't read through it properly. However back to the issue at hand. I take it this is the reading your referring to: If so, as you can see it seems perfect at this end, radar size and all. I'm not sure if I ever updated it, but I just downloaded the mod from here at CA, as I don't have any SFP1 titles anymore. I put it into an F-4E and tried it out without a bother. Just in case it has been updated, here's the INI files: F-4ES_COCKPIT_INIs.rar Try them out and get back to me. Let me know how it goes
  6. You shouldn't have bothered with all that trouble mate I've already done that cockpit and uploaded it. You can get it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/6981-f-4es-cockpit-hud-upgrade-version-10/
  7. Did some more flying over a Flak battery. I don't think the smaller calibre (37mm, 57mm) AAA is to blame here. It's more like anything from 85mm upwards: The light from the flak explosion seems to last around 1.5 to 2 seconds. Oh, and does anyone know how I can prevent the AAA batteries from being enveloped in a cloud of smoke every time they fire? I've tried removing the effects but it also removes the flak bursts in the air, which I want to keep
  8. Earlier I was doing some web research and tinkering with the weapons files settings. When testing them out I was flying single missions in SF2 flying a stock A-7E. All of a sudden when the mission loads fully I see is the wreckage model of the A-7 in what appears to be the bottom left edge of the terrain (check out the screenshot) with Red Crown telling me my mission's failed. OK, I thought; I'll leave the A-7 til later to check out and switch to another aircraft in the meantime. Guess what? Same story. I try this with three different aircraft and get the same results. I don't get this one bit! No matter what airfield I fly from; no matter what aircraft I use, I always end up at the same co-ordinates in a smouldering heap. I know it's not the terrain cos I've tried out the Madagascar terrain and the game just crashed on me. I checked out my SF2V and SF2E installs and they're OK (thank f**k). This just seemed to happen out of the blue. And the only files I was editing were the weapons INIs via the WeaponEditor. Ideas anyone?
  9. Cheers FC. I'll make a fresh pot of coffee after breakfast tomorrow and get stuck into this. Watch this space
  10. It's quite interesting actually. I always thought the SUU-30B dispenser had just the one shape and size but when I saw different pictures of them in books and on the web I decided to look into it further: mppd's revised CBU-24B model / SUU-30A/B dispenser web diagram: TW's stock CBU-24B model / SUU-30B/B dispenser web diagram: The SUU-30( )/B was used for the following cluster bombs: CBU-24/B (665 BLU-26/B or BLU-36/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-24A/B (665 BLU-26B or BLU-36/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-24B/B (665 BLU-26/B or BLU-36/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-24C/B (665 BLU-26/B or BLU-36/B in SUU-30C/B) CBU-29/B (670 BLU-36/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-29A/B (670 BLU-36/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-29B/B (670 BLU-36/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-29C/B (670 BLU-36/B in SUU-30C/B) CBU-49/B (670 BLU-59/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-49A/B (670 BLU-59/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-49B/B (670 BLU-59/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-49C/B (670 BLU-59/B in SUU-30C/B) CBU-52/B (217 BLU-61A/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-52A/B (217 BLU-61A/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-52B/B (217 BLU-61A/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-53/B (670 BLU-70/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-54/B (670 BLU-68/B in SUU-30B/B) CBU-58/B (650 BLU-63/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-58A/B (650 BLU-63A/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-62/B (M38 grenades in SUU-30/B) CBU-63/B (2025 M40A1 fragmentation bomblets in SUU-30/B) CBU-68/B (BLU-48/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-70/B (79 BLU-85/B in SUU-30/B) CBU-71/B (650 BLU-86/B in SUU-30A/B) CBU-71A/B (650 BLU-86A/B in SUU-30A/B)
  11. Solved my 'problem', which started occuring due to a typing error in the weaponeditor. I had the diameter of a bomb at '396000' instead of 0.396000 All appears to be well on that end now While going throught the web researching different types of cluster bombs I discovered that some models of the CBU-24 were shaped like mppd's modded cbu-24model, while other versions were shaped like the stock SUU-30 model. I was trying to appy these different versions when this clerical f**k up occured.
  12. Nice effects! A first for TW sims I'd say. What kind of a FPS hit would we be talking about?
  13. Impressive work on the B-57, Spinners. Well done bud
  14. You are SOOOOO full of s**t, Wrench
  15. Whahh?? Huhhh??!! A good day for the Dhimari Air Force
  16. SFP1Ace pointed out my ommision of RAF Canopic from the terrain So here's the revised DESERT3_TARGETS.ini file ........... DESERT3_TARGETS.rar
  17. Good selling shots Dave Actually the reason I created the new 'AIRFIELD_TYPE' ini files was so that they could be placed into any terrain. For example, 'DESERT_AIRFIELD4' would more or less be the same as 'GERMAN_AIRBASE4', right? So you could replace Spangdahlem with 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a Soviet equivelant would be 'RED_AIRFIELD4'. The same would apply to the Israeli or Vietnam maps. Of course, you'd need to make sure you had all the little bits and pieces to throw into the terrain folder and then would be the unenviable task of adding them to the _TYPES' file. The airfield set up itself would have to be added to the '_TARGETS' file. I'll be thinking over the next few weeks on how to go about that so that any Joe Soap could download it and install it into any terrain they want without too much of a fuss
  18. I've been trying to edit the stock LAU-10A rocket pods to fly without the front and rear covers without much luck, so I was just wondering if anyone knows of an add-on model without the covers by default? Here's an example of what I'm looking for:
  19. Great find, bud. Just installed them in all my SF2 titles. Thanks a million
  20. Latest Desert terrain update forwarded to Dave. Awaiting approval ................
  21. Coming soon to a Combat Ace SF2 Download section near you ........................ very soon :yes:
  22. Testing the latest update for the upgraded SF2 Desert terrain
  23. Lately I've been getting pop-up messages when starting up SF2 stating that my current colour scheme is using up a lot of memory, then asking if I wanted to switch my scheme to Windows 7 Basic. I always clicked on the option to not switch but to be reminded if this happened again. Eventually I got sick of getting these pop up messages so I clicked on the option to switch to Windows 7 Basic. THAT'S when my sound problems started. Not only did it change my colour scheme but it screwed up my sounds big time; all of a sudden my PC sounded like a Windows 95 job. What it also did was screwed up the sounds in all my SF2 titles. Engines, afterburners, flaps and landing gear sounds are now at best at around 25% of their original volume. Funny thing is that all other sounds, including windloops, are perfect I eventually got my Windows sounds back to the way they were, BUT, I still have these sound problems in my SF2 games. Ideas anybody?
  24. Looks like you're f**ked so on that count. Unless you check all your restore dates. If you're running Windows 7 you can restore it roughly to around the time you got it. Unless of course you've installed a s**t load of programs and software since then
  25. Problem solved. I restored my PC to the last time I installed something four days ago. The sounds are back to the way they should be :yes: Eraser; you should try the same if this is something that happened to your PC recently. Just don't forget to back up any files or folders that you've modified since then

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