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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Check the volume levels in Windows - Done. No changes there and on the sound software for the sound chipset if you have any - I honestly wouldn't know were to start looking for that also check the sound level sliders in the SF2 options - no changes were made there. They're still at the same level they were before If you select the Aero theme you used to use (right click on the desktop, go to Personalize and change the theme to something else) are the issues still there? - Spent the last two days messing about with these themes. I'm not sure what theme it was at before this happened but the scheme seems to be the way it was I was just thinking thereif I did a system restore to say, four days ago when I did a system update, would it restore my schemes to the way they were; sounds included?
  2. This sheep's head's not bad, Jamal. Pass me that tabasco sauce .................
  3. I'm hoping can someone point me in the right direction here. I've created a windloop sound that won't play. It's already been saved as WAV file. I think I should also add that the sound itself is an airborne conversation which lasts about an hour. Is there a bitrate margin for the sound to be playable or is it simply just too long?
  4. F**k it - I'll save this headache for another time. At the moment I'd prefer to try and get my Desert terrain update finished as much as possible before I've got the whole house to paint later this week ( ). After that's done, I'll start testing the update before it's released.
  5. Span new desktop, only only six months old. Here's the specs: Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) AMD Phenom 9650 Quad Core processor 4GB RAM ATI Radeon HD4350 card Thanks for your patience so far btw
  6. I really don't know. Sound recording/editing is a completely new thing to me.
  7. Dedicated F-4 Sites?

    I've just been looking through Craig Baker's fabulous F-105 site again this morning and I've just been wondering if anybody knows of a similarly awesome site for the F-4 Phantom?
  8. Dedicated F-4 Sites?

    Cheers bud. Will try em out
  9. Good work, Ace. This should give the lower end users a little more action and a little less stutter
  10. OK, I've converted the file to mono and it's now 342mb in size. Still won't play in the game though. I'm using the NCH Wavepad Sound Editor. Anybody got any ideas as to how I can sort this out? I'm pretty new to this side of things and any help at all would be appreciated.
  11. The sound is PCM, 16 bit stereo, 44.1khz I've checked the properies of the WAV file and it's not even displaying the bit rate. If I could find a way of re-sampling it to a different frequency I could maybe sort out the frequency The file is pretty big alright - about 650mb
  12. The_Old_Farm_by_nuaHs.jpg

    Reminds me very much of the cover from the Depeche Mode album 'A Broken Frame'
  13. Glad to be of service my friend Actually you might be interested to know that I'm working on an update for this terrain as I speak. Keep an eye open for it over the next month or so Regards, Piecemeal Enda Curtin
  14. Hi all. I've currently got a problem with my Desert terrain where there's NEVER any C-130s or other large aircraft showing up on the ground at airbases. Small aircraft are fine; they show up most of the time where they're supposed to. I've already added the DESERT_AIRFIELD ini files to the terrain since the latest update, but to no effect. This is the readout for DESERT_AIRFIELD4: ParkingChance=70 ParkingMaxSpan=18.0 Parking[01].Heading=0 Parking[01].Offset=-356,929 Parking[02].Heading=0 Parking[02].Offset=-335,929 Parking[03].Heading=0 Parking[03].Offset=-314,929 Parking[04].Heading=0 Parking[04].Offset=-293,929 Parking[05].Heading=60 Parking[05].Offset=-582.00,-867.00 Parking[06].Heading=60 Parking[06].Offset=-594.50,-845.35 Parking[07].Heading=60 Parking[07].Offset=-607.00,-823.70 Parking[08].Heading=60 Parking[08].Offset=-619.50,-802.05 Parking[09].Heading=60 Parking[09].Offset=-632.00,-780.40 Parking[10].Heading=60 Parking[10].Offset=-644.50,-758.75 Parking[11].Heading=240 Parking[11].Offset=-603.65,-879.50 Parking[12].Heading=240 Parking[12].Offset=-616.15,-857.85 Parking[13].Heading=240 Parking[13].Offset=-628.65,-836.20 Parking[14].Heading=240 Parking[14].Offset=-641.15,-814.55 Parking[15].Heading=240 Parking[15].Offset=-653.65,-792.90 Parking[16].Heading=240 Parking[16].Offset=-666.15,-771.25 LargeParkingChance=75 LargeParkingMaxSpan=60.0 LargeParking[01].Heading=0 LargeParking[01].Offset=-430,1088 LargeParking[02].Heading=0 LargeParking[02].Offset=-368,1088 LargeParking[03].Heading=0 LargeParking[03].Offset=-306,1088 LargeParking[04].Heading=180 LargeParking[04].Offset=-430,1188 LargeParking[05].Heading=180 LargeParking[05].Offset=-368,1188 LargeParking[06].Heading=180 LargeParking[06].Offset=-306,1188 LargeParking[07].Heading=240 LargeParking[07].Offset=-671,-918 LargeParking[08].Heading=240 LargeParking[08].Offset=-704,-862 LargeParking[09].Heading=240 LargeParking[09].Offset=-736,-805 LargeParking[10].Heading=60 LargeParking[10].Offset=-758,-968 LargeParking[11].Heading=60 LargeParking[11].Offset=-791,-912 LargeParking[12].Heading=60 LargeParking[12].Offset=-823,-855 LargeParking[13].Heading=240 LargeParking[13].Offset=-812,-999 LargeParking[14].Heading=240 LargeParking[14].Offset=-843,-945 LargeParking[15].Heading=240 LargeParking[15].Offset=-874,-892 As you can see, it looks fine. The only changes I made were in 'LargeParkingChance', which I changed to 75. Am I looking in the wrong place or is there an updated INI file I haven't added to the terrain?
  15. That's strange, since the tree.lod is included in the terrain file. Just to be sure; here's the tree object file: TREES.rar Unzip this and throw the contents of the 'TREES' folder into the 'DESERT3' terrain.
  16. :lol: What?!! ANOTHER enforcement vehicle?!! You slip one and there's another one lying in wait just around the corner. The enforcer, eh?
  17. Just applied the same changes to the C-5 / C-141 DATA.ini files. Whether it was needed or not I don't know, but I also created USERLIST.ini files for them as well. Everything's finally looking busy again at the Updated Desert Terrain airfields :yes:

    Cool video. But it doesn't advertise anything positive about the Super Etendard's safety record
  19. Well I've had some luck with the RAF Hercs. They're now appearing most of the time after I made these changes: [MissionData] NationName=RAF ServiceStartYear=1970 ServiceEndYear=2010 AircraftRole=TRANSPORT AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - changed this to 'TRUE' ExportStartYear=1970 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - added these two lines ExportAvailability=COMMON PrimaryRoles=TRANSPORT,AIR_ASSAULT SecondaryRoles= NormalMissionRadius=1121 MaxMissionRadius=1824 Ceiling=12588.2 MinBaseSize=SMALL Still no luck with the C-5 or C-141 but that's probably because they've not been edited for use in SF2.
  20. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage IIIC - Irish Air Corps

    Sweet as a nut, Spinners. Well done bud
  21. Yessss pleeeezz!!!! You've just made my country's 'flying club' look almost like a proper air force
  22. Minimum airfield sizes are OK; C-5s and C-141s are set for 'LARGE' and the C-123s and C-130s are set to 'SMALL'. Userlists are sound as well. Peculiar - most peculiar
  23. You're not the only dumbell on that one. I should have thought of it myself. That seems to have sorted that problem out. Groundobjects were set to 'high'. (Love the van btw) No joy there I'm afraid. Still only C-123s showing up. I'm now convinced that it's got to have something to do with the C-5/C-130/C-141 DATA.ini files There shouldn't really be a problem with the C-130s showing up as they're made for SF2, but the C-5, C-141 and 747 are from the SFP1 download section:dntknw:

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