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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Fabulous work, streakeagle! 11 out of 10 for research and implementation. All we need now is some fuselage artwork to go with it
  2. It's Madagascar. Been burning the midnight oil on target placement. Wrench is bringing it up to date. 'Two weeks'
  3. Clean up on aisle five ...... Rich target pickings ahoy, mateys!!
  4. Welcome to the People's Republic of Paradise!
  5. Happy Easter

    There's a VERY happy Easter happening at this end. Many (hic!) happy returns to all
  6. File Name: Revised SF2 F-105_66 Loadout Option File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 04 Apr 2010 File Updated: 04 Apr 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects After looking at various real life pictures of F-105s I noticed that more often than not, F-105s going into combat carried an ECM pod on one outer pylon and a Shrike missile on the other. The option to make this selection isn't possible in the stock F-105D_66 so I decided to edit the stock DATA and LOADOUT inis to give a more accurate depiction, or to at least give the user the option to select this loadout before flying missions. Just pop these INI files into your F-105_66 folder and you're ready to go. Click here to download this file
  7. Anybody read this yet?

    Has anybody bought this new Osprey title yet? I've already got a good few Osprey titles already but I'd like to know if it's any good before I buy it online
  8. Anybody read this yet?

    You've swayed me. Looks like I'll be topping up my 3v card next Tuesday.
  9. Kim Jong-il dies at age 69

    Yes he certainly looks dead........ very dead indeed That movie 'The Living Dead' springs to mind right now
  10. There's just something about that Flag that says 'go ahead .......... BITE ME!!!! - I double dare ya!!'
  11. May God help us now, corporal; President Kimba will be most upset when he hears of this!
  12. Hey Vampyre; what terrain is that? Sooooo ......... uuuuhhhmmm ........... who goes which way?
  13. Phlipping heck !

    I am like SOOOOOOO f**king envious, man!!
  14. Random Pic Time

  15. Uncle Komar's got a new toy ...... ...... and a new ally
  16. Great job my friend. This'll make a good addition to anyone using the Madagascar terrain
  17. I know exactly how you feel bud. I had a near disaster the other night. Of course in my state of chaos I decided to do a system restore; only to find out that every little folder and INI file from all my TW installs and mods were brought to their previous state ......... MINUS the BMPs, JPGs, TGAs et al. Luckily I was able to reverse the restore and sort my problem out another way. So the moral of my story - ALWAYS back up your Mod folders by copying them onto a blank DVD or a removable Hard Drive. DON'T wait until it happens to start worrying about it! My comiserations on your loss, gillg.
  18. Or perhaps that was a microsecond before impact?
  19. Random Pic Time

    Many happy returns .......
  20. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    You hit the nail on the head there. Like Widowmaker said; Britain has had it's fair share already with the IRA. For the most part today, the British government and Sinn Fein are now on first name terms with each other, but in the background you've got these splinter group f**kwits who want to continue the fight their way. In otherwords, by force of arms. Those people are nothing more than a bloody nuisance who can't accept change. Continuity IRA ....... the Real IRA (c'mon! ). I think the same will apply to the Taliban et al. No matter how much you buy these people there'll always be someone in the background that's never satisfied
  21. Coronation Street - Madagascar style Hey up, Betty love; what's all t' commotion about? I thought we came here for a bit o' peace and quiet, like!! Shut up, Mavis!! Just keep your 'ead down and your mouth shut - otherwise you'll end up on local garrison commander's plate for supper!!
  22. I'm totally baffled with this developement as it's never before happened to me. I had a slight problem earlier this evening with a modded terrain folder that suddenly wouldn't let me play single missions in SF2. So I took the mod folder out of the 'TERRAINS' folder. I then start SF2 to go and see if my single missions problem has been started. My woes are fully realised when the game music is playing, the control settings have been reset to default and none of my modded terrains, aircraft, groundobjects, etc. are available to use. It's like as if I re-installed the game. I then go to look in my 'Saved games' folder but I then notice something VERY odd. Inside my Username folder theres TWO Saved Games folders: I then figure if I just delete the 'New' Saved Games folder then things should go back to normal ................................ nope. Theres another one created again. Does anyone know why my original Saved Games folder is being bypassed and a new one created? More to the point; can this rather large problem be fixed? Update: Just checked my SF2:V SF2:E AND SF2:I installs - same story.
  23. Right. Things are definitely back to normal. I checked the exact location of the original Saved Games folder and discovered that it was in my 'UserName\Searches folder. I must have accidentally moved it there at some stage yesterday. Anyway, I opened the folder's 'Properties\Location' tab and renamed where the location of the folder should be. Started SF2, noticed that all was back to the way I had it, flew a quick single mission and then check my UserName folder. No second Saved Games folder this time thank f**k Guys; thanks again for your advice and assistance. Let the good times roll!

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