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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. While attempting to stay off my boredom yesterday, I had an idea to see what it'd be like to paint the SF2 default desert terrain with the tiles from the 'Malvinas' terrain of the Falklands mod for SFP1. The result was that I'd had the most enjoyable mountain flying sessions in a long time The reset of the terrain has also turned out to be pretty interesting; however, there's been the usual teething problems. I made the terrain by creating a new DESERT folder containing everything unzipped from the Desert.cat (that way I knew exactly what to look for when replacing BMPs, TGAs, etc. Some of the 'teething problems' I mentioned earlier can be best explained in these shots: Are there any 'Terrain buffs' out there that can help me out? Aside from those problems, the more I fly around it the more I want to make a separate terrain from it
  2. Sorry about the delayed reply guys. Trying to get my head around the Terrain Editor at the moment - let's just say that if I had hair, there'd probably be clumps of it in my clenched fists. Very hard to get my head around, but hopefully I'll solve the eternal riddle of the Terrain Editor. As for screenshots of the 'offending tiles' : I've also just downloaded Alan Wilder's (Recoil) 'Bloodline' album from iTunes, which isn't helping my concentration
  3. You're SO correct on that one, Wrench. I've been visiting this iste for long enough and I have to admit that I'm either too lazy or too scared to take the plunge into the next level of getting to know the 'nuts & bolts' of terrains. Personally I'd say the former I think I'll take this on as a sort of 'pet project'. In the meantime, if anyone else has some suggestions, or if you'd like to see more screenshots of the 'Highlands of the terrain, let me know
  4. Awards Ceremony

    Ladies and Gentlemen; good evening and welcome to the 2009 International Building Contractor awards. And the nominees are ........... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. And the winner is ...........
  5. Here's a Discovery Civilisation documentary that I stumbled upon while browsing for documentaries I haven't seen on the subject. This one deals with how close the Argentinian military could have come to winning and features interviews with the military commanders of both sides. I'd HIGHLY recommend it if you're planning on scripting an alternative campaign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVDeN7iB4NE
  6. Russias got a Talent

    That arrow's probably one of those kids ones with rubber suction caps on the end of it. If not ; well, at least that's one less idiot we'll have to put up with in this world
  7. how to get promotion

    Patience, young padawan. All good things come to those who wait. As far as I know; a members ranking depends on how active they've been on the forum. In otherwords, the more messages you post the higher your rank becomes.
  8. When VietCong attack ............ ............ Tigers await
  9. Och, aye laddie. Rab C. himself would have been proud of it.
  10. Top o' the morning to ye, one and all!! Sure begod I thought I'd be a good neighbour and pop by
  11. Lucky ...... Not so lucky ......
  12. Now THIS is going to hurt .......
  13. I've converted all my terrain INIs and it hasn't been to their detriment
  14. I'm just wondering if these improvements apply to Single Missions only; cos I've spent the past two days sorting out EVERY .ini and .lst file in EVERY folder (and subfolder) of SF2 but I've got the same framerate for my campaigns. Don't get me wrong, I can see a noticable difference when flying single missions, but campaigns are still between 8 and 12 FPS at best.
  15. Cheers mate. Just wanted to be sure. Your 'Low End' system has the same specs as my only system. Trying this out now
  16. My fault for not being clear enough, but what I meant to say was; do I alter the entries in aircraft main INI directories (including stock aircraft) to correspond to any changes I've made. My example being in my last message
  17. Should I also change the entries in the main aircraft .INI file to uppercase? For example: AircraftFullName=A-4E Skyhawk AircraftShortName=A-4 AircraftDataFile=A-4E_data.ini <--------------------- uppercase or lowercase? LoadoutFile=A-4E_loadout.ini <------------------ UserList=A-4E_UserList.ini <-------------------- CockpitDataFile=A-4E_cockpit.ini <-------------- LoadoutImage=A-4E_loadout.tga <-------------- HangarScreen=A-4E_hangar.bmp <-------------- LoadingScreen=A-4E_Loading.bmp <------------- AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <-------------------- AvionicsDataFilename=A-4E_avionics.ini <--------
  18. I think HDR v1.0 will have to be put on hold for me until I get a new rack (maybe) next year. Would love to see some screenshots of it in the meantime, though. Cheers bud
  19. Anything that gives me more enjoyment from the SF2 series gets the thumbs up from me. :yes: I've heard a lot of people mentioning it on the forum but, just two questions: 1. What exactly does this mod do, i.e., what enhancements does it offer? 2. How can I check if my video card is up to the specs?
  20. Does anyone know where I can find and download the background radio chatter in this SF2V clip: I think it really adds to the atmosphere of a flight :yes:
  21. Here it is: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1878 I've tried it out and I'd highly recommend it for any of the SF2 series. Really adds to the atmosphere of a conflict environment

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