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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Does anybody know how I can solve this problem: I've added Stary's Desert Terrain ground environment update and I'm using 'Desert Plus'
  2. Just checked the terrain folder - CITY1.TOD is already there.
  3. Jeezus; Paramount Comedy eat your heart out! Will check that out now, Wrench. I'll get back to you in ten
  4. Sounds like Alvin & the Chipmunks on my rack
  5. Hi all Can anyone tell me where I can obtain the ini, DATA.ini and UserList.ini files for the following: 1. FanSong/FanSongC/FanSongF radars 2. SA-2L/SA-2LC/SA-2LF launchers I've extracted and combed through all the stock ObjectData CAT files without any luck
  6. Found them. I had to re-extract the ObjectData CAT files. I hadn't done that since SF2E was released. Sorry for the inconvenience, all
  7. I've just been looking through my WOE and WOI installs to find the stock C-130 Hercules files in order to copy them over to SF2/V/E. I found the LOD files, ini files and the damage bmp - but no skins. I've checked both ObjectData files without luck and have even gone through the skins section here at CA without luck Can anyone shed some light on this?
  8. Got em. I should have been looking in the 'Modern Aircraft' section. I was looking for them in the 'Cold War Aircraft' section Thanks again, streak
  9. SA-2s

    So whenever I do this I'm cheating then. Don't worry though - I'm not always too lazy to check! I might do that from time time if I've got no RWR display and audio warnings only - as in the case of the A-4E_65
  10. SA-2s

    Some people may call this cheating - others will call it a handy tip, but anyway; Sometimes when my RWR starts screaming 'lock!' at me and when I get a missile launch warning I wait a second or so, then pause the game, press F6 and I have a three dimensional look around for the tell-tale SAM trail. This gives me the exact location of the launch and I'll know exactly which way to manoeuvre after I resume the game.
  11. It sure ain't easy bein' a mud mover. Now where did you say Charlie was down there?!
  12. Please, bear with me for a moment guys. Until two weeks ago I was off the web for a while so there may be a fix for this ............ After cleaning up my Weapons folders for my SF2/V/E installs I decided to dust off bobrock's Tornado F.3 and take her for a spin. So I select my weapons, skin, etc, etc, and click on FLY. I start as always on the runway. So I release my wheelbrakes and gradually throttle up to full AB. Two minutes later (and a third of the way down the runway) I'm still in full AB and am barely managing 3 knots! I quit the 'mission' and start another one. Same story, only after the F.3's gone a little further it starts doing a buckaroo routine Can somebody shed some light on this problem? The aircraft doesn't seem to want to leave the ground
  13. Problem solved, guys! I realised it was a mis-entry in my Tank_F3 in the weapon editor The usual subsonic drag entry for that tank is 0.200000 I don't know know how I managed to do it but I had an entry of 200000 It's no wonder I couldn't get off the ground with that much drag Now; back to dodging missiles .....
  14. Forget swine flu - I've got me a bad dose of Phantom Phever. So far so good; there's been no cure found
  15. Great work, ordway. I just made a few small changes to the AVIONICS.INI, regarding the proper range settings for the 'JayBird' radar. Check out the attached link for more details: http://www.janes.com/articles/Janes-Avioni...nd-the-CIS.html
  16. Cheers for the link. In the meantime; is this an improvement?
  17. :blush2: Pity; the East German insignia kinda looked cool on the -17. Do you know if the Czech Air Force operated it? I've tried googling it but Poland 'appears' to be the only nation that used it
  18. Thankfully the Su-17 series are working just fine in SF2/E. Time now to add them to the stock 1972 campaign methinks :yes:
  19. Just one question; where's the control stick gone to in the MF/bis cockpits? I'm just asking cos since SF2 first came into our lives I haven't been able to look at a cockpit without a control stick
  20. Calling All Parani Citizens!! Arise Now!! Join the Air Force now and play your part in defending our sacred Motherland from Dhimari tyranny!!
  21. Hi all. Just checked in this evening for the first time in (I think) three weeks due to the chaos of moving house; topped off with a Family medical emergency. Before I went 'offline', so to speak, I downloaded SF2E which I'm only starting to go through now. I'm just wondering if anyone's working on a SF2E compatible Four Seasons terrain - or is there a simple INI file editing process to make it compatible?
  22. Good work, Stary. With your help I've finally gotten rid of that whitewash effect :yes: Now, where's that milking bucket gone?

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