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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Fabulous work,lads! I'd recommend these tweaks to anyone who'd like to jazz up their Four Seasons terrain. Just one more quick question; who knows what tga file I'm missing here: I currently have three tga files called 'TEROBJECT_HOUSES1', 'TEROBJECT_HOUSES2' and 'TEROBJECT_HOUSES3'. Is there a fourth?
  2. Cheers for the info, Fubar. What changes do I make in the DATA.ini - and where? Just one more question; are there any GERMANYCE ini files from SF2E that I should throw into Four Seasons in order to take advantage of any new generation improvements?
  3. Hi all. I've been off the radar for a bit and I haven't been able to keep an eye on issues. So before I d/load SF2/E, does anyone know if that issue with SAHMs not working in aircraft using AVIONICS70 (post-May patch) has been resolved?
  4. Another alternative to Sidewinder/TER loadout methods:
  5. I just want to throw a query out into the forum for people to think about before I'm forced by my missus into making the dreaded weekly excursion to the shopping mall where, my trolley steering abilities will be analised ........ Anyway - is there a way I can change the firing salvo number of Hawk SAMs from six to, say, three? When they fire at an enemy aircraft, it sure makes for a pretty display, but it doesn't take long before you run out of SAMs to throw at the next wave of bad guys!
  6. Cheers for the help, FB. The Hawk batteries are still doing their job but more importantly, are being a lot less spendthrift when it comes to expenditure Thanks again
  7. It's Dhimari Rhino season :yes: ........
  8. Right; here's the relevant section my edited HawkL_DATA.INI file. Am I going in the right direction? [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=45000.0 MinMissileRange=400.000000 PitchAngleRate=8 MaxPitch=80.0 MinPitch=30.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30.0 YawAngleRate=30 YawLimited=TRUE MinYaw=-90 MaxYaw=90 DefaultYawAngle=180 RangeFinder=1 BallisticComputer=1 MissileLaunchTime=1.5 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Rails BTW Fubar; are your recommended changes for a three missile salvo?
  9. reducing this amount per salvo - down from six missiles to three
  10. That's a good question. It'd be a great function if they could reload after (for example) 5 minutes, or whatever amount of time it takes in real life to load up again. I suppose that could be another alternative to reducing the salvo amount. With regard to salvoes, this is a perfect example of what I'm on about;
  11. SF vs SF2

    That's true; but after installing SF2V I played a mission and was surprised to find AAA around Hanoi in a desert finish shooting at me. :yes: I sorted that out soon enough though
  12. Compliments again my friend. Just one question; do you have an 'IIAF' version of these skins?
  13. Hey Sundowner, where can I get that Iranian skin? I've been looking around for it for ages.
  14. I agree with FC. I installed YAP and followed the instuctions both for YAP and on the KB in relation to installing pre-Oct '08 versions of the game. Result - the game crashed after I tried to start it up
  15. These lads are always willing to dish out second helpings whether the recipients want it or not :yes:
  16. I've been in touch for the past day with the YAP site trying to sort this 'little' problem out. Basically the control settings say that the key set-up is as it should be (default), but when I start a mission the key assignments are quite literally all over the place! For example, when I press the G key (gears up/down) I'm going through my A2G weapon selection Has anybody ever had this problem after installing YAP? ............ 1. I re-installed WOV and installed the two patches provided on the YAP disc. 2. I then installed YAP from the disc provided. Following completion of the install I re-started my PC 3. I then opened WOV and clicked Single Mission to test it out. I selected the aircraft type, year, etc. andproceeded to preflight. As soon as I clicked the preflight tab the game crashed. 4. I tried a re-install but got the same results 5. I then re-installed but by also installing the above Oct '08b patch. I'm now able to play single missions and campaigns but with the fore mentioned control calamity! Would this have anything to do with the fact that I'm trying to run it on Vista? Am I supposed to play the game with the provided disc? Please, somebody ....... HELP!!
  17. Well, I've re-installed it again; to the letter (albeit minus the Oct 08 patch). I've also checked everything FastCargo said in the KB, but It's still crashing at start-up. I've informed YAP via e-mail so I suppose what else can I do
  18. It's perfect now. I'm still catching my breath after seeing the breathtaking beauty of GH2 Thanks again, bud. Here's a postcard from Haiphong for your trouble ......
  19. Cheers, kb Are the rivers, estuaries and sea still supposed to be a silvery-white colour, though?
  20. Can someone tell me how to fix these 'little' problems? I remember dealing with that problem before but I've forgotten
  21. The third party cockpits don't work in SF2 or SF2V. As a temporary solution I use the A-4B cockpit for the MiG-17 and the early F-100D cockpit for the MiG-19
  22. I mentioned last night on a different subject that I was working on an 80s campaign for SF2. Here's the general gist of the story: Operation Desert Shepherd:\nJuly 1986. With full scale conventional war raging in Europe between the superpowers, Shah Komar of Paran seizes the opportunity and proceeds with a crushing pre-emptive strike against key Dhimari positions. The US has commited its frontline units to the fight in Europe but has promised one ANG squadron which will arrive within the week. Also, the carrier USS Midway has been taken out of retirement and is already en route with VF-151 aboard. Before hostilities broke out, US Navy Aggresor squadron VF-43 had already been in Dhimar providing ACM training for the Dhimari Air Force and are fully in the fray. Not knowing exactly how or when a re-supply can take place, these are desperate times for Dhimar. Operation Desert Shepherd has begun! I'm trying to create a Rawke's Drift/Zulu situation where, basically, the s**t's hit the fan and things are looking pretty grim at the outset. I just wanted to post this onto the forum because sometimes a second opinion never hurts. If anyone has some ideas or suggestions I'd be happy to hear them
  23. The main jist of the story is that Paran attacks Dhimar, taking advantage of the fact that NATO is under siege from Warsaw Pact and Soviet forces, and the US (due to their more urgent obligations in Europe) is only able to deploy token reserve forces to assist the Dhimaris. So obviously the RAF will be too busy to make appearances of any sort, unless ..... the RDAF had a squadron or two of Buccaneers in their inventory . Not a bad idea, CL. Only thing is that a Dhimari skin would have to be knocked out, and skins are NOT my specialty . Know anyone?

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