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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I was clearing out old files on my hard drive and came across this jpg I saved some time back from this site for my desktop Does anybody know where I can get my hands on this delectable hi-res skin? It looks a lot more detailed than the one I have from the Iran-Iraq War mod :yes:
  2. I've only noticed this now, but since I've installed SF2V I don't have any guns in any of the F-4E versions (original F-4E, 72 and 75 versions). I tried fixing this by going to the new ObjectData003 folder, copying the new ini files and putting them in place of the old ones in (for example) Saved Games/ThirdWire/SF2/Objects/Aircraft/F-4E. No joy. I've also checked the F-4E in SF2V and the gun works fine there.
  3. Disregard this thread, lads. False alarm on my part. I must have caused it when I was trying to transfer my SFG GunData.ini to SF2. All's well now
  4. Has anybody actually been hit by AAA fire from the likes of pieces like the ZSU-57 or KS-12/19/60? I've just wondered, cos apart from making pretty little puffs and big banging noises in the sky - I've never been hit by a projectile from any of these guys. In Ed Rasimus' books, he frequently referred to large calibre AAA being guided by 'Firecan' radars. Before I read any of his books I've never even heard of a Firecan radar: I don't suppose anybody's got one tucked away in their hard drive gathering dust?
  5. Double checked all my SF2 F-4E models and I can confirm that NONE of them work.
  6. Cheers bud. I'll give that a try when I get a chance. Right now I've got a more serious problem. Check out my upcoming thread regarding the stock SF2 F-E models post-SF2V ............
  7. Good news for those interested; I've spoken to TK on the ThirdWire forum and he's informed me that he'll try to knock out a more SF2/SF2V user friendly Gun Editor as soon as he gets some time :yes: . This should help make things easier when editing gun data in the new platforms, eh?
  8. I'm totally lost in the soup! I've spent the last half hour trying to do the above and I'm hitting my head off a brick wall. I don't even have the option to change to 'ASCII', it's either ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big endian, or UTF-8.
  9. Be sure to check your Log in the Debrief section after your mission ends just to make sure that it was high calibre Flak that hit you. That way you'll know whether you're going in the right direction (editing wise )
  10. Nothing conclusive. If I knew which folder to put the GUNDATA.INI file in I might be able to change some of the gun settings, which might help me make things more realistic
  11. Cheers bud. BTW, I was told by (I think) Dave that the GunEditor can be used in SF2. Which folder do I put the GunData.INI file into? I've been having a little trouble working that one out
  12. What isn't - the video or the missile launch sound? No, seriously though; if anyone knows of this .wav sound I'd be delighted. As with deployment of AAA, until this Firecan mod mentioned in the other thread appears, I'll be looking through the DS_DATA.INI file to see how the Flak was deployed on that terrain
  13. I also wish I had his missile launch sound as well. I've been looking for a proper one for a long long time. The only other place I heard a good launch sound was here: Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it in any of the sounds dowloads
  14. Hold the replies on that, lads. I found it in SoCal. I forgot I had in WOE :blush2:
  15. I've just checked my ODS mod in WOE - no sign of it in my GroundObjects folder, unless it's under a different folder name . Which version of Israel2 is it in? I'd rather not go downloading a load of terrains that I don't need
  16. OK, I've checked out the thread that Malibu pointed me to. So there's a new Firecan radar model in the works. I wonder if it'll include a AAA network set up that can be placed on any map? I also watched the short WMV that Fubar put on the thread. Now that's EXACTLY what I'd like in certain areas of a map :yes:
  17. Checking it out now. Thanks for the pointer bud.
  18. You speak my language, CA. Good work mate.
  19. Does anybody know how I can prevent this little mix-up from occuring on my SAM sites: This has also been happening with the SA-2s and SA-6s. The ring of SAMs would consist of both SA-2 and SA-6 launchers. All the data entered for all the SAM sites in the DESERT_TARGET.INI have the usual 'SAM_Launcher' for the SAM Radar and 'SAM_Launcher' for the launchers
  20. The Dhimari boys are starting to get the hang of Iron Hand
  21. I'd love to know the answer to that myself. :yes: Talkabout timing! I actually went to put some money on my card today in order to buy YAP. When I got back home I had a quick look on this site for the daily news gossip and discovered this thread!
  22. I must say that adding SAM sites to the Dhimari map in SF2 has made a huge difference to my campaigns. I finished one of the 'Quick Sand' missions a couple of minutes ago and Parani aircraft of all types were dropping like flies! I only hope that when I get my hands on an F-4 that there's some MiGs left for me to drop
  23. I just checked the Hawk PAR folder and all the above are present and correct. Radar mesh is still missing though. Must be cos it's the older Pasko version. Do you know where I can get the newer one from?
  24. Those Dhimaris don't like to miss, do they?!
  25. I just flew a recon mission in a MiG-21MF over Dhimar. Look at this for SAM insanity: During the mission I flew over three Dhimari SAM sites ...... during debrief I counted a total of 31 SAMs thrown at me ...... as I speak I'm still scraping the s**t from my shorts. Oh, and while I've got some attention - has anybody had this problem with their Hawk PARs?

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