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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Quick question lads - when flying in single missions, is it normal for SAM sites to sometimes be missing from the map?
  2. I've been mulling over whether to get Yankee Air Pirate but have been wanting to ask questions that I can't find the answers to on the YAP site; 1. Is the playability level the same as WOV? By playability I mean is it more complex to operate 2. Is there a bigger hit on the FPS when compared to WOV? 3. Is it overall more a enjoyable experience?
  3. I think I've been well and truly sold on this issue, guys. I finished reading 'When Thunder Rolled' by Ed Rasimus last week, and I'm about 90 pages into his second offering 'Palace Cobra'. I hadn't played WOV in a LONG LONG time and after reading through these books I think I've got a case of the WOV munchies coming on .............. :yes: $24.99 - a good bargain judging by the screenshots on the website. As soon as I get some money on my card I'll be burning it on to my hard drive
  4. Two replies - two positive ones. Sounds promising :yes:
  5. I was think of doing that as well, but lately the couch potato in me has taken roost Definitely worth a try at some stage though :yes:
  6. I was going through those INI files and noticed that the Nike Launcher and its associated radars have no Network Type entries. I'd place 'Nike' in, but I'm not sure if that would be the right entry So it seems that the Nike system was the culprit for the mixed SAMs. Thanks for the info on that
  7. Can you tell me which line in the launcher DATA.ini to check out? I'm looking through it now. Cheers bud Under the 'Detect System' head, look for 'NetworkType=X'
  8. I was looking at my modified F-105 cockpit and was thinking that it would look great for cockpits if you could have a more realistic looking glass radar lens look when the radar is turned off. Something like this: And then maybe when the radar is switched on to have the RADAR_PPI bitmap transposed in with the glass radar lens in order to give that 'transparent glass' look. This might be a good example: Convert one of them into a TGA file, maybe?
  9. You awake over there, Al?! C'mon, man - get your s**t wired! Uh, yeah, boss; sorry boss. It's just these damn long haul flights over the Dhimari Straits. I thought this was what the Navy was sent here for .............................. that hangover ain't helpin' either.
  10. I got a second hand book last week by Osprey publishing called 'Battle For The Falklands (3) - Air Forces'. It's part of their 'Men At Arms' series. There's some detailed illustrations in that book Check out the cover:
  11. All shot up and a long way from home Don't you just love the new damage textures in SF2?! :yes:
  12. Those deck drew make for some REALLY interesting screenshots :yes: . Add-on?!
  13. I've downloaded both the F-104C and the Pakistani Air Force F-104A and I've just wondered if there's any third party F-104 models that have the fixed refueling probe AND the under fuselage pylons. I thought I'd ask so as to save me the trouble of downloading all of the models to find out
  14. That was one of the first F-104C models I downloaded. No fuselage 'winder rails I'm afraid. Pity really. It's a great model
  15. I just finished a strike mission in SF2. Hit the target but got my tailplane blown off by 23mm MiG cannon on the way home. I only found out on debrief that I was killed. So it seems the dead CAN fly. I was wondering how I was able to bring what was left of my aircraft home to base in my dead state
  16. 11 out of ten my friend ...... compliments to the chef
  17. Has anyone been able to mod the A-6A's fuel gauge to show the digit counters?
  18. Bring it on, bud. I'd give anything a try once
  19. I think some of you misunderstood me, guys. I was just wondering if there was one of Ajundairs F-104 models that had provisions for both the refueling probe and the 'winder pylons incorporated in the LOD files. I wasn't really looking for historical accuracy, more something aesthetically pleasing to the eye, while maximising the possible armament load. I wanted to create an ex-USAF F-104C for the Dhimar Merc squadron starting around 1968. The idea came to me from the Desert style camo on the Pakistani/ex-Jordanian F-104A from Ajundair. Oh well, looks like I've got a choice; it's either the probe or the pylons .........
  20. I'll check out Dave's work, Wrench. Thanks for the info
  21. Nope. I added the F-104C LOD files to the Pakistani F-104 - the refueling probe showed up no problem, but the two Sidewinders were underneath the fuselage hanging on air
  22. Excellent!! Downloading now.......

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