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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Is there much of a hit on the FPS?
  2. I curse you, American infidel PIG!!!! ..... (Shakes his fist) ..... Next time I not be so benevolent!!!!
  3. Iron Eagle the glory years

    Yeah; it was a great flick to watch when I was an acne infested teen but now I cringe whenever I see it on the shelf in the local DVD shop. My missus has said; 'why don't you buy that one - you like that kind of stuff'. My only reply is; 'don't you dare ever buy that for my birthday or for Xmas' My missus just looks away scratching her head in confusion
  4. To show what the country thinks of our 'leader', there's urinals being made in his image See the resemblance?!
  5. Do previous Prime Ministers apply also? If so, check out Bertie Ahern our last 'Taoiseach' (Prime Minister in Irish) - a.k.a. 'Le Chancer': This confidence trickster coveniently (for himself) resigned as leader of our nation just before the whole deck of cards they call the economy came falling down
  6. Look closely. The gauges start at '0000' and stay there. During the entire mission I've no idea what my fuel status is. It may be something I did myself sometime recently with the cockpit.ini file while trying to sort the 'whiteout' issue
  7. I'm on the home stretch of Ed Rasimus's book 'When Thunder Rolled' and I was recently thinking of the day when his flight attacked a rail station close to the buffer zone with China. It got me to thinking, hey, wouldn't it be great if there were a couple of railway stations in Paran to bomb the s**t out of. I started yesterday, by downloading Gepard's railway station mod. I then placed it in the outskirts of Kurzah, Paran's capital city. Today I've been thinking about creating a rail network across Paran to make things more interesting, along with a few rail stations along various places. But I'm sure that this is going to be a daunting task when 'mapping out' the railway. Has anyone done this with any of the terrains?
  8. It's chugging along ............. very slowly, mind.
  9. I am; and my name's not Shirley either
  10. I never said my Spanish was up to masters degree standards ......... and my name's not Paddy, by the way
  11. Good work kurdes. I guess all I need to sort out now is the fuel gauges ...
  12. El gringos rojo El gringo muerte
  13. A different sort of tank busting, heh heh
  14. I imported one of the bridges from the WOE terrain.
  15. Does anyone know how to solve the problem of the stock SF2 Su-7BM/BMK wheels turning on the wrong axis?
  16. Bingo Just for the info; it works properly on the Y axis. Done and dusted. Thanks for the help FC
  17. Why can't I get a lock?

    One simple suggestion: PRACTICE ......... PRACTICE ......... PRACTICE ......... PRACTICE ......... PRACTICE That's the only way you'll learn the ropes with anything :yes:
  18. Whenever my currently installed (and non self-edited) Hawk SAM sites fire at an airborne target, they more often than not fly up to about 6 to 8,000 feet and spontaneously explode in mid air.................. The reaction from attacking airborne flights .........................
  19. I've placed an Aggressor squadron in one of my campaigns. Here's some of the relevant data for them: Experience=100 Morale=100 My question for the experts is, does the game engine only recognise entered experience, supply and intelligence levels as ranging from 0 to 100? If possible I'd like to place an experience level of something like, say, 125 in order to reflect the skill of Aggressor instructor pilots in real life. Whaddya think guys?
  20. News headlines for 24th December 1975; In a daring move yesterday, the Parani Air Force made a lightning strike on a bridge in the central Dhimari coast. The Royal Dhimari Armed forces have reported that thirteen troops were killed and forty six injured. Luckily a photographer from The Times was in the area to record this terrifying but somehow spectacular event for posterity.
  21. Nice one bud. Will be keeping a watch out for that. :yes:
  22. BTW, macelena, have you gone any further with that Spanish/North African conflict? I haven't heard anything about it in ages
  23. As regards the F-16 cockpit, I've encountered the same problem with my MF F/A-18 cockpit: Now I'd LOVE to find out if there's a possible solution to this problem :yes:
  24. I had the same problem with the MF F-4G in SF2. Easily solved. Just extract all the F-4E .lod files from either SF1,WOV or WOE and place them in your SF2 F-4G folder. It should work then. If it doesn't just check your main F-4G ini file in the F-4G folder. Make sure that the LOD directory points to those LODs that you extracted.
  25. I've just introduced the Nike Hercules SAM to all my Dhimari SAM sites. It'll be interesting to see how they fare out in my late 50s and 60s campaigns :yes: Does anyone have an answer to that?

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