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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. To go back to the issue of making sure you don't have a gunpod on Navy F-4s, just go to the aircraft's DATA.INI file and go down to here: [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.37,-1.01 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2050 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,EOGB,LGB,NUC,MER,RCN <-------------- If there's 'GP' on this line, delete it AttachmentType=NATO,USN ModelNodeName=pylon_centerline PylonMass=24.95 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= Also, make sure that there's no guns added to your LOADOUT.INI file
  2. That's what I'm assuming. I suppose you could say I'm hoping that it can go further. In otherwords, if you've got Aggressor Instructor pilots flying with you, you'd like them to be your guardian angels, kicking enemy ass left right and centre.
  3. F*ck that - I wanna live forever!!!!
  4. Chill-out time at the officers club.
  5. Hasn't stopped my squadron mates on 100 getting their a*ses blown off
  6. Just for the info, Shannon Airport was and (to a lesser extent) still is a major stop off point for US troops and supplies on their way to and from Iraq and Afghanistan since around 2002. I remember talking to a lot of them when I worked there as a Security Guard. As regards Irish Air Corps bases, the only operational one that I'm aware of is Baldonnell aerodrome in southwest Dublin county.
  7. That's my HEAVILY modded Desert terrain that I copied over from SFG to SF2. Like a lot of other members here, it's oh so hard to leave behind a terrain that you've put a lot of work into :yes:
  8. Flying a strike mission with VF-43 over Paran during Operation Desert Shepherd in 1986. The scarcity of operational aircraft meant that even the visiting aggressor squadron had to play the part of bomb couriers as well as fighter jocks...
  9. If you're looking for extra airfields to put in the Republic of Ireland why not place a Military facility Shannon Airport: http://www.maplandia.com/ireland/mid-west/clare/shannon/ Or maybe I'm just saying that cos I live a mile from the runway at Shannon
  10. OK guys. I've been trying to prep this campaign for uploading onto CA, but have come up with a little problem. Most of the aircraft I've assigned to the campaign have either been heavily modded stock aircraft or are stock aircraft from other TW platforms which have been copied over to SF2. Here's some examples: *F-16 Netz and cockpit has been copied over to SF2 from WOI *The stock SF2 Mirage5D has been 'Dhimarified' in the Data.ini file and the stock Nesher cockpit has been copied over from WOI I suppose the point I'm trying to make is I've pretty much got the campaign the way I want it, but I'd like to release it in a sort of universally user-friendly version, whereby the types used in combat would be easily obtainable elsewhere on CA for download. What I'd like to ask is for suggestions from everyone as to what they'd like to have added. :yes: ...........
  11. B.S.G. Season Series End.

    Great intelligence coup, Fubar! I'm going to record this on my digital box so I can watch it as many times before the latest box set comes on the market
  12. B.S.G. Season Series End.

    We at the other side of the Atlantic have to wait in excrutiating agony until next Tuesday night when it comes on @ 21:00 on Sky One
  13. Hi guys. Some time back after adding a carrier station to SFG I also added some escort vessels to my carrier: Name=Echo Station Position=500000.00,650000.00 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=1955 Location=3 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE Target[001].Type=Type_42 Target[001].Offset=420.07,-860.34 Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=Stalwart Target[002].Offset=-508.07,-660.34 Target[002].Heading=90 Target[003].Type=Type_82 Target[003].Offset=1308.07,660.34 Target[003].Heading=90 The trouble is, whenever I start a mission on the carrier deck, those escorts are just dead in the water and don't move along with the carrier. I've looked at my DESERT_MOVEMENT.ini for "Echo Station": [Route008] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Echo Station EndArea=Echo Station RoutePosition[001]=500000.00,700000.00 RoutePosition[002]=525000.00,675000.00 RoutePosition[003]=500000.00,650000.00 RoutePosition[004]=475000.00,675000.00 RoutePosition[005]=500000.00,700000.00 Anyone know how to solve my seafaring woes?
  14. I was just wondering, that's all. I've already got the VietnamSEA and IsraelME terrains thrown into SF2. What I have been thinking about recently is the possibility of 'dressing up' the barren southern areas of SF2's Desert terrain, which I think has been wasted for far too long. I was flying over the Madagascar terrain yesterday in a Cuban MiG-29 and the idea struck me on how nice some of the naked southern areas of the 'Desert' map would look great with something like this added: Opinions, anyone?
  15. Good idea, but I'd say it'd take a LOT of testing :yes:
  16. Hey, Killerbee; is that the Desert terrain you've added 'Green Hell' to?
  17. Hope you all enjoyed it :drinks_drunk: Cos I know I did ........ at least I think I did
  18. Surely it must be possible. Here's a screenshot someone took last year that I'm using as a loading screen for my F-8s: This is a perfect example of what I'm trying to achieve :yes:
  19. Please don't continue with the inventory of the Irish 'Flying Club' :blush2:
  20. Hey, Joe!! Wake up man, the IP's five minutes away!! Sorry guys. My RIO'S still recovering from the St. Patrick's Day celebrations two days ago.
  21. When I did that F-4ES cockpit last year I also experimented with Doghouses' F-4ES_data.ini mod by exchanging the J79s for more modern F404s. When I tested it out I noticed that performance had actually deteriorated. Sometimes sticking with the devil you know might be the best option in the end, but in any case, good luck with the mod
  22. The Best Books

    Last week I was in a secondhand book shop and picked up a copy of 'Tornado Down' by John Nichols and John Peters. F**K, I've forgotten what a good read that was! I've decided to go online to Amazon and pick up some budget books. I've already added 'Palace Cobra' by Ed Rasimus to my shopping basket. Anyone else got some suggestions?
  23. The Best Books

    The copy of 'When Thunder Rolled' that I ordered has just popped in my letter box . Looks like I've got more than one good reason to go to bed early with my missus tonight, eh? Apart from Ed Rasimus's other book, 'Palace Cobra', I also ordered two of the 'Osprey Combat Aircraft' book series; namely 'F-4 Phantom Mig Killers 1965-68' and 'Arab MiG-19 & MiG-21 Units in Combat'. Has anybody else read any of the 'Osprey Combat Aircraft' series?
  24. These Farmers are out to reap a different kind of harvest
  25. Step right on up folks and join the queue for TK's Miracle Gun Editor. Yes-sir-ee; it's comin' soon so grab that spot in the queue and don't forget your coffee and sandwiches Hopefully this new SF2 Gun Editor will cure all our gun related woes of various calibres :yes:

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