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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I just got this info from TK on the Third Wire forum: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6270
  2. Yeah that's true. As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I've had no problem assigning specific sounds to specific guns on my other installs (SFG, WOV, WOE, WOI). Doing it on them is no problem. There's obviously a different method of applying new sounds to stock guns in SF2. That's what's got us scratching our skulls.
  3. 10-4 . BTW thanks for your patience ..... :yes:
  4. I'm not trying to add any new entries. All I'm trying to do is to change the sounds to certain guns. Yes; I can hear a lot of you shouting at the monitor 'Just change the f**king name of the .wav file!', but what I'm trying to achieve is different sounds for different guns. For example: Instead of having a default 'Cannon' sound, I'd like to have different sounds for the 20mm Mk.12, 23mm Gsh23, 30mm DEFA and Aden cannons. This has been done successfully with my other TW platforms Not so simple with SF2/Unicode it seems
  5. So tell me where I'm going wrong here. 1. I downloaded the TW Gun Editor and installed it in the User Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters/Objects folder. 2. I extacted the GunData.ini file from the ObjectData001.cat file and placed it in the User Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters/Objects folder. 3. The Gun Editor will work in Win98 compatibility mode. I've requested it to open the GunData.ini file mentioned in No.2 above - no joy
  6. What compatibility mode does it work on? Windows 98 as usual?
  7. No worries bud. I assume I'm to install the Gun Editor in this folder as well, yeah?
  8. I'm totally lost now. There wasn't any 'Mods' folder in that directory to start with. I had to create it myself. So I've create an 'Objects' folder within the 'Mods' folder which looks like this: User Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Mods/Objects Right so far? I've extracted the GunData.ini from SF2's ObjectData001 CATfile and placed it in this folder. How am I doing? What I need to know as well is, is this where I install the Gun Editor as well?
  9. Let me know what I'm doing wrong here. I created a new folder called 'Mods' in this location: User Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Mods Right so far? I've placed the GunData.ini file in this folder. :yes: What do I try and run this in compatibility mode with? The usual Win98/ME mode? Or do I re-install the GunEditor in the C:/Windows/System folder? Don't get me wrong, the game's working fine. I'm just totally confused as to the nuts and bolts of working the Gun Editor with Vista
  10. Cheers for that info bud. Working on it now
  11. Luck o' the Irish. It must be Paddy's Day...
  12. Happy St Patricks Day

    You drink Smithwick's?! Nobody drinks that here. I'd stick with the Guinness personally
  13. Hi bobrock. I've just downloaded this skin. Great work, my friend Just one question; can you tell me where I can find the matching skins for the fuel tanks, ECM pods, etc. ? Thanks in advance
  14. Front row seat. Shame there's no popcorn available
  15. Dhimari Deltas are the weapon of choice in '68 :yes:
  16. This is just a thought to throw into the mix as regards terrains, which BTW have been brilliantly modded by the experts, but one thing that would make long flights more interesting is a proper (and visible) road and rail network, with maybe some rail stations and the odd train chugging along the track here and there. A train and its carriages would make really great targets to mow into oblivion with a Vulcan or Avenger cannon :yes:
  17. Great news folks! The niggly issue regarding start dates for certain squadrons has been solved with help from members of the Third Wire forum. All squadrons are now starting when they're supposed to Now it's back to business. There's been a lot of changes and releases since the last serious discussion on this campaign. The one thing I've done in the last hour or so is add an extra USAF squadron to the fray, the 124th TFS (Iowa ANG), flying the MF late model A-7D Corsair. Works well and fits in nicely with the whole arrangement. The recent addition of new states Dohar and Sharnak has also given me food for thought. I always thought that the mountainous southern area of the map was wasted and the addition of new targets and airfields should spice things up. Let the discussions commence
  18. In general, I've had no problems with any of these beautiful beasts. The only problem is my Russian isn't so hot. Anybody got a guide that shows which gauge is which? Some are pretty obvious but in general I'm lost in the cockpit
  19. :blush2: I dunno what the f@*k is wrong with me today. I haven't done this since my greenhorn days on this site. Here goes - third time lucky Splash One (this time)
  20. Splash One!!! (Sorry about my last post - temporary attention loss ) img00006.bmp
  21. I want it!! Got an ETA on release?
  22. Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag

    Assuming that this is the same documentary, and for anyone who's interested, I found it on You Tube a short while ago:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxqTMVkfJkA
  23. f*** IRA

    These sad people are living in the past and do NOT represent the views of ANY of the population in either Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. Even Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has condemned the attack. The idiots who carried out the attack have failed to accept that the people of both jurisdictions of this island are just sick and tired of war and tit-for-tat killings. Why the hell else would former blood enemies be together in government in the North? It makes me wonder if the 'Real' IRA and 'Continuity' IRA have ever asked themselves that. A quote from a character in a British sitcom comes to mind ........... "Continuity my a@se!"
  24. Beneath a blue Parani sky My Iraqi comrades and I took eight of these new beauties on a sightseeing trip over eastern Dhimar. The trip was cut short by eight F-16ADFs who were clearly not impressed and wanted to show us 'who the daddy is', as they say in the puppetmaster state USA. Within seven to eight minutes I was the only one left and I was egressing the clash area with full burner and six Yankees chasing. Two minutes later I was returning home on foot. His excellency Shah Komar will not be pleased Hmmmm....... this new beast will be a great addition to our proud air force. I must practice more if only I get to keep my head after this embarrasing encounter

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