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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. The Best Books

    Keep those recommendations coming folks
  2. The Best Books

    I'm planning on getting 'When Thunder Rolled' as soon as I get a top up on my 3v card. Unfortunately I had to buy (plz don't laugh at my misfortune) a 'Little House In the Prairie' DVD box set for my wife's upcoming birthday. Siiiiiigh...............the things we do and the sacrifices we make to keep them quiet, eh?
  3. I think an old saying comes to mind; All good things come to those who wait ..............
  4. You betcha sweet Hawks they are :yes: . But of course the danger is always two sided
  5. I've just noticed this little anomaly on my post patch A-4E. BTW, the default strike loadout for this aircraft should be one centreline tank, 4 M117s on the inner pylons and two AIM-9Ds (one on each pylon). I've no idea where the wing tanks sprung from, or where the Sidewinder rails sprung to Strike loadout: Loadout[01].WeaponType=AIM-9D Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AIM-9D Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=M117 Loadout[03].Quantity=2 Loadout[03].RackType=TER Loadout[04].WeaponType=M117 Loadout[04].Quantity=2 Loadout[04].RackType=TER Loadout[05].WeaponType=Tank300_A4_fuselage Loadout[05].Quantity=1
  6. Being a MiG driver has suddenly become a high risk occupation in SF2 over the past 24 hours
  7. Just a quick update to inform any interested parties of the progress to date. I've held a lot of high hopes on the SF2 February 2009 upgrade and for the most part, it seems to have fixed some outstanding teething problems in the game. Some more obvious than others. Unfortunately however, the prevailing problem of campaign start dates for some squadrons is still there. Here's an example: The campaign starts on July 9th, 1986 - with a start date deviation of 0 days. VF-161, flying the F-4S aboard the USS Midway, are due to start on July 21st - twelve days after being dispatched from Okinawa. Yet VF-161 still starts on the 9th, the day the campaign starts. I've been trying to inform TK of this glitch but as my luck would have it I seem to be having log-on problems with the Third Wire Forum. In the meantime I guess all I can do is to keep trying.
  8. Ignore my last post folks. I just figured it out myself :blush2: For anyone interested, the filepath should be: Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Objects/Pilots
  9. Could someone give me a filepath example of where to put this new 'Pilots' folder for the pilot and seat models
  10. When I got SF2 one of the first changes I made was adding my HEAVILY modded SFG Desert terrain. But these anomalies have only cropped since yesterday when I downloaded the new SF2 patch
  11. Tornado F3, stock WOE F-15A, stock WOE F-105D, stock WOI F-16 Netz, stock WOI Mirage IIIC, Nesher cockpit for the Mirage 5D, MF A-7 and F-4G models, MiG-23MLD, F-4S, the list could go on.
  12. I noticed this at one stage when taking off and I'm just wondering, have I found a new 'bug'?
  13. So basically it's still impossible to add weapons packs then, eh? I haven't tried anything yet cos I'm still defragging my drive after installing the upgrade about 2 hrs ago.
  14. UK People

    Maybe it's just me but I found that when I was out I always had to drink a lot more beer in order to get the desired 'effect' Anytime I went home to Ireland for a few days I ended up p*ssed as a skunk after three or four pints
  15. UK People

    No offense to my British forum-colleagues; but I spent two years living in London, and to be honest the beer is as weak as p*ss. You're as well off sticking to the spirits during your short stay. As for saucy wenches, well, you won't be disappointed there my friend. I'd also suggest the War Museum...
  16. Does anybody know what might be causing this slightly annoying little 'glitch'? It's only happening with the Trooper's Tornado pit repaint. I've a sneaking suspicion it might just be my graphics card limitations but I thought I might ask anyway (just in case it's not)
  17. That's some good info bud. I'm thinking what I might do at this juncture is leave it to the experts, ie, I might have a chat with my brother who builds PCs for people in his spare time. I'll also show him the info from this thread.
  18. Windows Vista has a different set-up but (I think) I found the filepath: Start > Control Panel > System > Device Manager If I'm reading this set up right, the info I need to know is under 'Display Adaptors' when I click the plus sign: Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family I just noticed there that by right clicking the above, I'm being given the option of updating the driver software. I take it this would mean going online to Microsoft in order to achieve this Would anyone recommend this?
  19. I haven't got a clue where to find info on what kind of card I've got and what its specs are . Could you point me in the right direction?
  20. Don't have any other games installed other than the TW collection. With regard to the graphics bugs in the shots; those 'spikey' things have been in all my TW installs since I got this laptop about six months ago. They either get bigger or smaller depending on my AOA and (thank f**k) they only appear when looking to the far left or right. I'm planning on upgrading from 2gb RAM to 4gb as soon as I can get the money together. Hopefully it'll at least improve my fps which is something like 10-15 fps in normal flight then down to between 5 to 10fps in combat situations (campaigns). On the subject of cooling, yeah, I have noticed the air coming out of the vent being a little 'warm' .
  21. The MiG-17AS mod seems to work very well in SF2. So much so that it's become a permanent resident in Paran's new neighbour Dohar :yes: .
  22. It may be a problem with my graphics drivers not being powerful enough to handle the game. Over the past few months I've turned a lot of graphics settings down - which has helped things - but obviously not enough. I have the same problem with all my TW apps. Here's another example of my graphics woes (top left of screenshot): As regards the Tornado pit 'glitch', it's the only one I have that problem with
  23. * Cockpit reflections have been off for a long long time. * As regards fixing tga files; I wouldn't have clue where to start

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