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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I tried googling it just now. No joy. Does anyone have a web address? :yes:
  2. These are unbelievablly GOOOOOOD shots my friend . Just a few questions; * What's the ETA on this marvel? *Will it have to be added over a clean install?
  3. Just a quick update for anyone who's interested. I've tested Operation Desert Thunder on SFG. Although I had to assign some different aircraft types the campaign was basically the same. No problems regarding start dates . They all started on the dates they were supposed to. I may actually release it as an SFG campaign and re-release it when certain bugs are sorted out in SF2. Watch this space my friends
  4. Inshallah! Death to the Dhimari puppets of America!
  5. PF Usage

    I've got these on my laptop and they're pretty thorough: *Malwarebytes' Anti Malware Scanner *SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition I'd also recommend using good registry cleaners and de-fraggers: *CCleaner *Glary Utilities Once a week I make a point of running a full scan on ALL of the above programs, as well as the default defrag program. BTW, I'd also recommend using a free program called 'Comodo Firewall Pro'
  6. Dave, As regards glitches with squadron start dates, I've been in touch with JSF Aggie and he thinks that I may have discovered a bug in SF2. JSF is doing the same kind of thing with Desert Storm, delaying the start of a good few land based squadrons. He's using WOE (Oct'08 patch) as the campaign platform and doesn't have any problems. Just typical innit?! I get to within inches of the summit and my rope snaps.... The campaign is still playable though. I'm not sure as to whether I should leave it for the time being until the next SF2 patch is available or whether to release it. My better judgement is telling me to leave it on the HD for the time being.
  7. Another question I've been trying to find an answer on the net for without much luck; Does anyone know if any of these ANG units were equipped with the F-4E in 1986: 120th TFS - Colorado ANG 121th TFS - DC ANG 136th TFS - New York ANG 174th TFS - Iowa ANG 188th TFS - New Mexico ANG These squadrons are from the stock SF2 squadronlist. There's also the 104th TFS Maryland ANG but I found out on the net that they were operating A-10 Hogs in '86, so they're off the list. While I was in town today I thought to myself that if I was going to try and be historically accurate with Navy/Marine squadrons I might as well give the ANG squadron the same treatment. Who knows, if none of these were equipped with the F-4E then I might move a step up and see if any were equipped with the F-15A or F-16A. I read on some web page that ANG squadrons started receiving the F-16A in '86.
  8. I share in your pain brother. Personally I'm convinced that TK designed a new MissileEngine for SF2
  9. So my premise of the Midway arriving on the 21st is fairly accurate then. I noticed that when testing the campaign, the USN squadrons usually start withing three days of the 21st. They still sometimes start on the 9th though. Would love to sort that out. I don't think the Midway would be that fast. I've set the USN squadron start dates up in such a way as to see how the land based squadrons will get on before they arrive. So when you're flying for, say, the Mercenaries from the 9th, the resources should be pretty worn down by the time the seaborne cavalry arrives on the 21st or thereabouts. BTW, it's just an idea, but does anyone know if you can change these entries to, say, 120 in order to simulate the professionalism and sheer A2A genius of Aggressor squadrons? [AirUnit003] AircraftType=IAI_F-21A UnitName=VF43 ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=43 BaseArea=D6 Airfield RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 <---------- Morale=100 Supply=25 Intelligence=100 <---------
  10. So my estimate of twelve days from start of campaign to the arrival of the 'Department of the Navy' wouldn't be too far off the mark then?
  11. Here's a question for the member who's becoming my personal expert on US Naval activities : With regard to trying to sort out start dates, how long roughly would it take a carrier like Midway to sail from Yokosuka to the Middle East in time of war? I suppose you'd have to take into account the threat of Soviet subs during wartime. Also, it's just a thought but after reading of all the interest by other members of a 'beefed up' friendly squadron deployment, I might do up an 80s version of the stock campaigns - with normal squadron numbers and perhaps RAF and other friendly air forces deployed.
  12. Remember guys, what I'm trying to create here is a 's**t hits the fan/backs to the wall' type scenario. I'm really grateful for the input and interest that everyone's given so far. Don't stop now! Second opinions are invaluable in any kind of project. But with regard to the story background I'd rather not stray off the beaten track. ...... At the end of the day this is still a fictional campaign ........
  13. I'd rather keep the amount of enemy squadrons as they are. My best FPS when playing campaigns is 15-20. If I added more than there are the game on my system would probably crash before I get to the target area. Besides, You'd still have the same friendly-to-enemy odds by leaving my squadron numbers in the ini files as they are without compromising FPS as compared to what you've suggested. I suppose if one was lucky enough to have a high powered system you could take up your suggestion
  14. Hi again CL. Thanks again for your earlier input on real life carrier deployments. What you mentioned about VMFA-333 is the main reason I added them aboard the Midway. Besides, I think the Corps were a little conspicuous in their absence on this campaign. As regards ANG F-4Cs, what I've wanted to do is add aircraft types that are not too outdated. I added the F-4E_75 which is an old design but is (on SF2 anyway) the pinnacle of USAF F-4 developement. Anyway; if this campaign works out ok I'll more than likely release it on CA for anyone who's interested. I've tried it out and it works but it still needs some fine tuning and 'screwdriver' work. I'm sure that when released and if members download it, each individual will still be able to add or remove aircraft types to their own particular tastes :yes:
  15. I understand exactly what you're saying bud. I must say that I've been tossing coins as to which squadron to assign to the Midway. But to answer your question; normally in peacetime there'd be the two squadrons aboard. But what I'm trying to achieve here is the premise that war's broken out in Europe between East and West, so resources are pretty tight. Basically the US is just throwing whatever it can muster (hence the deployment of VMFA-333 on Midway also. What I'm trying to achieve here really is a friendly side that's more outnumbered than it would've been in previous SF2 campaigns. Hence the reduced number of USAF/USN/USMC squadrons. That's why I haven't added both squadrons to Midway. Don't know if you have already but check out my campaign intro text that I have on the previous page of this discussion.
  16. F-5E Tiger II - 64th Aggressor Squadron, 1986
  17. Dave, you are a f**king genius! I definitely OU1. I checked it out and both the Aggressor F-21A and their VF-43 squadron is working in the campaign. I'd actually given up on the idea of using US Navy Aggressors and was in the process of adding a USAF aggressor squadron to the fray flying F-5Es with the 64th Tactical Fighter Training Aggressor Squadron, as they were called in the 80s. The 64th FIS is on the squadronlist which is what they were before they were re-assigned to DACT duties in the seventies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64th_Aggressor_Squadron I even edited an F-5E USN Agressor skin and was in the process of adding a decal setup based on website pics. But now that that the squadron issue's been solved I might stick with the F-21s BTW, any luck with the start date issue? (sorry if I'm being over-assumptious)
  18. BSG

    So Adama finally sniffed out Tigh's secret booze stash, eh?!
  19. I've been using the third party HGU26_8 model in Soviet fighter aircraft for a while now which I think makes a passable Soviet flight helmet: But yeah, I agree. A proper Soviet model has been a long time forthcoming. If I was any good at modelling I'd have tried it myself
  20. Tried that already. No Joy. First I added it to the end of the list: [squadron262] Name=254IDF DisplayName=No. 254 Midland Squadron Nation=ISRAEL [squadron263] Name=436TFS DisplayName=436th TFS Nation=USAF [squadron264] Name=VF43 DisplayName=VF-43 Challengers (Aggressor) Nation=USN Result: FAIL I then started from scratch and tried adding it to the list in the order that the squadrons would appear: [squadron108] Name=VF41 DisplayName=VF-41 Black Aces Nation=USN [squadron109] Name=VF43 DisplayName=VF-43 Challengers (Aggressor) Nation=USN [squadron110] Name=VA46 DisplayName=VA-46 Clansmen Nation=USN Result: FAIL I've been thinking that maybe I'm putting the edited squadronlist into the wrong folder; or maybe as one member said here recently; there's still so much that we don't know about the new SF2 file setup and there's so many people going round like headless chickens. In otherwords, it's still early days
  21. I just thought I'd give a quick update before I head for the bunk. I've been able to add the VF-43 F-21 Lion Aggressor squadron to the campaign, but only by assigning a different squadron to the campaign ini files. Obviously I was correct in my suspicions that the game would only accept default squadrons on the squadronlist.ini. Which brings me to my next idea. 1. I extracted the squadronlist.ini from C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters 2/Flight/MissionData001 and found the squadronlist.ini in it. 2. I then picked the squadron VA-152, which I would never use, from the list and edited the display name: [squadron149] Name=VA152 DisplayName=VF-43 Challengers (Aggressor) <-------------- Nation=USN 3. I then copied the above mentioned amended squadronlist to My Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Flight (just to be sure). I then edited the campaign ini files to include the F-21 and squadron VA-152, which should display the above display name. Unfortunately the squadron was still displayed as 'VA-152 Friendlies' I've been thinking of adding a new subfolder in the Flight folder mentioned in part three above anf throwing the squadronlist.ini into it, but I'm just too tired to experiment any more tonight. Thoughts or recommendations anyone? Ciao for now....
  22. No joy. It looks like aircraft will only fly if the squadron assigned to the aircraft are on the SquadronList.ini file. I also tried to add the VF-43 squadron to the squadronlist but it didn't recognise it. What a bummer.

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