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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Thanks Wrench. As I speak, the Dhimari and Parani governments have initiated massive construction projects to rebuild their towns, cities and ports.... :moil:
  2. Touch My Body

    Maybe this should be classified as a disease - perhaps we could call it Dong's Syndrome?
  3. Hi CA Stary, This really is five-star stuff. I haven't seen anything this good since the 'Forest & Farms' mod. I have some info for you that may be of help when 'tweaking' things: I was preparing to fly a recon mission from Bruggen airfield when I looked out the cockpit and got a strange surprise= http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=7566 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=7567 I did a bit of checking while flying and after looking through the Targets.ini file I noticed that this seems to happen in the german_airbase1.ini and soviet_airbase1.ini type airfields. There also seems to be what appears to be small bushes on the runways of a lot of airfields. Apart from that I'm really impressed. Two seasons down, two to go BTW, thanks for your earlier info on how to make the autumn terrain separate from the default. Keep up the good work
  4. Touch My Body

    That silly fool's more than likely got more money than sense ie; a rich Daddy. Either that or his friends have taken the p**s out of him by swearing to him one night in the bar that he's got serious talent My missus thought it was the best online laugh she's seen in a while
  5. With Single Missions in mind, I've tried making my default summer style terrain and the new autumn terrain into two separate folders so that I could choose them in the Single Mission menu along with choosing the aircraft, mission type, etc but haven't had much luck. After downloading the autumn terrain the default summer terrain crashed when the mission was loading, so I deleted the autumn one and stuck with the default terrain, for the time being at least. Pity really; I'm really impressed with Autumn :yes:
  6. Thanks bud. All systems up and running for the LORAN. What I did was extract the .lod file as per instructions and made changes to the F-4DLORAN.ini file by changing the text from 'F-4DLORAN.lod' to 'F-4D.lod'. All the bumps are in the right places, so to speak! Thanks again
  7. So just for a quick re-cap; 1. I extract the F-4D.lod file from the ObjectData.cat file 2. I then delete the F-4DLORAN.lod file and replace it with the F-4D.lod file 3. Everything should all be hunky-dory then, yeah?
  8. Hi Wrench, Where do I go on my system to find (a) what type of card my system has and (b) what settings they're on. In regard to the earlier 'decal Vs paint-on' debate, I've always preferred decals myself. The method of working with a 'blank canvas' is much easier to work with when applying other decals on a skin, as with ,say, what Spinners is so good at.
  9. COMM

    Which one is that? I've been looking for something to spice up my missions.
  10. I just had an idea. I remember reading about Libyan Mirage F.1s being flown by mercenary pilots years ago. Since this campaign is in 1994, why not have a token squadron of Iraqi Mirage F.1EQs flown on the Parani side from, say, P12 airfield on a variety of missions including anti-shipping with Exocet missiles, which is what they were used extensively in the Iran Iraq War for.
  11. Can anyone shed some light on this sudden problem? My SFG which was patched to Oct08b last week suddenly crashes when I try to start the game. It was working fine up to a couple of hours ago. The only thing I was tweaking before it was the Middle Eastern F-5E add-on. Just to be sure I checked WOV and WOE and thank f**k they're working fine. I asked Windows to describe the fault and, if it's any help, this what it told me: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: SFG.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 48fcd9e7 Fault Module Name: MissileObject.DLL Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 48fcb740 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000a027 OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 34ec Additional Information 2: b5b7ef00cc6a960ad832ccccc1a8e16d Additional Information 3: ff93 Additional Information 4: 41350288cef2331de6f75ce596436d90 Can anybody make sense of this?
  12. SFG Crash

    No joy I'm afraid. The bloody SFG application won't even start when I double click the icon on my desktop.
  13. Does anybody know how to get the trees on the Desert terrain in SFG? I've noticed that after the patch (yes, I put it into a fresh install) there are no tres at all in the desert terrain. I had a brilliant set up in that terrain before the Oct patch where I copied the trees from the recent Libya terrain and the palm trees looked much better than the original deciduous trees which looked totally out of place.
  14. Thanks for the help guys. Already did it, albeit with a little time and TLC. Finish time was around 5:20am Irish Time. The only files I needed (or should I say wanted) to save prior to re-installation were the contents of the 'Objects' and 'Campaigns' folders. The original 'Desert' folder was already on a portable hard drive. All I needed from that folder was the 'Desert_Targets', 'Desert_Movement' and 'Desert_Types' .ini files as well as the mish-mash library of groundobjects from other terrains, such as buildings, bridges and power stations. Once I was fully re-installed and patched I transferred the above mentioned files to the proper locations and also installed the latest Effects and sounds which were already on my other TW platforms. BTW, with regards to the 'palm trees' I mentioned earlier, all I needed to do was copy the 'tree.ini', 'tree.lod', 'tree.shd' and 'tree2.tga' files from the Libya terrain. No hard work was involved in that area at least. I'd highly recommend trying it. :yes:
  15. Already downloading the B patch. S**t. I just hope I can move some of the old folders onto a separate area on my laptop. Thanks a million for your help lads. Much appreciated.
  16. B patch? BTW, it's SFG I installed, not SFP1. I hope this B patch applies just to SFP1 only. Will check that out but I really hope I don't have to go through re-installing the game again. I've been burning the midnight oil for the last couple of days trying to get SFG back to my particular taste. God I miss seeing those palm trees from the cockpit......siiigh.....
  17. I think I can hear MiG-23MLDs screaming in their absence (MEEEEEEE-MEEEEEEEEE-MEEEEEEE!!!!!). I did a huge amount of work with the original SFG (pre-Oct 08 patch). I was actually in the middle of tweaking the upgraded patch to the settings I had previously to the upgrade. If I was to go into detail I'd need about ten pages. But I think it's a great idea. I had F-16s in the RDAF in 1986 (which I made into Desert Thunder 86), for example. Unfortunately, I'm sitting in front of my TV in the sitting room watching Steve Coogan's 'The Parole Officer' on DVD with about (I've lost count) seven cans of Guinness Draught in me. Would love to help out on this bud. Will contact you sometime tomorrow when I'm less inebriated.
  18. Just tried them out. None of the links are active. They must be 'closed for lunch'. Or perhaps the Fascist Yankee Air Pirates have been shot down, metaphorically speaking
  19. Brilliant snapshot. I've just found my latest desktop background pic. BTW, where can I find those deckcrew for my busy carrier decks?
  20. I've imported the MiG-21 recon pod from Bunyaps Weapons Pack to the Jan 08 MF Weapons Pack but I've forgotten what entry name to place in the DATA.INI file for the centreline pylon. I've given an example of the MiG-21MF centreline pylon below. Can anyone remember it? [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.23,-0.77 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT, (?) <---------- Specific entry name here AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP ModelNodeName=Centerline_Pylon PylonMass=40 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank490_MiG21
  21. Recon Pod

    Thanks lads. I've copied that Weapon Type Listing as well from that specific showtopic for further reference.
  22. Roundel: which is your favorite?

    Cheers for the tip, bud. Will certainly be checking it out. Another great example of comradely support on this site.
  23. Roundel: which is your favorite?

    Hey, C5; do you know if that can be uploaded to the CA site? I know that the Irish Air Corps are more like a flying club compared to other European air forces, so it'd be nice to Dream while putting those markings on an A-4K or something :yes: . I've tried to make one myself but I'm useless at sreating skins and roundels.

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