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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I don't suppose anybody knows how to fix this 'little' graphics problem which shows up some of the time: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=7010
  2. Thor aside , I spoke to my brother last night who works in IT and he said that it may be a problem with memory allocation to my graphics card which may need adjustment. Does one know of how to achieve that?
  3. Nope. cockpit reflections are off. Maybe it could be my graphics card on my new laptop that I got earlier this week. I can't exactly quote the type of card to you but if you told me where exactly to find the specs of it I could tell you. That might be the cause of the problem
  4. It depends on my angle of attack. When it does show up the 'spikes' either get fatter or thinner. Usually fatter when I go nose down and thinner when I go nose up. That describes the cockpit view. Sometimes it also happens when I go to the outside view (F6) and the same as above happens when I move around in F6 view. Fortunately this only happens some of the time.
  5. img00001.jpg

  6. Dave; tried the above and have just spent the last half hour checking everything you suggested. At last, I've got all the bumps in the right places. You are a f**king genius mate! Thanks a million.
  7. Dave, I was just looking at another post there where you suggested placing the latest Weapons Editor in the Windows\System folder and placing a shortcut on the desktop. I placed mine in the WOE/Objects folder. Maybe that could be why I'm banging my head off the wall for the past two days. Is it a critical factor do you think?
  8. I've tried that loads of times. I've already reinstalled the bloody game twice. All the other mods work perfectly. I have the same weapons as the default loadout except the only difference is I have the new skins contained in the Jan 08 weapons pack. I'm just sick of this. For the past two days I've tried to fix this problem. I'm seriously considering reinstalling the original version patched up to the 2006 patches. Never had any problems with that
  9. it occured to me that the wepons that are showing up are the ones you'd find on the default WEAPONDATA.INI list, even though I'm using the WEAPONDATA.INI from the Jan 08 Weapon Pack. Strange, dude..........and very f**king annoying Any suggestions anyone?
  10. Is the new February 08 Weapon Editor still supposed to run in compatibility with Windows 98/ Windows ME? Are there any other settings to be applied to it in the compatibility window?
  11. Wecome to the 'It's probably so simple but I can't fix it' club. You're probably like me; a guy who's no stranger to the world of modding and upgrading so it should theoretically be a piece of cake. I never had this kind of problem before (like yourself I'm sure) but I really can't understand this at all. Is it my OS? Is the new Weapon Editor supposed to run in compatibility with something other than Win98/ME? A quick suggestion for the moderators and experts who might be reading this: For the sake of both me and my good colleague Nightshade's sanity, would it be possible for you to reply with a HIGHLY DETAILED, STEP BY STEP guide as to how you accomplished the things that both of us have problems with. This is a fine game series and every other mod that I've added to this new patch works perfectly. I just can't seem to get all the weapons to appear, and this is NOT from a lack of experience in modding. Nightshade; I feel your frustration my friend. Let's hope our problems can be solved soon.
  12. In The S**t

  13. Did it already bud. I noticed on the old patched versions of the games that if the attachment types on the DATA.inis had 'WP,SOVIET' it wouldn't show up unles I changed it to 'SOVIET,WP'. The same applied to US aircraft, where I had to reverse NATO,USAF' to 'USAF,NATO'. I had the same entries here with the new patch and changed them over. I also went through the attachment types of all the wepons in the Jan 08 Weapons Pack with the Feb 08 Weapon Editor and noticed that none of the attachment types were ticked off. I ticked off the neccessary nations there. Still no changes. I was thinking about it before I went to sleep last night and it occured to me that the wepons that are showing up are the ones you'd find on the default WEAPONDATA.INI list, even though I'm using the WEAPONDATA.INI from the Jan 08 Weapon Pack. Strange, dude..........and very f**king annoying
  14. Well I've been at this for the last six hours or so, and it's now 4am where I am so before I get some racktime I thought I'd run this by you all to see if anyone can shed some light on this. I've managed to install the Jan 08 MF Weapons Pack with the help of the Feb 08 Weapons Editor and for the most part things seem to be fairly ok. But I've noticed that although certain weapons, fuel tanks and attachments are present in this pack, they don't seem to appear on my aircraft. Take for example the MiG-21MF; I extracted the aircraft DATA.ini and LOADOUT.ini files from the ObjectData.cat folder and placed them in the MiG-21 MF's main folder, made the appropriate adjustments in both but they dont show up in the weapons layout or in the available weapons list at the side. The same applies to things like the ALQ-119 (not for the MiG-21 of course). They're all in the WEAPONSDATA.INI folder after checking it with the new Weapon Editor and all the BMP and LOD files are present in the Weapons folder. Any ideas anyone? Ciao for now.
  15. No not all. Just the weapon types that are on the original WEAPONDATA.INI are showing up as MF models. The rest are going to be added manually. I know what you mean by it not making sense, but to be perfectly honest with you, I've been trying to fix this for the last two days and any result, no matter how awkward and roundabout it may appear, is a result.
  16. I think I may have cracked the shell (at f**king last); what I did was (again) install the Jan 08 MF Weapons Pack then delete the 'WEAPONDATA.INI' and 'WEAPONDATA.DAT' files from that folder, I then extracted the default 'WEAPONDATA.INI' and 'WEAPONDATA.DAT' files from the ObjectData.cat file in the main Objects folder. Phew, you all still with me? Anyway, I then accessed the default WEAPONDATA.INI file with the new Weapon Editor, saved, and then closed it. It seems to be working anyway.
  17. Reinstall...no weapons Reinstall...no weapons reinstall...no weapons What am I missing here? Is it the weapons editor? Is the weapons editor supposed to be compatible with Win98/ME? Do the loadout entries for the aircraft need to be changed? I just don't understand this at all. With the old patch I've had everything heavily modded without any problems; weapons included. Confusion and exasperation are running rife here. Somebody help me please!
  18. Sorry for the delayed reply bud. I was doing 'Save'. Just tried what you've suggested. No luck there either I'm afraid. I'm going to try and re-install it now. Maybe by re-tracing my steps I might be able to find out if and where I went wrong
  19. I downloaded the Jan 08 MF Weapons Pack. I also opened its WEAPONDATA.INI with the Feb 08 WeaponEditor and saved changes. Still throwing rocks unfortunately
  20. Just tried that without any luck. Let me go through what exactly I did in case I'm doing something wrong: 1. Had the Feb 08 Weapons Editor from the start in case anybody's wondering. 2. As regards the latest weapons editor; is it still supposed to run in Win98/ME compatibility mode? 3. Deleted the WEAPONDATA.DAT file from the weapons folder and created a new one as per instructions above. Still no joy.
  21. Cheers bud. Will try that out. I'm getting sick of throwing rocks at MiGs from an open canopy as they fly past.
  22. Do you mean remove the WEAPONDATA.DAT from the Objects/Weapons folder?
  23. BTW, where's the original WEAPONDATA.INI file located? I've opened the OBJECTDATA.CAT file in the Objects folder and it's not there. I've checked more than a few times. Could this be part of my problem, I wonder?
  24. I must apologise in advance for being probably the umpteenth person to call in about this, but here goes: Can somebody PLEASE point me in the right direction regarding the Jan 08MF Weapons Pack add-on? I've followed all the instructions in the other messages on this subject to the letter and have even installed the Feb 08 Weapon Editor. My newly patched , freshly installed WOE has no weapons whatsoever and at this rate I'm thinking of throwing rocks at MiGs as they fly by me!
  25. Anybody got some cockpit/landscape screenshots? I'm dying to see if there's any real difference there

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