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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. This may not be such a bad thing since I'm getting a new laptop this weekend (sound of rubbing hands). Will be looking forward to to some feedback AND more importantly; screenshots. Especially from WOE
  2. Second that. Also, I'm no expert on this new patch so I think I'd rather wait until some feedback comes this way on how effective it is. It's an awful pity they've decided to leave Strike Fighters in the boneyard.......anyone concur??
  3. A quick question for the expert modders out there; What's the name of the pylon attachment for the AGM-88 HARM? I've been modding the A-4K and the missile looks like it's attached to thin air. What I've been doing is getting the references from the Mirage Factory A-7E but it doesn't give a reference name for the attachment
  4. Thanks for the info Gocad. Will certainly look into this a bit more. I wouldn't be like this only for the fact that I'm a stickler for detail. Here's a request for any of our US colleagues: what's the actual designated name for that pylon attachment? Hold on; what's that sound..........KER-CHINK!!!!.............oh, yeah, a beautiful sound on a Saturday night. Must go chaps. I've got eight cans to drink and the movie 'Thirteen Days' is coming on at nine on UKTV Gold. It's warming up time!
  5. This is what I mean everybody: This is the pylon attachment on the MF F-4G: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=6962 And this is the similar pylon attachment I've been trying to place on the A-4K: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=6963 I've been told a while ago that this particular pylon attachmentis part of the LOD file on the MF F-4G and is non transferrable, but what I've been thinking about was; is it possible to design one and place it in the Weapons folder via the Weapons Editor?
  6. img00001.jpg

  7. img00002.jpg

  8. I think you misunderstood the question, bud; The missile is showing alright, it's just the the attachment that goes on the pylon for the HARM itself to fit onto. Take for example, the set up with the Mirage Factory's F-4G Wild Weasel. The pylon adaptor that fits on the outer and inner pylons, upon which the HARM itself is attached to. If I had the technical know-how, I'd design one myself and add it to the Weapons Pack via the Weapons Editor
  9. Ahhh, so this might be why I can't find any reference to one in the weapons directory. What I was thinking of was something along the more traditional lines of (for example) the TER rack for the bombs
  10. Documentary Is A Must See...

    I just watched this FANTASTIC German made 'What-If' feature length documentary, depicting a scenario of the Warsaw Pact invading West Germany in 1990. For anyone who's interested in alternative history or playing a lot of WOE I'd highly recommend it. One question for our German friends; does anyone know of subtitled or voice-over version of this? Although I really enjoyed it and couls make out what was happening by watching it, I was a bit confused by interviews with 'politicians' and others.
  11. Documentary Is A Must See...

    Just checked out amazon.co.uk but they don't seem to have it in stock on DVD.....BAAAAAAAAAHH!!! Must check out some other websites. Does anyone know of any German websites where it can be obtained on DVD?
  12. Documentary Is A Must See...

    Shame about that. Still, even watching it was absolutely brilliant. Makes you wonder though, I'm really surprised Hollywood hasn't taken a story like this onboard. It would make a FANTASTIC blockbuster. Take note, Mr. Spielberg! In the meantime, here's another brilliant Docu-drama made by the BBC in the eighties. It's called 'Threads':
  13. I was looking through some of my old book collection in a long forgotten cupboard while visiting my parents house the other day and I came across a copy of the Military Aviation review annual (I think it was 1988 or 1989) and had a good look through it. Gee, that's old now by today's standards, with a section devoted to the RAAF's new FA-18As and the USMC's new AV-8Bs. But one section really caught my eye. Maybe it's because I'm currently flying a Thud mission in WOE, but anyway, I was reading the section on the mission over North Vietnam when Thud pilot Lieutenant Max Brestel became the first US pilot to shoot down two MiGs in a single mission. The main question I want to ask everyone is; Is there a skin depicting the squadron he flew with?
  14. Thanks for the info, Crusader. Some people may think I'm a pain in the a*se with odd requests, but really I'm just a military history freak. Will check those out my friend......
  15. Documentary Is A Must See...

    Sorry guys, here's the shortcut to part one on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuDgNgUgAH8...feature=related
  16. The present one? Must check that out. Thought I had the latest nations.ini which doesn't have the Irish Air Corps
  17. The Irish Air Corps markings would be really appreciated! I've tried to do it myself but just don't seem to have the talent for artwork on the PC
  18. Waiting for Football Season is over!

    A Scottish TV detective from the mid 80s called Taggart (a real hard f**king nut I must add) once said "If football's a religion, I'm glad I'm an Atheist".
  19. I've found from my experiences that the AIM-9J/N/P series are especially known for this. Has anyone else noticed this?
  20. Hi all. Does anybody know of a fix for the add-on Hawk SAMs, which always explode on their launchers instead of launching?
  21. Sorry guys. I meant to say that I specified the Hawk SAMs for D5 in the 'DESERTTARGETS.INI' file.
  22. I've tried this in my SFG/Desert terrain to populate my friendly with Hawk SAMs as there appeared to be a SAM famine in the area, which seems to work perfectly. The only problem I've found is, say, in 1985 you've decided to upgrade your SAM sites with Rapier or Roland SAMs. How will I be able to accomplish this when I've stated the Hawk SAMs specifically for, say, D5 airfield in the 'deserttypes.ini' file?
  23. Hi all. I've just downloaded the SFG/WOV and WOE static aircraft packs but there's a lot of blank spaces. Sure enough , it shows you how to create the aircraft, but I'm left scratching my head when I assign a certain aircraft to a certain position in a certain airfield. But it never shows up. Here's a few questions for the brainiacs: 1. I'm not sure whether to put the static aircraft in the Objects/Aircraft folder or into the Objects/Groundobjects folder 2. Should I include the stock aircraft LOD file in the static aircraft folder? Sorry for asking guys, but the current instructions are just a little cryptic
  24. Oh yeah, one more question: Should I include this new static aircraft in the Terrain types.ini folder?

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