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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I read in the forum here some time back that there was work being done on creating patches to upgrade SFG,WOV and WOE to the same standard as WOI. Does anyone have any news on its progress?
  2. I know that there was no RWR warning display in their cockpits, but I've searched through the web and I haven't been able to get any conclusive answers as to whether the real life F-4B/C/D models had any kind of audio warning systems when being tracked or locked on by enemy radars. Does anybody know whether they had anything like that?
  3. F-4 RWR

    Thanks for the help guys! I'll be getting to work on the F-4B/C/D DATA.ini files asap. The reason I've asked is at this stage I'm a little sick of cruising through enemy airspace at 26,000ft and WHAAAMMM!!! I've either been hit by a SAM or AAM without ever even knowing I was being 'painted' by enemy radar. A little audio forewarning would be nice.......even in the sixties
  4. Judging by the other replies it seems like a pretty interesting project........but what is it exactly?
  5. If you're into a good paperback novel you should pick up a copy of Tom Clancy's 'Red Storm Rising' which goes on the theory of a Soviet invasion of central Europe in the 80s. It's more or less based on a 'what if' scenario. There are a lot of naval carrier ops in there as well as land combat. An excellent read as well. This would be a good example to go by, as Tom Clancy said once himself that before and during the writing of his books he always gets tachnical, tactical and strategic advice from the military. My advice is is you haven't read it yet; get it ASAP. Even if you're not much of a bookworm you won't be able to put it down
  6. Sorry mate. Disregard my last post. I don't know what happened exactly but I accidentally sent the message before finishing it. Here's the changes you should make: [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=12.0 -----> set this to 0.00 MaxOffRoadSpeed=12.0----->set this to 0.00 PowerAvailable=75 MaxTurnRate=0.2 MaxDeceleration=0.025 SuspensionConstant=0.0 MovementEmitterName=ShipMovementEffect MovementEmitterPosition=0.0000,113.3723,0.0000 MovementEmitterSize=2.8 MovementUseEffect=TRUE I'm actually trying to do the opposite. I've added ships to SFG and it's only the Carrier that's moving. I'm actually trying to get the three escort ships to move in formation with it. What I've shown above is just an educated guess, but you'd never know, it might work.
  7. What might work is if you go into the ship's DATA.INI file and make the following changes: [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=12.0 MaxOffRoadSpeed=12.0 PowerAvailable=75 MaxTurnRate=0.2 MaxDeceleration=0.025 SuspensionConstant=0.0 MovementEmitterName=ShipMovementEffect MovementEmitterPosition=0.0000,113.3723,0.0000 MovementEmitterSize=2.8 MovementUseEffect=TRUE
  8. Does anybody know of a fix for this 'little' problem: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=6604 I've recently added carriers to my SFG campaigns and this annoying glitch shows up on approximately 50% of my campaign missions. It's even more confusing when returning to land, and I accidentlly choose the wrong carrier and end up going through it as if it wasn;t there. I'd be very grateful of any assistance in this. Thanks
  9. Simese Carriers

  10. Thanks for the info bud. I'm looking forward to the results. At least now the SAM stocks won't be so one-sided. Watch out, Badger jockies...
  11. I've been adding some much needed ships to SFG but they appear to be dead in the water with no movement. This is also the case with the original ships such as the tankers and cargo ships. I had a look in the ships' data.ini files and it mentioned a 'ShipMovementEffect', but it's not in the Effects folder of the main directory. Does anybody know of a fix for this?
  12. Apologies for the delayed reply. Have also been busy adding 'eye candy' to the landscape, which on the SFG desert map has been much needed and as you know is a much simpler process than adding sea-faring vessels, but is very time consuming. Things make a lot more sense now after starting this subject. For a start, I didn't even know that a movement.ini file even existed! Thanks again for your help, all of you . Hopefully if things turn out ok I might even share the fruits of my labours over the site's download section. Watch this space guys
  13. I disagree. I can especially remember flying anti-ship missions in SFG when I was having trouble dropping bombs on a moving target. Approaching to land on a carrier is another example of a moving vessel. :yes: I know it's possible because I've witnessed it. As it is now, a small convoy sitting still in the water doesn't look the same. I just wish I could find a way to make it possible
  14. I 've seen some real life photos of aircraft like the F-105 and F-4 deploying drag chutes upon landing and thought; 'Hey, that would be cool on WOV and WOE'. I then remember seeing a drag chute skin for the Su-15 on the 'Soviet_Silver' skin template, so I thought I'd try it out on a single mission to see it work. So off I went in my Su-15 on a recon mission, pressed Alt+N to go to waypoint 5, waited for the 'mission complete' prompt, then pressed ALT +N again to go to waypoint 8. I started to land, and upon hitting the tarmac I pressed CTRL +B but lo and behold, no chute was to be seen . Could someone give me some advice on how to make this work, and if it's possible, how or if it can be applied to the F-105 and F-4
  15. What I've been doing is placing the ship on a certain co-ordinate on the map. Then I make sure the ship is placed in the particular location it's in on the 'DesertTypes.ini' file in the Desert terrain folder. To answer your question; I test it out then in Single Mission mode. The ship is exactly on the co-ordinates I've given it, only not moving.
  16. All the games have the same sound quality settings in the 'Options' menu. The relevant sound application has been made to the 'Soundlist' ini. The windloop sound itself has been applied in the aircraft data inis. The .wav file is in the 'Sounds' folder. They work in all my Third Wire games except for WOE. I know it can't be some change I've made since it's been like that from the day I purchased it online from the Third Wire site. Does anybody else have this problem with WOE? I'm a guy who considers the audio experience to be just as important a part as the visual and without the windloop it seems a little too one-dimensional
  17. No, it was a windloop sound that I downloaded some time back, I can't remember where exactly. The funny thing is that on all my Third Wire games the sound settings are the same (16 channels - Normal Stereo). That particular windloop sound works fine on SFG and WOV. I checked the properties of it earlier and it was only an 8 bit sound. I changed it to the same sound quality as the default windloop sound. I then tested it on WOE but there's still no joy. Very frustrating stuff
  18. img00005.jpg

  19. Ohh..... , I didn't know that! So that's why I've been experimenting with the F-105 for the past hour and a half and hitting brick walls (heh,heh!). Oh well, better to have tried and lost, etc, etc. I think this is an interesting subject though. It might even give me the motivation to jump into the unknown world of aircraft design....
  20. Thanks bud. Will do. Keep an eye out here for my results in a while (if I have any!)
  21. A thought has just occured to me in the last few seconds. Does anybody know where I can find a different chute model apart from the 'orange and white' model on the Su-15? It's be nice to have a different chute model to work with if I'm going to try it on other models
  22. Just tried it out again with your instructions. Works perfectly. What I might do now is take a look at the Su-15_DATA.ini file and see if or what I can do to apply those to other aircraft. I hate being beaten on anything like this :angry2:
  23. Thanks for the info bud. Will try it out ASAP. Do you think if I made some changes to the F-105 and F-4 I coud do the same?
  24. I've been trying to create a bit of variety in my gun sounds, of which the default sounds are a bit limp to say the least. Lately I went nosing in the new Falklands War mod sound files and found a whole Aladdin's cave of .wav sounds for the Soviet NR-30, Gsh-23/301, 20mm Mk13 for the A-4 Skyhawk; the list goes on.... So here I am rubbing my paws at the thought of a more interesting sound scheme in my dogfights (think of Homer Simpson: Mmmmmmmm....gun sooouuunds! ) and I get to work on my Gun Editor: I open the Gun Editor, select the GunData.ini file and open it. I then select the gun type I want to edit and typr in the .wav sound I want for that gun. I then save my changes in the Gun Editor and start up the game, when to my surprise, there's no sound at all! Forgive me for the biographical explanation, but I just wanted to record the steps I took for everyone to see just in case I did something wrong. If not, can somebody help me out on this?
  25. Hi all. Does anyone have any skins to match the F-4's Euro skins? I've spent the past couple of hours configuring all my USAF F-4 models on all the platforms into separate categories in the Ojects/Aircraft folder, making all the separate skins into separate folders, for example: F-4D_Euro, F-4C_Tan, F-4E_Grey, etc. I've decided for the time being to use the tan and green wing tank skins for all the Euro skins but it doesn't look the same (I'm a bit of a stickler for detail). I didn't think it would take too long but realised that I's have to make the same changes to all the platforms and all the campaigns within the platforms. It also gives me a chance to assign certain coloured tanks to cetain skins without affecting other skins. Now I don't have to worry about moder grey skinned USAF F-4s with SEA coloured tanks. When you look at it this way it's worth the effort, believe me. I just thought it'd be nice to have a little conformity within the skins so I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

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