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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Great stuff my friend. I'm always up for some sound experimentation. Do you have any sneak previews?
  2. After a little bit of work I thought I'd complete the picture with Doghouse's F-4ES Super Phantom by putting the FA-18's F-404 engines and engine specs on the model. Doghouse: I hope you see this. I'm sure you'd approve
  3. Sounds interesting. Does this refer to aircraft contrails or missile contrails, or both? It'd be nice to have some long snaking smoke trails from SAMs and AAMs
  4. Fantastic stuff my friend. As quick and easy as French toast but ten times more enjoyable . Great for someone who enjoys as realistic an air combat environment as I do.... 10/10. All thats missing is the PC/laptop shaking from the near miss . Just out of curiosity; does this mod apply only to SAMs or do I have to make similar changes to apply the same changes to near misses from air to air missiles?
  5. Hi again guys. Just back from alittle experimentation. I totally forgot that I still have my original Flight folder in the main directory which I renamed 'Flight_Default', after I downloaded the fabulous environmental mod recently. It turns out that I was amending the soundlist.ini in that original folder, which the game has been told to ignore. Anyway, thanks again guys for all your help. It's good to know that it's only a click away
  6. Done and dusted. No problems there. I never knew before that the soundlist.ini had to be amended every time I added a sound file to the sounds folder. Until recently I used to just whack the .wav file in and then amend the aircraft data file/gundata file without any hiccups
  7. Tried and tested it my friend. No luck I'm afraid. The soundlist is supposed to be in the Flight folder isn't it? I needed to ask that just in case it's supposed to be somewhere else.
  8. I've been scratching my head in regard to a rather irritating problem I've encountered. Hopefully somebody out there can point me in the right direction... Yesterday I added a carrier to my SFG campaigns by instruction from Dave's 'How To Add A Carrier To SFG/WOE' file in the knowledge base contained on this site. Everything was perfect. Take off was smooth as silk - the mission went according to plan - until my return to base, when lo and behold, yes you've guessed it, the carrier had vanished and was nowhere to be seen in any direction. I double checked all changes and entries and even referred back to the knowledge base and double checked everything step-by-step. It's now gone past 11:45pm here in Ireland and I'm way overdue some shut-eye, so I thought I'd post this in the hope that somebody might have a solution or maybe this has been a common hiccup to this upgrade. Suggestions anyone? Thanks in advance.....
  9. File Name: F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade File Submitter: Ultramax File Submitted: 17 Jul 2008 File Category: Jet Cockpits F-4E Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0 by Ultramax This is my first serious attempt at 'cockpit conversion', so please be gentle guys! It was originally inspired by Doghouse's brilliant F-4ES 'Super Phantom II' upgrade and I thought to myself that the picture would be completed with a snazzy new cockpit to make the most of the Phantom's newfound versatility. Although I haven't tested it on them, I'm sure it would also make a brilliant addition to the F-4F ICE and Kurness 2000 upgrades. Contents: Cockpit: Hi-Res cockpit by sundowner RWR Display: Radar & TV display files by Wingwiner Avionics and HUD display files originated from the Mirage Factory F-15A PS: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please let me know. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on the forum and I'll be sure to respond ASAP. Installation: Just place all the files into your aircraft ini file and place these entries in the appropriate sections: CockpitDataFile=F-4ES_cockpit.ini AvionicsDataFilename=F-4ES_AVIONICS.INI BTW, don't forget to change 'avionics60' to 'avionics70' - otherwise it won't work! HAPPY HI-TECH FLYING!! Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: F-4ES Phantom Cockpit & HUD Upgrade File Submitter: Ultramax File Submitted: 17 Jul 2008 File Category: Jet Cockpits F-4E Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0 by Ultramax This is my first serious attempt at 'cockpit conversion', so please be gentle guys! It was originally inspired by Doghouse's brilliant F-4ES 'Super Phantom II' upgrade and I thought to myself that the picture would be completed with a snazzy new cockpit to make the most of the Phantom's newfound versatility. Although I haven't tested it on them, I'm sure it would also make a brilliant addition to the F-4F ICE and Kurness 2000 upgrades. Contents: Cockpit: Hi-Res cockpit by sundowner RWR Display: Radar & TV display files by Wingwiner Avionics and HUD display files originated from the Mirage Factory F-15A PS: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please let me know. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on the forum and I'll be sure to respond ASAP. Installation: Just place all the files into your aircraft ini file and place these entries in the appropriate sections: CockpitDataFile=F-4ES_cockpit.ini AvionicsDataFilename=F-4ES_AVIONICS.INI BTW, don't forget to change 'avionics60' to 'avionics70' - otherwise it won't work! HAPPY HI-TECH FLYING!! Click here to download this file
  11. Does anybody know if there's an RF-4C model floating about somewhere?
  12. RF-4C

    Thanks for the scoop, bud. I've been looking for something to replace my U-2As in WOE'S Red Lightning 1979 campaign
  13. Right, here's the situation..... I have the exact same sound, graphics and gameplay settings on both WOE, WOV and SFG. All games are up to date. I play SFG and I have my cockpit windloop sound effect. But wait for it, yes, you've guessed it; I play WOE and it's absent. For those (like me) who like their in-flight experience to be as realistic as possible, this is both very strange and annoying. Anybody know what the problem might be?
  14. A thought's just occured to me. Is there an .ini folder somewhere where you can specify the default wind sound for all aircraft? I've been through all my aircraft folders and everything seems to be where it should be
  15. All these have been changed to 'windloop2' which I downloaded from some previous soundpack. I've already changed all the above mentioned DATA.INI files to point to that .wav file when I downloaded WOE a couple of months ago. I just find it strange that it won't work in WOE while working in SFG. It really gives an atmosphere to my 'working environment' while flying.
  16. This sounds great; but what's a CCIP? :blush2:
  17. Thank You MK2

    !!Three terabytes of cheers to you!! THis site has become an almost necessary daily occurance for me, like brushing your teeth or having a shower. Never before have I come across such a great site, offering a wealth of add-ons for such great games and, when needed, a wealth of information from helpful, like minded flight sim freaks all across the world. On behalf of all my fellow 'C.A.-holics', I salute you....
  18. Forgive me for sounding a little bit 'doh-doh' , but can anyone give me instructions on how to use the weapons and gun editors? What folder directory should the .exe icons be in? I have them in their own folder in the main directory, which is where they were installed to, but when I click any of the icons nothing happens. I just downloaded the long awaited R-13R files but can't install them properly without the Weapons editor. Any help much is appreciated
  19. Works fine now. Thanks for your help bud
  20. All my campaign timelines have been edited; Quick Sand starts in December 1968, Rattlesnake starts in 1976 and Desert Thunder in 1986. I always thought the campaign start dates were a little too close together and didn't span enough of the ultimate jet period timeline. I'm currently playing 'Quick Sand' where I'm limited to a 2 aircraft formation. Maybe it's just a case of a simple .ini tweak but I'm not sure where to start since I followed the instructions to the letter and don't want to screw things up

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